The Trump campaign headed into the 2020 race with a massive fundraising advantage. But in the final weeks, Team Trump is now experiencing a cash crunch. Andrea Bernstein of WNYC and Shane Goldmacher of The New York Times join to discuss. Aired on 09/08/2020.
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How Did Trump's Campaign Already Blow Through $800,000,000? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Wouldn’t be surprised a bit if we find that Trumps – the junior, the daughter, the dim one – pocketed it all.
@Paul Gallagher – I agree. But if there is ever a celebrity “Hell’s Kitchen”, I’d pay good money to watch the Trump kids get roasted by Gordon Ramsay.
@Boyd Reed Eric is the dim one( They all are-but Eric is the dimmest)
Danish exactly
@Carole Reyes K
@Boyd Reed I had the same thought. Perhaps he meant the dimmest one?
So, 45* is on his way to scoring his 7th bankruptcy: his re-election campaign.
Got that right.
@13bustah No, we are going to TIp Trump In The Trash, where he belongs.
He looks at the country like a business, its no wonder he would bankrupt this one for his own goals also.
@J. C. Yep
Trump has it stuffed in an anonymous Swiss bank account so he can hide out from the FBI when he loses.
Is anyone the least bit surprised by this news?
@nina schust due to covid-19 we ask that all rioters work from home and destroy their own belongings …that includes schits-heads.
@Davis Tran , yeah but you did make the Kessel run in 12 parsecs !
LilikoiJammin what are talking about? I was brought in by Mando for trying to vote twice on Naboo.
@Davis Tran that was cool
The same way you drive a casino into bankruptcy: You steal money off the top.
How do you bankrupt a casino? The house always wins!
@William H Music 2020 Zero likes. LOL.
Has Trump ever been good with money? Didnt he take courses in finance?
And yet he hasnt paid the cities where he held rallies…… so we know he hasn’t been paying his bills with it.
@foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild Ouch, that hurt. Do some research.
@Yilden Delta Pack o’ lies.
@Pittsburgh Steelers
Who controls the Senate?
Who’s refused to remove Donald, because they’re hoping for more court judge picks?
The GOP.
Defending liars and crooks makes you one yourself, by default.
Or a paid troll.
Which is it?
Trump has a history of bankrupting small and large companies by not paying. He is above that. It is a proven fact. This is no big surprise. Not one penny of it was his but I bet a large portion went to him, his businesses and his family.
Yeah, now he has Covid infected rallies and doesn’t pay the cities. What A Guy. Trump for Prison 2020
I wouldn’t be surprise if he paid him self for appearing in his own ads and then again for endorsements of his own candidacy. Kinda like his non profit and a everything else.
@Mike Bond Nominated twice
I think your are so correct about this.
Well he doesn’t need to commission an official portrait because his charity foundation already bought one.
@Jeffrey Hagelin – Too bad he’s not a castrati then there would have been no Trump spawn.
@Dana Chapin
Imagine donnie jr. as president .
Not a good look.
Just imagine all the good things that you could do with 800 million dollars. What a waste to spend it on Trump.
nobody that you know that is the Republican Party steal from everyday Americans then give a little back then tell you what a great job their doing
And on Biden? It’s worse
@Thuy Dung Pham Nothing can be worse than Trump and his weak-minded followers
@Thuy Dung Pham @ dung heap, projection does not work on this group, save it for fellow trumpturds!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thuy Dung Pham concentrate on who is president RIGHT NOW and the HORRIBLE job he is doing NOW!
Biden is BETTER! Vote Vote Vote!
Of course he misused the money. He is a grifter.
@Tom Kelly
This evidence should assist you .
@Tom Kelly
Putting a baby at risk
@Tom Kelly Its not Biden that stole all those children from the border. And he said parents were not welcome. To his rabid base . #brainwashed #Cult45 not withstanding lunatics. Go & cry to mommy
Dumpie probably stole it along with Ivanka!
America can’t afford four more years of trump. And, apparently- neither can trump.
northerniltree don’t worry…..he’s been making such shady deals behind the scenes and stealing taxpayer money on the side, that he and his slimeball kids NOW have waaaay more money than they did before he cheated his way, with Russia’s help, into the Oval
Especially the United States of America.
Well you know what to do…
Neither can Trump!? You don’t think that a good portion of that 800 million wasn’t diverted into his private accounts. No one can actually say where it all went. He got plenty of it. And just one of his scams. His inauguration find is another one and there are plenty we don’t even fathom.
@tesla H; You are so right, I was saying this four years ago.
And yet, Trump still leads on “the economy”…. When are people going to recognise that Trump is terrible with money!!??
They are not. You cant fix stupid.
@Rick Montgomery – But at least he is losing on every other issue so not everyone is that stupid.
