CNN's Michael Smerconish speaks with author and professor Jeffrey Rosen about the role Chief Justice John Roberts may play in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. #CNN #News
How Justice Roberts may impact the impeachment trial

CNN's Michael Smerconish speaks with author and professor Jeffrey Rosen about the role Chief Justice John Roberts may play in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. #CNN #News
Trump is counting on the corruption of the Senate Republicans to enable his corruption just like Nixon did. How did that work out for Nixon
You’ve been hosed. Nobody cares
@Jeff alley nobody cares about you… go get some love, & attention you’re a lame
Interesting times. Let’s see how far our elected officials can go in terms of removing the infestation from office. The orange grifter needs some jail time along with the rest of his goons.
@Chris Lee look
@Coffee Jesus is a pedophile
@Chris Lee is a pedophile
@bill Murray hahahaha hahahaha
good one.
trump doesn’t like Roberts and hate’s the 9th circuit….Roberts has shown spine in the past dealing with trump…this outta be good! The damage that Trump has done, is doing, and will do to our democracy if he isn’t stopped is the biggest threat to the nation. The fires are only effecting California, Trump’s crooked presidency effects the US as a whole, and the entire world. We need to focus on the impeachment inquiry, and get him removed from office as quickly as possible. you have to be brain damaged to think Roberts embarrassed himself…your comment sounds like you like to prop up dictators…Roberts job is not to favor partisan politics and trump was frustrated because he doesn’t have Roberts 9th circuit in his back pocket…see here in America we like having justices that do not favor’s called checks and balances….we don’t want the kind of government you guy’s practice out east fawning over dictators.
Removal from office is not the only punishment that the constitution specifies in an impeachment trial in the senate!The other possible punishment is: “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States”!If this option is pursued,A SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE IS REQUIRED (50% of senate)!a ‘disqualification’ vote WOULD PREVENT TRUMP FROM RUNNING AGAIN and prevent Pence from taking Trump’s place.
The 9th circuit is corrupt and partisan, these judges have a special place in hell.
That’s interesting, the point about needing a simple majority to disqualify re-election. Certainly doable unlike 2/3 for removal.
Removal from office is not the only punishment that the constitution specifies in an impeachment trial in the senate!The other possible punishment is: “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States”!If this option is pursued,A SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE IS REQUIRED (50% of senate)!a ‘disqualification’ vote WOULD PREVENT TRUMP FROM RUNNING AGAIN and prevent Pence from taking Trump’s place.
@Eric Le Bert But can McConnell refuse to put it to the vote? Who decides whether the option is pursued?
Yes, very interesting indeed. This might be the fig leaf some vulnerable Republican Senators up for re-election will go for.
This impeachment trial is a catch 22 for some senators. Damned if they do vote for the Presidents removal, damned if they don’t by their voters. It will be interesting to see hiw this plays out. Their is a growing sentiment that the Senate may flip because of this trial.
@Lorric Logging They would only require less than a handful of Republicans to cross over and I suspect it’s far more palatable to the electorate.
Keith Smith I don’t think so. In Donald Trump republican or conservative voters have someone that will stand up without compromise which has been missing from their representation. That being said it would be hard to see them turn against him when they feel that the left has gone far to the extreme and they’ve remained the same.
“… Two thirds of the members present”. I wonder how many republicans will skip the voting day.
@Tenly2009 You talk about my ignorance! Do you even know who John Huber is?! Do you know what he is investigating? Do you know why he hired a team of OVER 400 lawyers for this investigation?! Do you know what you wanted to put into office, in Hillary Clinton?!?! Why do you think The Clinton foundation was so involved in Haiti?! Know who else was very involved in Haiti?! Adam Schiff!!!! Hmmmmm. Talk about my ignorance! YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS COMING!!!!! Do you even know what was found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop????
Blow your tiny, little pedophile mind yet?! Yes, that picture is real! Look it up! Ask yourself why you haven’t heard of that before?!?!?! Donald Trump has put more pedophiles behind bars than any other President before him! THAT IS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT!!!
