On the 48th anniversary of the day Joe Biden lost his first wife and one-year-old daughter in a tragic car accident, NBC News' Mike Memoli looks at how Biden's life has been shaped by tragedy and politics. Aired on 12/18/2020.
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#JoeBiden #Tragedy #MSNBC
How Joe Biden's Life Has Been Shaped By Tragedy And Politics | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Here is an idea for a “GREAT RESET” lets purge our government of any that directly or indirectly as in family members that have financial
ties to a foreign government, business or individual. We will have to replace many elected officials but, what the hay they were not
representing the US anyway.
@emergencyCALL911 Especially when they are trying to undermine the USA…..
@digit La’number Yes, everyone and their mother is trying to undermine the USA according to some people. We can disapprove of specific behaviour without condemning entire groups. But when somebody wants to “purge” everyone with a family member that has done business with a foreigner, that’s xenophobia, plain and simple. I’m a translator. I do business with foreigners all the time. I guess in your view everyone I’m related to should be disqualified from running for office. Heck, my father is a South African who did business in China for a Zimbabwean (then Rhodesian) company, so I guess my whole family is doubly disqualified. And we haven’t even taken my missionary grandparents into account yet.
@emergencyCALL911 You did read in our “Government” I don’t want you fall off your soap box but, that is how we get corruption. Example lets take Bidens son, not qualified for several different positions yet very well paid….. Now stick with me here….. The only reason he received that compensation is because he was selling access to his DAD…. Dad would then make or change USA policy to benefit the payee….. Follow it yet or no?
@digit La’number You and the internet (with Trump’s help) have constructed a hypothetical situation that you’ve convinced yourselves to be fact, yes I follow it.
And what do you think we get by electing someone whose sole motivation for being president is the pursuit of narcissistic supply?
Well, for starters, a bunch of people who’ve been so taken in by his warped sense of reality that they believe in hypothetical constructs like massive voter fraud and nefarious activities undertaken by his opponents as though they were proven facts, apparently.
You can imagine any scenario you want, but simply because you can imagine something to have happened, doesn’t mean it did happen.
@emergencyCALL911 Something a lot like this – You must not like, An American President looking out for the Country he was elected to represent or trying to re-do lousy trade deals that ruined lives or stop the flood of illegal immigrants into the Country or Promoting freedom with our own energy or re-vamping the Department of Veteran affairs so they can treated well or the” right to try” new potentially life saving medicines or going after Big Pharma and forcing them to give Americans way better pricing on needed medications or the best Job market that I have seen in my lifetime perhaps you didn’t like him keeping the promise of several other Presidents to Israel of recognizing Jerusalem as their capital, perhaps it was the funding of Black Colleges that made you sour……. Theirs a lot more of good that he has done…. Understand that I didn’t say he wasn’t Narcissistic but, without a doubt the Best President that we have had in a long, long time.
…and think of what Trump’s sister says about him, telling
Trump is no prize.
@B. T. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/03/19/bidens_memory_isnt_the_only_problem_its_his_lies_142706.html
1:50 that’s when Biden had a conscience acknowledging a conflict of interest would make him back out of Senate.
And what do the Chinese loans cause his conscience to do?
I wonder if you would have the same consideration for all the fraud and political conflicts of interest and abuse of power that Trump and his organization committed during his presidency.
MSNBC just appointed themselves Joe’s official fluffers I guess.
Well Trump has Fox, OAN and Newsmax.
Shut the f*** up!!!
@mark knight No. LOL clown.
They certainly didn’t “just” do it…theyre an extension of the DNC
I hope all good things for this administration.
@Angela Uzdilla
Republicans wasn’t out burning, looting and destroying cities. That was Biden supporters. Liberals HATE America.
@Steve Michael …. go look at the arrest reports … do some research … yes the republicans did, they were tRump supporters that were arrested for causing violence and burning
@Steve Michael … oh by the way, it’s funny that baby donnie stopped taking about the violence and then there was no more how interesting…. but I don’t hear you saying ANYTHING THAT WENT ON IN WASHINGTON DC, THE VIOLENCE AND ATTEMPTED MURDERS.
@Angela Uzdilla
Can you really be that stupid??? You believe anything liberal media tells you. It wasn’t Trump supporters rioting and causing chaos. It was Antifa and BLM. Same thing that happened in DC. Antifa was attacking Trump supporters peacefully protesting. How about you learn some facts. You liberals have ZERO common sense and are unable to think for yourselves.
trumps life shaped by nothing
Joe life shaped by touching little girls. I guess if i was traitor communist, pedophile loving, moron I’d vote for Beijing Biden too. If you support pedos in public I’d hate to see your hard drive. Bunch of sickos
@Murphy Itzyue Yeah well so is Dump him and Epstein raping a 13-year-old girl in ‘92!! Him telling 12-year-old girls that he’ll be dating them in a couple years!! He would date his daughter if… she wasn’t his daughter!! And my all-time favorite “grab them by the p*ssy”!!
No wonder when Joe Biden in his campaign addressed the nation saying “you know me and you know Donald”.
Why would the Pentagon halt briefings of US Intelligence to beijing biden and the CCP? L-Mao! Stick a fork in the demoKKKrat, pull it out of him and then shoot him in the head. Its what my former Homeland would do. God Bless All Patriots and everyone you love. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Fight!
@Average Joe Who Definitely Not From China Where is Trump? He is missing amid the biggest security breach and the pandemic. A traitor who cannot stand up to Putin.
@Trump is the Swamp! Your degree from the university of msm is really working hard for you, to bad it will never get you a job
Why can’t it be Mornings With Mika and Joe. Mika puts in a lot and Mika I really like you. Excellent presentations with dignity and respect.
Yeah for the brainwashed masses that can’t think for themselves. I hate people like you.
Plus, her botox and face lifts almost makes Biden look normal.
Democrats support BLM LGBTQ and defunding the police *FACT
One can’t appreciate happiness till they experience misery.
@CD OMG that’s SOOOO true!! Last year it was “ANYONE But Bernie!” but now it’s “ANYONE” We LOOOVE you General Joe Biden!!!

