Former President Donald Trump declared the 2020 election fraudulent before he even officially lost, but how long will this accusation hold the Republican Party captive? In the latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why his Party continues to be mesmerized by the “Big Lie” that the 2020 race was stolen, despite countless facts suggesting otherwise.
Texas is the latest frontier in the voting rights fight
After drastic changes made behind closed doors, and an overnight debate, Texas Senate approves voting bill
William Barr says there is no evidence of widespread fraud in presidential election
Former acting defense secretary to say he worried about appearance of 'military coup' at US Capitol on January 6
Trump and his allies filed more than 40 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. All of them failed.
The Supreme Court was *never* going to hand the election to Donald Trump
Supreme Court rejects Texas' and Trump's bid to overturn election
Election Fraud in America
A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud
There have been just four documented cases of voter fraud in the 2016 election
Man Charged for Voting as Dead Mother for Trump in 3rd Case of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania
Fourteen states have enacted 22 new laws making it harder to vote
Despite Pandemic Challenges, 2020 Election Had Largest Increase in Voting Between Presidential Elections on Record
Could 2020 be the highest turnout election in a century?
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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Moira Donohue
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
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#CNN #Cillizza #Trump
Will Trump’s base ever believe there was no widespread voter fraud? – Chris
Your ratings suck without trump around. Thanks for keeping him alive.
@Wolfe 123 nah it’s just tough to find us when our peers get demonized. Why would they want to talk to you when you automatically have that hate in your heart?
I have friends that legitimately believe it was stolen and there is no amount of ‘proof’ that will convince them otherwise. Sorry to say the right wing media is not doing this country any favors.
@G Channel While the republikkkans and their crews actively molest the under age. People in glass houses and all that…
No they won’t.
It makes livid with rage and nausea that they would still obsess about this.
They are still clinging onto Trump’s Titanic looking for fool’s gold.
@B. T. Trump himself, was always a nothing burger
Here’s something else to nauseated you: 46 out of 47 countries in Europe require photo ID to vote, including Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, which Bernie Bros and Warren Gals love to hold you as models of governance they would like the U.S. to imitate.
Republicans chase empty conspiracies like my cat chases the shadows. Both never learn..
@Leroy Masten of course, it is ok! Unlike you, I do not slavishly summit myself to Jim “Trump” Jones!
@Luis Gonzalez glad your not the majority
@Leroy Masten definitely not! Otherwise, Trump would still be president.

@Leroy Masten how does it feel to know a non-white presidential candidate ran for office and UNLIKE Trump, the non-white man SERVED as president for TWO terms!

@Luis Gonzalez thats the difference i dont base my opinions on identity.
Plus we’ll NEVER forget 1/6.
@Pheno same as Democrats are marked as a facist group
@Chimalez cause doesnt justify crime
@Pheno blm threatened our way of government
@Leroy Masten so says you. I don’t agree. I don’t agree with them either but they’re not traiters just criminals.
@Pheno im not just saying, it actually happened been reported and discussed several times .plausible deniablity from Democrats they play dumb better than anyone i know
Republicans really want to create confrontation and disrespect
They want to create a corporate fascist state. The Big Money has always been anti-democratic. Big Money had a great deal with putting Hitler into power and the parallels today are remarkable. Democracy is too unpredictable.
That is why they support people like MGT and CRUZ even though most of them probably HATE their guts. Its part of the AGENDA…
Hitler: “The easiest way to control people is to tell a simple lie, and tell it over and over again.”
@Jon Erlandson
Take your meds.
Stay away from small children.
@Silkwood Art
*here is multitudes* of plurality… over and over and over again… oblivion… the same face… repeating itself… countlessly… 666… a hole mess of ’em…
@Silkwood Art
*gandering with garters* … likely will yield… returns…
GOP is reflecting what they do. They just can’t believe all of their dirty tricks failed in 2020 beginning with Louis DeJoy’s destruction of the USPS.
@Avery Fowler am i my brothers keeper?
@Pete Wilcox wuhan was a conspiracy theory once not anymore
@Leroy Masten I have thought since day 1, it was wuhan LAb that released it…Just IMO, not influenced by anyone other than my own personal assumptions on how it all began. I dont need to have my opinions fed to me by ANY news source, or ANY politician.
@Leroy Masten tell putin i need a job.. look.trump won biden cheated..see i can do stupidity too
@Reverend Suchkind I’m just going with mary happy go lucky clown parade at this point.
But traiter is in there somewhere I am sure.
GQP: Democrats want to keep talking about Jan 6 until the next election!!!
Also GQP: keeps talking about the nonsense lie that Drumpf won for about 200 times a day.
@Muddy Water All you’re saying is Trump’s legacy is in full swing.
@Seymour Butts Trump left Biden a recovering economy and Biden wrecked it by paying people to stay home.
@Muddy WaterThe first relief checks came when Trump was in office and he didn’t leave a recovering economy because so few of us were vaccinated at the time he left office.You don’t know what you’re talking about.
@Seymour Butts .. I see help wanted signs on every corner. Fact, if you pay people to stay home, they will.
@Muddy Water That money isn’t for the rest of their lives. Do you think people are getting rich off of those relief checks. lol Work is inevitable.
Truth: Biden won
Truth: Trump LOST
Another fact: Trump and his followers belong in the loony bin.
Real Blacks know the truth?