@FACEMAN “You liberal pigs are disgusting…” huh, trump could have said that. You have been indoctrinated. Congratulations on losing independent thought. Since you never vetted trump, nor questioned anything that he has done, ever, and have not read the Mueller report, your opinion, and you rhetoric, are worse less than nothing. You are not even just misinformed. You are disinformed, and disinterested in reality or truth, which has been the case, since you did NOT fact check the Birther Lie, (because it was conveniently racist?) all the way up through your chanting “Lock Her Up;” (not calling for due process, just brainlessly chanting at the Pavlovian Bell of accusation) you have divorced from actual reality, and live in trump’s fantasy world. You do not live an evidence based existence.
@Edward MacLennan Hahaha ok, you fucking robot! Beep beep boop, pavlovian copy paste birther beep beep. Lol!!!
At the end, Michael fails to press the guest on whether, even if they Senate fails to vote for removal, they could still vote to disqualify Trump from running for a second term.
Impossible Visits….impeachment and or removal is dead on arrival once it hits the senate floor buddy. He will still win reelection, his voters hold the electoral college majority.
Time to buy stock in
This shitshow is gonna be epic, historical television viewing!!
@JBE MultimediaThe republicans and right wing are not any good at cross examination, the right wing and republicans can only DEFLECT and the left allows them to get away with it, INSTEAD of keep saying answer the question, the MEDIA follow the republicans down the DEFLECT rabbit hole.
@JBE Multimedia The Republicans never did any cross examining, they only spread conspiracy theories. And the Russian/trump narrative did not collapse. It is still just as strong as ever, and will be part and parcel for the trial. What did happen, is the AG sold us down the river. trump has no shortage of crooked, corrupt, and compromised (probably by Russian acquired, Epstein pedophilia based, Kompromat — Barr’s father was who got Epstein started, trump had more than one “party” with a bunch of women and even with underage girls) toadies who will circumvent any law and obstruct justice at all costs, even when there is a very big conflict of interest, (like being mentioned in the Ukraine phone call, for example, and not recusing), but al of this coming to light on TV is going to be pretty damning. Read the Mueller report if you have not, and realize that a lot more of the stuff we were not allowed to see, will also come to light.
@Orphan Annie, You are right that Nixon stole the the election and prolonged the war in Vietnam at the cost of many lives. He did indeed lie thru his teeth but not pathologically every single day. I say he was a patriot because he didn’t conspire with hostile foreign powers for his personal & political benefit. He did things for the good of the country in terms of trade, protecting the environment & national lands. He didn’t alienate our allies. In the end he did respect the Constitution because although he too hated he press and tried to punish his ‘enemies’ by corruptly using the IRS, I don’t remember he called them the enemy of the people. Most importantly he respected the courts, turned over documents & tapes after exhausting the appeals process. He respected the Congress’ co-equal power & resigned. As for Pat Nixon, it was reported she was alcoholic but never that she was physically abused by Nixon & hospitalised. You’re right Nixon was a crook, he cheated on his taxes but not like the Trump family. That Nixon was pardoned by Ford was a big mistake and paved the way for Trump and emboldened characters like Roger Ailes & Roger Stone who participated in both administrations. I also don’t recall that he was mobbed up unlike Trump. Please point me to reporting & I’ll stand corrected. Thanks.
Can’t impeach a Stable Genius right John
Removal from office is not the only punishment that the constitution specifies in an impeachment trial in the senate!The other possible punishment is: “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States”!If this option is pursued,A SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE IS REQUIRED (50% of senate)!a ‘disqualification’ vote WOULD PREVENT TRUMP FROM RUNNING AGAIN and prevent Pence from taking Trump’s place.
I’d have to question the stability of a person who considers this Narcissist in Chief stable
Much less a genius.
@intellact12 intellact12

Wait – I thought if he was convicted and removed, he automatically could not run again – but if they did not convict then there was a possibility he could be disqualified from office by a simple majority?
