How Donald Trump broke politics

Whether President Donald Trump wins or loses a second term, Tuesday's election proved something beyond the shadow of a doubt: the way we poll, analyze and predict election outcomes is broken.

In his latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains how the traditional political forecasts didn't accurately measure Trump.


Biden’s Path to 270 Widens, Trump’s Path Narrows, as Texas Moves to Toss Up

New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digits

‘People Are Going To Be Shocked’: Return of the ‘Shy’ Trump Voter?

About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Allison Gordon
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
Video Editor: Steven Sevilla

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#CNN #News #Election


    1. I was interested in the pre-election national polls/data as a curiosity but I knew better to not trust that data ever. It’s very clear that the sample set for most political polling is not representative of the diverse groups existing within that population. There are some real challenges in getting that right.

    2. @R Mcdud The Republicans will hold the Senate. First time since 1884 that a Democrat President will enter office without control of both branches of government. Socialist policy from the House will die at the Senate. Unconstitutional Executive orders will die at the Supreme Court. It will be a lame duck presidency until 2022 to which the house will likely flip to Republican as it has done just about every time since 1940. No packing the courts, no statehood for DC or Puerto Rico, No naturalization of 20 Million illegal aliens. Dead in the water and now a changing base to witch Trump boosted Latino vote to 35% and Black vote to 17%(20% is all that’s needed to end Democrats winning the majority of elections). In my state he flipped 8 predominately Latino counties, including one that Hillary won by 79%. No more identity politics for you 🤣😂🤣😂 And all you idiots could focus on is Trump 🤣 And to top it off you had significant losses in the state legislative positions, in a redistricting year that will affect policies and elections for the next 10 years. It just gets better and better 😂😁

    1. Yes that Trump is an idiot…worth 2.5 to 3.5 billion and if he loses he will make millions doing speeches…like Obama!

    2. @Tim Ryan Get off it…Russia and Putin does not give a crap who the president is…Putin is a billionaire dictator but you have no clue about Russian history.

    1. @MrSlade Yeah no, I go against the grain, I have my OWN compass. I don’t need anyone telling me what’s right or wrong but if you’re that cruel to not care, America doesn’t need you, people like you, or Trump. GTFO of here.

    2. StarkRaving Ralph false …Trump exposed the corrupt democrat party who today broke the law and wouldn’t let vote watchers in the facility when the law states they are allowed…these are facts ..please watch the real news and get educated ..I don’t blame you it’s the democrats fault for Brain washing y’all lol I don’t understand why you all want America you get worse rather then prosper with Trump it just doesn’t make sense lol

    1. @Anthony S2K04 I watched your video, what are the post by dates on those ballets huh? If they are post marked for before or the day of Nov 3 then they are legal.

    2. @Jeebuz

      The point is ballots not accounted for before the media declares the WINNER. Is that obvious to you.
      What if the shoe was on the other foot. One has to realize it’s not party AFFILIATION but the honest of our system. Otherwise we are no different the HITLER’S REGIME. THINK ABOUT IT.

  1. Trump didn’t break politics, his enablers, the GOP in government, encouraged him by doing nothing.

    1. @Sina Bagheri Sarvestani they have the right to see the process and they are not allowing that they also had a court order to go in at arizona and still denied its very strange and odd.

    2. @Harold Moore
      Sounds and apparent you all feel your losing and the Democrat communist party corruption is evident and on the forefront of every American citizen. Get ready to crawl back under your dark rock for 50 or more years. Democrats should be ashamed. But for the good of our country, nation and world the minions of SATAN are exposed. Knowing your enemy gains advantage. Maybe you cant comprehend?

      See the FACT NEWS!!!!

  2. In Arizona the Trumpers are outside the processing center chanting, “Count those votes!”

    In Georgia the Trumpers were chanting, “Stop the count!”

    ¯_(ツ)_/¯ You can’t make this up.

    1. @Joseph Perez conspiracies? Biden confused his own father’s name, he couldn’t remember Obama’s name and shouted help during debates. I Hope the civil unrest make you smarter or wipe you out of existence, either way win win. Oh one more thing, I’ve noticed that democrats say America is a laughing stock for the world, yeah but not what you’re thinking. Good luck from Europe.

    2. Back in august USPS union worker endorsed Biden saying our survival depends on it….USPS loses 300 000 ballots and all return ballots have D or R on the envelope so they know who voted for who. Even if the election isn’t a fraud that should investigated….and it shows maturity from the right. If Trump loses he sues and fight for his voters where if Biden loses the left will riot and fight on behalf of their leader Biden. No one has been able to rebuttal this yet lol probably because I’m right and staying silent is a good move

    1. @Sebin Mathew more blacks voted for trump than any other republican in history. Your media in America is atrocious- need independent media as there’s a lot of brain washing and making out trump to be bad – all the same people own all the major media.

    2. Not for conservatives Americans.
      We pray for the truth to be brought in front of our eyes regardless. Lord hear our prayers.

