McDonald's sent franchise operators in the United States a detailed instruction manual outlining requirements for reopening dining rooms. CNN's Brian Todd looks at what will change for you.
#Covid-19 #CNN #News
McDonald's sent franchise operators in the United States a detailed instruction manual outlining requirements for reopening dining rooms. CNN's Brian Todd looks at what will change for you.
#Covid-19 #CNN #News
They took ALL Healthy options off their menu. Stay woke!
when tf did mcdonalds have “healthy options”
What healthy options did they have ?
When I think of healthy options…….McDonalds is on the top of my list of places to eat!
@HippiiChick They used to have token salads and apple slices so that the “average” nutrition met government standards but of course conservative governments have been dropping all regulations lately and the COVID crisis is an excuse to ditch anything that isn’t cooked yet handled by hand such as salads and sliced apples
Care for a suicide burger and an order of death fries ?
Yeah even the frying oil they use in the US is linked to cause neurological problems and some types of cancer.
Do you have the Trump Signature Covid Clorox Shakes?
Glad I already ate dinner some of these are pretty tempting
Only at half price will i risk my life lmao
Dining and McDonald’s shouldn’t even be in the same sentence
Here’s Joe Biden’s reaction to McDonald’s reopening
Finally, the news that matters.
IKR? Bahahahaha
It wont’ affect their serving nassy azz food..
These people need information like the news, now turn into a scam or what have you to remind them on what’s going on & how to properly continue to live in a safe open space environment. Does anyone expect them to remember? Probably not!
@The Realm Probably not.. the Americans’ memory span is shorter than that of a tapeworm.. I would say goldfish, but they can remember up to a year or more..
Eating MacDonald’s trash itself is a safety concern.
Yeah because it’s unhealthy but they get all their meat from Cargill who pumps their animals with all sorts of stuff so they don’t get sick and that’s why they never have salmonella outbreaks and stuff
McDonald’s bathrooms being cleaned every 30 minutes…yeah ok I’ll believe it when I see it lol
Should be cleaned after every use but like that gonna happen
For real
! Ain’t gonna happen
CNN is the McDonald’s bathroom of networks.
Are those bathrooms going to be inclusive for all 26 genders?
Joe Biden’s response to McDonald’s reopening
*Any parent that takes their kid to McDonalds shouldn’t have kids period*
@Doug Martin this post isn’t about Trump you dumb rat
@GrimJerr who cares this post isn’t about Trump take your dumb s elsewhere
When you or one of your love ones get sick and then you realize the rep/trump party gives two F about YOU IGNORANT TRUMPERS, HOLD YOUR OWN AND DONT CRY FOR OTHERS TO HAVE PITY FOR YOU………….DON’T BELIEVE ANYONE, YOUL FIND OUT SOON ENOUGH ……………………
@Kolin Mademe Colon you’re HOMOSEXUAL right?
In this episode of the twilight zone, McDonald’s is the gold standard for cleanliness
The thing is, it’ll probably will be for a few months before the public’s focus moves off to other issues.
Here’s Joe Biden’s response to it
McDonald’s employees having to instruct customers on following their new rules isn’t going to go well.
Agreed! Why should a less than minimum wage kid get shot by a MAGA?
@Anthony D
How does someone get paid less than the minimum wage?
There’s always drama in a McDonalds………these rules should add to the fun and provide endless videos for people to upload to Youtube.
Whitey McPrivileged : servers and bartenders are often paid $2.13/hour
The tables will be sanitizes after each use? That is disturbing that they were not doing that before that virus?
Exactly its disgusting.
@Armchairtourist Yeah, I don’t eat McDonald’s. I haven’t in years! My wife is a great cook. We have a deal for 25 yrs now. She cooks and I do everything else, YEA!
Bathroom cleaned every 30 mins. Lmao you don’t pay them enough for that so they ain’t gonna do it.
My dad overheard that and just started laughing
James Andrews me too. Ridiculous…
It won’t be long before they install UV-C lights in the washrooms and just program them to irradiate the room whenever it’s not occupied and perhaps at a lower “safe” level once every 30 minutes if occupied. It would just take a couple of sensors and an Arduino to do it.
I’ll pass. I don’t see why everyone has to feel like they gotta go out to eat all the time.
Especially now. This is the best excuse to eat healthily.
Never made since to me either. Most restaurants are overcrowded and too loud to have a conversation in. i never understood the appeal.
@HippiiChick What’s 2k20 coming to?
I always hard pass at eating McDonald’s YUCK!
Joe Biden’s reaction to McDonald’s
Who is concerned enough about eating at McDonalds that they need to make a news report on it
They should paid their employees at least $15 with robust benefits. And yes in all states and counties
Before screaming “$15 an hour”, look into what a McDonalds franchisee actually makes. McDonalds are not some cash cows that can afford $15/hr.
No, they should pay as little as possible and fire everyone who b!tc#es about pay.
@Lucius Kiirus you would have been the first one fired with all your bitching.

Raising minimum wage does not ensure a livable income unless you can guarantee the number of hours scheduled. If you want livable incomes for all, advocate for UBI and remove minimum wage. The UBI will give a floor income that’s hopefully livable and no minimum wage removed a barrier to employment in both the employers part and the employee’s.
24james thanks grammar nazi
Lol I can’t remember ever seeing McDonald’s Clean especially the bathroom
Low income locations don’t keep their roaches in the back with the food like the medium and high income locations
are the workers getting paid more? they have to do more.
So they still are working the same amount of hours . So if your cleaning or taking an order it don’t matter
Who cares how much work they do. McDonalds is where ya start out in life, not where ya end up. unless you Fvkced up.
This will last about a week at most humans are too conditioned..
then employees ain’t going to do that especially making minimum wage
“Who’s going to enforce this”
You don’t because that’s not possible
And you can’t prove they don’t. this is just a cya.
@Lucius Kiirus what?
As with everything else, it’ll be enforced for a few months till everyone forgets the COVID problem and if it is sustained, more automated processes will be adopted such as UV lights and motion sensors so unoccupied spaces and bathrooms gets irradiated. I’m surprised they don’t just do an UV light and motion sensor at current kiosks though quite frankly, the kiosks can be replaced with a mobile app.
@John Wang it’s not possible to enforce it and “the Covid problem” isn’t going to just go away but more power to you man, good luck
Who was seth rich?
He was murdered, move on.
So their plan is to make their minimum wage employees do more work, while expecting the American public to respect the rules patiently. Have they not been paying attention?
They must be. all the people care about is getting a cheap meal. We don’t give a fvkc about the employees.
I’ll bet that eventually they will just use automation. UV-C lights with motion sensors irradiated unoccupied tables, unoccupied bathrooms and stalls, and unused kiosks. They may even periodically irradiate at a lower level even when occupied so be prepared to wear sunscreen.