Small Business Minister Mary Ng discusses the changes to some of Canada's COVID-19 business supports such as the rent and wage subsidy.
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She has written in the Toronto Star that Canadians bear an “insidious and underlying current of racism”.[
Does anyone find it funny when males adopt the girlfriends political views???
@DeadNorth 86 I don’t know about funny but it sure is sickening
junker jones yup .. but it’s really just women. Without them the few lib men wouldn’t be able to elect a ham sammich
DeadNorth 86 I find it sad
I didn’t before but I sure do now, sooner we disintegrate the better.
how much did Wei Wei get?
I just came to see Wether the lady in the thumb was crying hard or laughing hard
@Ms. lynx Me too.
same hahahahah
Me too

That host is a “handsome” woman……
tams brother
Seems like a very economic political virus to me.
@Slows i dont know a single person who has died in the holocough
@Slows yet most hospitals are empty. I get the virus is real but there is major fuckery going on too.
@Bandit Keith I havent heard of anyone knowing anyone
@TheitaniofRome i dont even know anyone who has had it let alone died actually
Seems like a corrupt government and PM using and squeezing every once of leverage from this as possible to deflect attention from their 4 years of atrocious spending and criminal activity filtering money through the Trudeau foundation. Now any and everything can be blamed as a result of the pandemic. If this was not such a travesty it would be laughable
None of this will matter. The World Economic Forum is planning a *global reset.*
Welcome to 1929
@George Friesen I dont need help… I have worked 40 hours a week thorugh this entire pandemic. I work in our food supply chain aka essential work…
Not recession, just a dirty old depression
@Slows So you ARE getting help. What if you didn’t get that help?
de14jabs tell me how things with the COVID economic damage are compared to the Great Depression.
@Nikita Gloukhovtchenko care to elaborate on how recessions will be a thing of the past?
Yea its bad. My city is crumbling. So many businesses are going out of business. It is insane. Its going to look like a ghost town in no time.
And for something that has a 0.002% mortality rate. What a scheme.
That ok there more then 50 million ccp investors that are coming to Canada
@Jeff Williams Excellent, that will help raise the real estate prices into the stratosphere so that I cant afford a place to live.
Scamdemic for social conditioning and corporate consolidation.
Well said
Lies lies and ….well more lies
What really helps business, is being free to conduct business however they want. Down with big brother and walmartesque box joints. Were all paying for the bailout, when only those who can afford to lose are the only recipients of the handouts. Hell, if any commenter kn here was given 500 million to start an electric car company, I’m sure we could have had a great business venture

her maple leaf is upside down

I clicked because seeing the thumbnail had me thinking that the lady looked like she was about to cry.
Anyone who Vulnerable to the virus stay home.. I’m not sooo why am I losing my job, and forced to isolation.
The only “waves” we have are the ones made by these scamdemic hypocriticians.
I am a self-employed for over 20 years…you know how much support I got…ZERO!!!
Me: hey doctor when this disease will be ended?
Doctor: I don’t know I’m not politician
Why are we listening to some health professionals and jot others. There are virologists and epidemiologist who do not agree with this Gates funded virus. They are just as educated and in some cases more educated in viruses yes they are being censored.
They say hard hit businesses like it wasn’t the actual government that shut them down.
Don’t ask me- ask Master Noseworthy
i vote where He tells me.