@OMG I LOOOVE President-elect Biden!! I’m sorry, you must have been in a smaller party and went unnoticed by the likes of “Anyone but Trump” people like us. We look at anti Bernie crowd as if they’re Trumpers in disguise which is probably why you got ignored. my apologies. Maybe next time you come clean
@CD LOLOL you obviously missed the entire Dem primary season!!

@OMG I LOOOVE President-elect Biden!! You missed your sheep’s clothing just in case you run into a bear
@CD So happy 2 hear you didn’t vote Trump a 2nd time.. Thank u!

Haha haters on here trying to mess up the mood
Love the Sinner. Hate the Sin. How come so many hate President Trump? How come so many hate Old Joe Biden? Because President Trump is a blessing to our nation. Old Joe is a liability.
Joe biden is compromised by china and we known it. Why else would the media bury the stories exposing joe.
He moved on from that time…
What is even more odd, is the number of comments being added in the last few minutes dropped by a factor of 20. It is as if it was taken out of the recommended feed, or whatever they wish to call it.
Another crazy with a suspicious mind.
4:20 i like the way trump is standing in the background
It looks like he’s trying to covertly whisper lies to the crowd
To have so many Americans loath Joe Biden so much is indicative of how twisted and hateful our nation is becoming. I hope for a kinder better nation to come. MAKA…Make America Kind Again
Well… it’s like this. Hillary was guilty of Russian Collusion and it was distracted. Old Joe is guilty of taking Bribes and money laundering and it was distracted. Don’t pee on my leg and tell me its raining. I prefer the truth to platitudes!
Joe biden only exists to screw things up and make money off peoples suffering. You say america is hateful when only democrats are the hateful ones.
@emergencyCALL911 you’ve not even bothered to look at the evidence of voting machines clearly switching votes, missing memory sticks, dead people voting, people voting multiple times, etc. No amount of evidence will convince you because you are a tribalist who does not care about the truth.
@emergencyCALL911 joe biden fools only the stupid and uninformed. He will sell us out to china to profit himself like he did as VP flying his son on airforce two to china to broker an equity deal and fire a ukrainian prosecutor who knows biden is corrupt.
It’s amazing he’s still alive after getting into an accident like that
He wasn’t in this accident.
I am so happy our country is being led by compassion, empathy, and,yes, strategic thinking again. An administration for all Americans, not just for monetary personal gain.
Thanks, Uncle Joe and cousin Kamala.
Feeling feeling emotions feeling emotions. Any substance to back up your feelings?
It’s all about emotion and feelings…
That’s how leftists operate
@Benjamin Berlinsky Yup pretty much.
@Benjamin Berlinsky a lot more preferable to Trump fascism even if that was the case, which it’s not
oops, here’s the whole Aeschylus quote: “Even in our sleep pain which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, until in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”
I love how the thumbnail is Joe surrounded by black people to make him look like he loves black people