@Greg Brogan Trump is losing on EVERY issue and is a complete FAILURE.
Trump is incompetent, corrupt, racist, and a compulsive liar. He is the WORST president ever. As a result, he will LOSE in November.
Exactly right …. Chump is a failure as a businessman and always has been. Never will understand how Chump is shown as better on the economy, especially since it is not true and is factually incorrect on multiple different measures. Chump is provably NOT better on the economy, yet somehow far to many americans say that he is. Total disconnect from reality on a very very important subject.
Just look at the federal deficit.
Trumps family have been getting big pay checks out of his campaign.
Even Don Jnr’s mistress.
From what I saw at the RNC, their coke bill is probably half that $800M.
They’re laughing all the way to a foreign bank.
Trump’s been madly filling his pockets in case he loses in Nov. because he’s the “Grifter in Chief” & a LOSER!
His post election legal fees will be outrageous. I hope the US government sues him for subverting the “justice department” into becoming his personal lawyers.
And a sucker
@Buddy G
He’s gonna run off to Russia with his follower’s campaign contributions. He’s known as “Don the Con” for a reason, but they continue to get suckered.
He’s stealing again! It is what he does! Make TRUMP 2020 His “Final” Year in Office!
Or at least have them help in a small way to Pay for American Burial Costs!
Not one Dime has this GOP government offered to those poor families!
Make 2020 his last year walking free
@Mark Furst Ditto my friend! “Bye-DON” 2020
Maybe Trump should: release his tax returns, and bank records, maybe he can get a loan from Deutsche bank, maybe he can declare bankruptcy again, maybe he can RESIGN.
We can only dream
Releasing taxes is a definite NO. He’s spent the last 4 years hiding them and going to court to stop them being released.
Because that’s what a completely transparent president does.
Haha, no. Tax returns, bank records and resigning all end with him behind bars for life.
I’m not American but I know that you dont want him to resign because if he does pence can pardon him………..
Trump’s promise – “Every penny of every dollar that doesn’t go into my pockets goes to the campaign and only the campaign.”
And he put Hillary in jail and made Mexico pay for the wall.
Money won’t get him re-elected any way. Worst person in history to run this country. EVER!
@Ivo Dimov Trump trying to get by with a little help from his Russian friends. They are willing to work for land and influence in other countries without being challenged.
Many republicans said “we want a successful businessman to run the country”. Then they chose Trump of all people. He certainly wont win the popular vote. If the Electoral College fails Americans again this country is shot to *bleep*
I can understand how people elected him neither him or kids ever held public office not even as dog catcher.
@Ivo Dimov: Since you are too lazy to learn English, you should be set back where you came from.
@Ivo Dimov Yes, I can’t think of any other President we’ve had who would alter a National Weather Service Map during a Hurricane, or suggest injecting or injecting disinfectant as a viral treatment, or lie to the public during a Pandemic which resulted in hundreds of thousands of Americans dying. Even Bush Jr. who is stupid BTW, did not do that. Trump is
Money headed in the direction of a trump is money vanishing. He and his kids steal anything not bolted to the floor.
You’ve obviously forgot everything the Clintons stole from the White House on their last day before leaving and how they and their whole staff trashed the place. Such class, right? Pshh. The fact that a man who lied grossly about his embedded “war reporting” is the one who is reporting on this shows how truthful it is lol.
Little homie u mean up Trump and his son jr’s nose or any other orafice !
Little Homie you mean the guy who SERVED his country and didn’t have BONESPURS
@C J Yeah the same guy who cheated on his wife with the widow of his dead brother(Beau) soon after his death and then when caught he divorced his wife and married the widow of his dead brother(Beau). Then he took $1.5 million from ukraine in return for political favors. Yeah real classy guy there from a classy family lemme tell ya.
He’s gonna steal his blind follower’s campaign contributions and abscond to Russia. He’s known as “Don the Con” for a good reason.
This guy is a serious crook. He’s even stealing from his cult followers.

When it’s his cult, I don’t care. But what is so sad and dangerous is, neither to they,
They somehow thing being screwed over by tRump is something to brag about.
Just like the Bannon “We Build The Wall” fraud. a.k.a. “Wallgate”.
Honestly, Biden could have stayed at home. tRump is losing the race for himself.
Trueeeeeee every time he opened his mouth Biden gained 10,000 votes

And that is the pragmatic approach that Biden is taking, nothing flashy, radical or overt, just look sane next to the crazy guy.
And Hillary didn’t have to visit Winconsin either.
Scary thing is the race is getting tighter
. Cant stand trump but I dont think he will lose . They will find a way to keep him there.
Rump’s life has been borrowing and not repaying.
I call him tramp45