Black Trump supporters: You are the best president EVER. Thank you for inspiring us to leave the Democratic plantation!

Donald Trump: You are welcome, thank you for slavishly submitting yourself to me. BY THE WAY! DO NOT ASK ME TO RENT YOU AN APARTMENT, FOR THE REASON I WOULD NOT EVEN RENT A RAT INFESTED TRASHY APARTMENT TO YOUR KIND!
Watch “Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.” on YouTube facts on camera
Bill Moore, and Biden is STILL the “President of the United States.” Imagine that!
@Belly Dancer Em Captain Obvious is my hero.
@Seymour Butts awesome <3
Kevin McCarthy in a letter to Mitch McConnell: “Voters are the problem, less voters is the solution.”
“When conservatives become convinced they cannot win elections, they will not abandon conservatism, they will reject democracy.”
Conservatives are very convinced they cannot win elections.
@Pimp Juice He didn’t lose the states the next morning. That’s a lie.
@Seymour Butts video in Georgia. The ballots were taken from under a table and ran 3 times…3 times at 3am. The audit is coming as always I will be correct! You’re stupid
@Brian Jones Trump won 2016 by about 12% in the electoral college and lost the popular vote by 2.1%. Biden won the 2020 EC by a similar rate and won the popular vote by 4.4%. Neither of those is a landslide.
@Pimp JuiceThat’s not what happened. You’re as gullible as they come.
@Brian Jones LOL You are 9. Come back with your beans drop.
When you got “nothing” , you have nothing else…
The GOP today is like a cat chasing a laser. Every time he thinks he’s caught the dot, it moves away.
@Juan Fortharoad Man, your troll game is really weak. Don’t think your cut out for this.
@twistedyogert the Republican ability to deny the truth is only matched by their ability to have such massive egos that they think they’re right 24/7.
@Dennis W. Mueller many of those problems can be explained by the fact that the ex-President you worship let half a million Americans die, destroyed the economy just like all of his business failures, and incited so much violence it’s caused the greatest divide between the left and right wings since the 1980s.
@Chimalez He let them die LOL! Yes he created the virus.
There are intellectuals and there are pseudo intellectuals. The latter like yourself kind of make it their job to alert everyone about the things that are happening all around. Rarely do they anything worth listening to…for a few seconds. Mostly, they just act smart.
Can they at least talk about how the majority of the nearly nonexistent fraud was on the Right and voters voting for Trump?
@Leroy Masten I’ve accepted Trump. I don’t like that he won in 2016, and I still believe the Russians were involved (plus there’s quite a bit of proof coming out now), but I didn’t go to the Capitol building in 2016 and try to attack the President, either. Both sides have to deal with a big loss when the other party wins, but Trump supporters are taking this way too far.
@Demetria Karnavas “Trump was yelling voter fraud before the first vote was counted”
god that’s hilarious.
@Chimalez Trump was yelling voter fraud in advance of the 2016 election and voter fraud in advance of 2020. Trump’s a two-bit hustler and street-corner con artist, this is his latest hustle and you are nothing to him but a mark.
@Funkysalad This is so, so funny. This coming from a Qanon, child molesting, so called ‘christian’, so called ‘conservative right who throws their (and your money) to the top 1% but says anything that helps American citizens is too costly. And still you throw your income at them and think they care about you. You are triggered that you picked a side that the (and this is no exaggeration) whole world is laughing at. The only countries not laughing at you (because they are manipulating you) is Russia, China and North Korea. and you call the left communists. HAHA You need to go to school to learn the next main language of America, Russian, because you guys are opening the door to Putin. You are doing it with your eyes wide shut. You pretty, pretty princesses are amazingly funny.
@Demetria Karnavas no mate I’m a democrat lol
There’s probably been more bills aiming to combat cases of voted fraud than there have been actual cases of voter fraud.
pretty sure there are more than five voter suppression bills for each confirmed case of fraud
46 out of 47 countries in Europe require photo ID to vote, including Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, which Bernie Bros and Warren Gals love to hold you as models of governance they would like the U.S. to imitate.
The GOP has no issues that’ll actually help and advance our society they just want to hold onto their hate and fear mongering.
Black And Brown People Voted In Record Numbers 2020 To Rid Themselves From A Seriously Racist Heartless And Dangerous President. Now The Republicans Are Desperately Changing The Voting Laws To Make It More Difficult To Vote. Even Barbaric New Laws Of Being Arrested For Handing Out Food Or Water.
@Kevin Dwelle but you were suppressed remember which is it
Don’t forget… they also want to hold on to their blood money.
Remove “Electoral College” and winner is decided by numbers of vote. I dare u Reap-Public-Cons.
We should require that EVERYONE votes, then will “Never have a Republican elected again”!
We had a 93.52% voter turnout for one of our crazy referendums in Quebec. THAT is participation.
Do the republicans ever talk about all the invalid votes that Trump wanted included to count as legitimate votes lolz
“have I ever told u the definition of insanity?”