President Donald Trump says the House vote to formalize the impeachment process brings "shame" on the chamber. CNN's Alex Marquardt explains how the US got to this point. #CNN #News
How did the US get to this point in the impeachment process?

President Donald Trump says the House vote to formalize the impeachment process brings "shame" on the chamber. CNN's Alex Marquardt explains how the US got to this point. #CNN #News
5:11 when you see it like it
That made my day
Kings_tv Gaming only thing I saw was our 2020 president
Can he even spell democracy??
@Alan G. Bernie Sanders is just a wannabe Joseph Stalin
@jonathan beatty where in the constitution does it say democracy? However, it does say we are ruled under a constitutional republic ..democracy means mob rule without do process ..kinda like the fake impeachment process until it dies in the Senate, if it even makes it that far
What ???? The guy who typed covfifi ???? My money’s on no.. No he cant spell that
@laharl sama You do know tide pods are for laundry.. not to put in your bong bro
Answer :

Sheer & Utter Desperation!!!
@Garry G good riddance to the two-family dictatorship of bush Clinton and their puppet Obama
@Doesn’t Matter I don’t have to explain a got damn thing! That’s what an impeachment inquiry is for! Trump is a fking disgrace! BOOOOOOOOOOOO! LOCK HIM UP!
@Garry G Lol, I hate Trump. You don’t have to call me a dumbass. We’re on the same side of this argument
Boooooo! You cant run from the truth… so exhausting
But if lying was actually a race , Trump would be operating a faster than light motor vehicle.
Sad hey this is gold
Good riddance to the two-family dictatorship of bush Clinton and their puppet Obama
“Impeachment is a dirty word, …
therfore very appropriate in
describing my filthy life.”
Chris Lee you’re a traitor, you hate God and America!
Indeed trump is pure filth
Let’s grow Pat Robertson has always said that Donald Trump will sit at the right hand of God! Any evangelical Christian will tell you he was sent by God to crush our enemies here and abroad! All Republicans believe that God is also Republican and he hates Democraps!
” TERRIFIED OF THE TRUTH ” LMAO damn sure NOT going to find that here !
@Agnostic Atheist list them then.
Impeach for what reason Chatty?
Your CREEPSEXUAL correct?
@The Great Anointed Lord Trump.Sucks Dead Donkey Dicks << Triggered inbred idiot hillbilly skinhead KKK scumbag troll leveraged against russian trolls

EVERYONE who is even remotely American should vote to have an investigation. Its pathetic that partisan politics gets in the way of the law
Republicans chose Donald Trump (the richest con-artist on the planet) over the constitution! They don’t make good Republicans like they used to!
Ah, transcripts being released this coming week. Bye bye bozeau. Jail time after impeachment and removal.
@Jacques Souvenir talking about NY lol
His supporters wont read them anyway.
jfsfrnd in 2024 when trump leaves office, it will play out exactly the same way Hillary leaving the political sphere played out. Trump will no longer have any play or influence to be extracted. Therefore, Democrats will have no reason to chase after him and republicans will have no reason to defend him. He will fade into the background like every other 1%er. There will be a new boogeyman, the news will attack this new boogeyman and the idiots will be enraged at the new boogeyman. The news cycle will move on and so will your attention, my attention and everyone else’s attention
jfsfrnd lol why are you deleting posts I’ve already responded to? Who won’t read them? You mean like the mueller report that most people didn’t read? Too many pages for most people to really care about… so instead just listen to the outrage media cycle and take your news from that.
There’s a reason we are beyond Russian collusion and onto a whole new subject to be outraged about. The Russian/trump hoax was just that, a hoax. Interesting that wasn’t what the dems are trying to impeach trump over… but for some reason I don’t see you bellyaching about why they aren’t doing it. It’s because you know as well as everyone else. Russian collusion = nothingburger. 3 straight years of Russia collusion nonsense in the media and you turn around and ask for more fake news to stuff down your gullet
An Imperfect call, Can never
Be a Perfect Call
@1776 He asked a foreign country to dig up dirt on his political rival, duh…. Same thing he did with Russia. Why is that so hard to understand. He extorted Ukraine by withholding funding that congress had already approved. Just so he could manipulate the election in his favor. HELLOO
Juio I’m afraid the choice you made concerning your sexuality has obviously made you far less than perfect correct?
My 4th grade English teacher would nail me if I wrote “A Historic”. An hilarious story, but true.
@evdawgbeat around 1960, old spinster from Vancouver. True.
The nuns would have rapped my knuckles if I used “an” before a word that started with a consonant. Maybe the rules are different depending on the teacher.
@tubruton the H is considered to be silent. Cockney accents are a classic example of “dropping H’s”. ‘ave an ‘appy New Year.
I’m sure he nailed you in the CRAP-HOLE multiple times.
@Justice Boofer The nun was very clear. “An” is only used to precede a word that starts with a vowel. There are no exceptions. I still say “An historic day” – sounds better. But the nuns from my 4th grade would not approve.
Why “impeachment” why not “imrotteneggment” or “sourmilkment” or “liverment”….
Trump already has a strategy, and it goes like this: ” It’s so unfair….so unfair. They’re being so mean to me. I did nothing wrong. It’s was a perfect phone call. It was a beautiful phone call. You’ve never heard of a more beautiful phone call. I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!!!!

He also uses the old “I know you are but what am I?” playground defense. That’s how a stable genius works.
Good riddance to the two-family dictatorship of bush Clinton and their puppet Obama. And all of their deep state lackey’s that they have appointed over the last 30 years
@Toob247 Toob247 idiot

@Toob247 Toob247 says the uneducated low tax paying trumptard. Get the hell out of our country.
Toob247 Toob247

The Obama’s and Clintons are still around, and they are both doing quite well…..and none of them are under impeachment nor are they under multiple SDNY investigators.
Trump still using the tired “witch hunt” proves his lack of vocabulary.
He’s using whatever hannity throws his way; hoax, witch hunt, deep state, blame it on Obama or HC, and the crooked Dems
@Boomer5150 which witch hunt would that be as there have been several witches indicted, imprisoned, subpoenaed, etc..
Trump clearly has the greatest words! He just doesn’t know what the words mean.
Remember: Every word that comes out of Trumps mouth is aimed for his base.
The president…shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. – US Constitution, Article II, Section 4
When someone is utterly guilty of what they are accused, they are left defenceless. Two choices remain, deny and attack like a child, come clean.
We need a bigger playpen!!
When you have a criminal in office, it’s inevitable.
Joe Biden is no longer in office dumb dumb.
Donna M. Your mommy will be voting for me.
This wasn’t the first time Javelins were ‘Swords of Damocles’, used to leverage Ukraine! 2017 phone records moved to Top Secret Security Vault.
When are you going to start thinking about your upcoming eternity of suffering?
George Conway says it best: “Donald Trump is unwell.”
Good riddance to the two-family dictatorship of bush Clinton and their puppet Obama
Also George Conway is jealous of his successful wife.
All of trumps meetings with putin have been in secret we only know of them because of russian tv. trump has legal battles to keep hidden his tax forms and the republicans are ok with this…. They all belong in Prison !!
We got to this point because all DNC candidates suck lol.