How ‘Fems For Dems’ Are Energizing Michigan Women | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Michigan is one of the states holding a primary on Tuesday, and NBC News' Heidi Przybyla travels to the state to speak with the 'Fems for Dems' group. Aired on 03/09/20.
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How 'Fems For Dems' Are Energizing Michigan Women | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. “Fems For Dems” — I love it.
    If this happens across the country, this will be a very bad year for Republicans.

    1. Craig Dillon
      It must be great being Democrat right now. With this Coronavirus thing ! How fortunate.

    1. @Dave Schultz please don’t cough it up use adorall as prescribed by your DRUG addicted President and sniff it out.

  2. Elections are important in a Constitutional Republic… That’s what the United States of America is! Women play a huge role in that process!

    @scoldsore On Twitter
    Current Location : Miami, FL – Earth

  3. “Signs point to an imminent recession … By the time the market closes, we could be waving goodbye to the bull market investors have enjoyed for more than a decade. I think that that’s certainly a realistic thing.”  
    — Jim Cramer, March 9, 2020

    1. @Dave Waldon right on but…lack of medical coverage will, and your elderly parents, grandparents. You are now the SANDWICH generation on STEROIDS

    2. Well, Trump did dismantle the departments to prevent global pandemics… He had to pay for the tax cuts for the rich.

  4. Ever notice fems issues always come at the worst time? It’s like they plan to launch their platform that will do the most damage to their platform.

  5. I already voted for a woman POTUS – 4 years ago (after voting Bernie in the Primary.) Was gonna vote for Warren this time. And I’m a 65+ white, rural, male. Empowered? You’re scared! “Safe” and “comfortable” didn’t get women the right to vote – or civil rights laws passed.

    1. @Doc Moto You are correct but that raises a question as to whether those “spin happy reporters” were flat out lying to us, or, if they desperately believed what they were reporting. in other words, they could have been truthful in their own minds but not factual.

    1. Amanda Kalchick: President Trump can’t even when professionals CORRECT HIM, “Godsh bleshshsh amerisha” and the “oranges of the Mueller investigation” read the Mueller report and see whether you think BARR bastardized the report to Trumps favour. Trump Jr too stupid and Trump protected by “Not indicating a standing president” even if he is mentally unstable, a pathological LIAR sociopath suffering (actually all Americans) from what his father had Alzheimer’s keeps repeating generations.

  6. Next time hopefully the women running for president will run on policy not their identity

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