    3. @sola scriptura You can stop with the bs hypocrisy by quoting the Bible. trump had the WH, Senate, House, DOJ, SCOTUS and for four years did nothing for the lower/middle class. He inherited a booming economy from Obama and let it collapse, he was impeached for strong arm tactics against an ally, no jobs bill, student debt forgiveness bill, totally failed on the virus, kidnapped children from their parents, allowed Putin to put bounties on our troops heads and said nothing, all of his top brass says he’s a f*cking moron at best, he cheated on his pregnant wife with a prostitute, etc., etc., etc. A complete failure in business and morality, yet you voted for this unscrupulous, mendacious person. What does that say about you?

    1. The US is full of ignorant, uneducated and easily manipulated people. When they see an ad over and over again or hear the same thing from the MSM you can make them do anything. Even hating someone without actual reason or through lies.

    2. @Vilda Chaya Always thought the way Frump went about his first campaign was weird. Particularly with the difference between what he said and actually did in regards to his campaign finances. It always seemed like he was running a campaign for the campaign money, and actually winning in the end was accidental. At least on his part. He likely acted the part to the people around him so they’d be enthused. If running a campaign was a way to launder money, I would not at all be surprised.

    1. @Anthony S2K04 no thanks. we don’t care what lies trump, the GOP, fox news, q-anon, prager u, alex jones, rush limbaugh and the rest of trump’s criminal cartel are spreading.

    2. @Manuel And we all no matter what side we’re on should all want a fair election. If its not fair how can anyone take it serious anymore. That is the single handedly most dangerous thing that can happen to all of us. Worse than that racist fascist dictator somehow gaining more minority votes

    1. @Sean M I think Trump should be investigated and if he’s guilty then he should face the penalty of law…..all I’m saying is Biden should be investigated and held to the same standard… that so difficult to understand 🤷‍♂️

    2. China has been laughing happily ever since Trump was elected. This chaos we have is exactly what China wanted, it will take years to clean it up, and to be fair Biden or Harris aren’t the best people to clean it up

    3. @Scott Griffiths 35%er
      Biden’s been investigated twice alreay.
      And the FBI thinks all Rudy’s laptop “evidence” is GRU disinformation, just like all of the other “evidence” he’s released been proven to be.
      Rudy is even being considered for investigation for espionage, due to his relationship with the known GRU agent that gave him all of the bunk information.
      You really need to pull your head out of the echo chamber within Methaleptic Mussolini’s butthOle.
      You’ve been duped into the willful ignorance “fake news” doctrine, of the magacult sheep.
      🇺🇸Two Dimensional Patriotism🇺🇸
      (For display purposes only)

      “I love the poorly educated, they got me elected.”
      ~donald j. trump

      DUMP 2020
      Make America
      Smart Again


    1. ” Children used to play with my leg hair in the pool , and I love kids jumping on my lap ” – Biden

      ” If you’re dont vote for me you ain’t black ”

      ” I learned about roaches ” – Biden , when referring to black kids .

      ” vOters don’t deserve to know if I’ll pack the court ” .

  3. I’m glad you brought up Twitter. The media needs to start realizing that it doesn’t represent much of anything.

    1. Back in august USPS union worker endorsed Biden saying our survival depends on it….USPS loses 300 000 ballots and all return ballots have D or R on the envelope so they know who voted for who. Even if the election isn’t a fraud that should investigated….and it shows maturity from the right. If Trump loses he sues and fight for his voters where if Biden loses the left will riot and fight on behalf of their leader Biden. No one has been able to rebuttal this yet lol probably because I’m right and staying silent is a good move

    2. @Your Big Head Cousin That difference seems to be shrinking all the time as news media deliberately mimics social media.

  4. Years from now they’re gonna ask us, Where were you when we lost our
    constitutional rights. Most of you can answer I voted for the people
    that took them away.

    1. Back in august USPS union worker endorsed Biden saying our survival depends on it….USPS loses 300 000 ballots and all return ballots have D or R on the envelope so they know who voted for who. Even if the election isn’t a fraud that should investigated….and it shows maturity from the right. If Trump loses he sues and fight for his voters where if Biden loses the left will riot and fight on behalf of their leader Biden. No one has been able to rebuttal this yet lol probably because I’m right and staying silent is a good move

  5. Every president in world history who lost:
    “Im sure my opponent is going to do a great job running this country, i congratulate him on this victory”

    Now trump after losing: “im going in with my lawyers”

    1. @Susan Walls

      Yes, keep sharing our knowledge and educating others GENZ voted like 35 year old conservatives as they have decide what AMERICA they want, a safe secure one for their families when they have one. Many patent are raising their children RIGHT!

    2. Back in august USPS union worker endorsed Biden saying our survival depends on it….USPS loses 300 000 ballots and all return ballots have D or R on the envelope so they know who voted for who. Even if the election isn’t a fraud that should investigated….and it shows maturity from the right. If Trump loses he sues and fight for his voters where if Biden loses the left will riot and fight on behalf of their leader Biden. No one has been able to rebuttal this yet lol probably because I’m right and staying silent is a good move

    1. Back in august USPS union worker endorsed Biden saying our survival depends on it….USPS loses 300 000 ballots and all return ballots have D or R on the envelope so they know who voted for who. Even if the election isn’t a fraud that should investigated….and it shows maturity from the right. If Trump loses he sues and fight for his voters where if Biden loses the left will riot and fight on behalf of their leader Biden. No one has been able to rebuttal this yet lol probably because I’m right and staying silent is a good move

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