@news now hampton roads First – don’t call me sweetheart.
Second. Impeachment is done by the House. You’re talking about the Senate, which may or may not hold a trial AFTER he is impeached..
@Carolyn Talbot When things go public, I expect that fewer and fewer people will fall for his BS.
Did you see that already he was booed at both the Nationals game and in NYC at Madison Square Garden? 
@news now hampton roads Hahahahahahahaha
@AnonymousHaha! Yes I did, and both events should send chills down the spine of everyone in his failing, chaotic administration.
@news now hampton roads LMAO
Dream on Comrade

$1000 says Trump labels Roberts a “Never Trumper!”.
Joe Blow : You sound very, “hurt,” and, “emotional,” son. Do you know how effeminate Trump Trolls look to us Normals? Man up, son?
Ross Rain : We LOVE your desperation, kid. Get a life, why don’t you
Sorry. It’s a 1000 to One On.
You should increase your bid dude
Barr has a key position to shield the traitors from going to jail when they refuse to testify. Barr has to be impeached first. Why can’t anyone see that. Corrupt America lets its justice getting corrupted by corrupt politicians like Dump. Blanbbering about democracy they don’t have and having hopelessly outdated stupid laws. What a dump. Dump is president of the united dump. Although united is laughable.
You and your ugly kids are called Dump, not the POTUS. Butt hurt for what? Not many chances of freeloading these days?
@Miasam Here is some entertainment for your sick little brain
Make pencil neck testify under iath
@Miasam Again another reason to impeach. the orange idiot Dump has asked the Uk to smear the Mueller report hahahaha So innocent blocking all the people to testify his innocence You’re a dead brain walking
Hope Justice John Roberts can keep Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Graham in line during the Impeachment trial.
Lorraine West those quotes are verified quotes from Hitler and Mussolini, no propaganda.
@Jacob D you are wrong sir! this is covered under Article 3 of the Constitution of the United States, i suggest you read it!
@irongoatrocky you are wrong. The Court has no role in impeachment and the Senate shall have “sole Power to try Impeachments” and the Chief Justice only presides over the Senate when the President is the subject of the impeachment because the Vice President is the presiding officer of the Senate and has a conflict of interest since they would replace the President if they are impeached and may not be counted on to execute the Rules of the Senate which the Senate decides. All the chief justice is there to do is to chair the Senate while it tries the President but it is the Senate who still decides what it’s rules are and not the Chief Justice who can be arrested by the Sergeant At Arms if they refuse to execute the will of the Senate whwn the Senate has spoken. This is true of the Vice President or any senator who serves as President pro tempere of their House. It is still the Senate who decides. Try to read the Constitution sometime and ask Nancy Pelosi and House Drmocrats to join your study session.
@Lorraine West AOC isn’t and she’s an antisemite like I wrote. That you would invoke Bernie Sanders being Jewish though is bigoted.
Trump gonna call him ‘Overrated Judge’
William Limarjo : Notice how CNN won’t give news coverage about a law the Democrats are trying to get passed. HR 1111 Turns Over Or Gives America Away To The United Nations. The Bill Completely Destroys The CONSTITUTION. Democrats are traitors and need removed
@Lotta Sunshine No Rex called him dumb as a rock
@William Limarjo 7
The GOP will try to introduce “new procedures” to try and RIGG the trial !! GUARANTEED !!!
Well that’s the thing trump Believes his lies Been telling lies his whole life , Every thing his says are lies .to trump he is right never wrong.
Maybe Roberts can keep the trial from turning into a circus show.
He’s the only thing keeping the court from becoming a kangaroo court. Roberts must maintain the integrity of the court since the Republicans have none. Sickening. Trump should be removed.
I expect Chief Justice Roberts will protect the Judicial institution. He’s always seem to me as a Hard core institutionalist.
Drain the cesspool
Elect Integrity
Bernie 2020
” of the members present ” should be the concerning part. So everyone goes home except three people and two decide, I wouldn’t try that congress