If former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton ends up testifying in the Trump Senate impeachment trial, how damning could his testimony be for the president? Kimberly Atkins, Ashley Parker, and Jeremy Bash react. Aired on 01/28/20.
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How Dangerous Could John Bolton Possibly Be For President Donald Trump? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
How Dangerous? Deadly! That’s why their doing their best not to hear from any witnesses!
all the intel repubs and all the republican judges are in Trump’s pocket, it’s so obvious. McConnell and Graham have both said they wont be impartial. Why haven’t they been forced to recuse themselves from being jurors?
Donald J Trump * Impeached in first term.
Can’t change that, ever, you piggy orange ape.
@Saltponds239 … A Impeachment can not be expunged you moron and no Impeached convicted Official can be pardoned either from any municipality, State or federal government position either by law.
@Bildgesmythe you are exactly wrong when he is acquitted he will not be impeached. See this impeachment trial is to impeach. Fact. Not sure where or who lied to you again but they have not been right one time not once. Been eorng on everything.
@mikey fiftythree I know you can’t and won’t answer but what rights has Trump trampled ? Trampling rights is destroying the second amendment in the Constitution which YOUR party is trying to do.. Abolishing the electoral votes is another which YOUR party is trying. There’s just two true examples. Now where’s your example just one ?
If truth is a giant grizzly bear and trump is a big fat rotting donut.
It’s like that
You mean orange man bad?
he is a big fat rotting donut and the maggots eating it.
This makes about as much sense as Bruce Jenner’s bra
This is all you idiots have because you don’t have anything else on Trump. Now let’s talk about your party and Hollywood celebrities that have been raping 13 and 14 yr old girls on Dem’s pedophile island. Epsteins
Galway Warrior are you as stupid as you sound? Hope not.
I want to see Trump questioned under oath.
@Julia E. Hussein won’t touch a Bible but yes it would burst into flames for sure.
Sarah that rant made not one iota of sense.
@Sarah Foster I wasent talking to you tubby but since you want to be included im not voting for a democrat. No thanks id literally rather walk in traffic as you prolly should do us all the favor ; – ;
Galway Warrior more like greatest con man lol.
t’rump asking Barr if he can “epstein” Bolton…that’s how dangerous.

@Dee Pattison Indeed. He’s threatened violence against others. Would he? Could he? Or is he just a mouthy bully.
@Diane Newton You just need to ask yourself, under who’s watch did Epstein die? Who had access? Who had the means? Who had motive?
@Utha Exactly
Utha. Lev Parnas did say in his interview with Rachel Maddie that he feared William Barr. That he feared being under Barr’s control. He also stated that people fear William Barr. He also stated that Dowd and Downing, the lawyers tRump sent to him told him he better sacrifice himself for tRump or there would be severe consequences. After they told him that he fired them and agreed to go public with his information to protect himself. That he was afraid of what could happen to him and his family. Isn’t that interesting?
Parnas stated that after tRump acquired Barr people started to cooperate with tRump because they feared Barr. Go back and listen to the second half of his interview with Maddow.
Every shred of evidence shows that Trump is guilty.
@Cameron Cooper Trump actually _can’t_ “block” anybody if proper procedure is followed in the House. Answering congressional subpoenas is only required by law if Congress holds a vote; House Democrats refused to do so, despite having an easy majority. SCOTUS can overrule executive privilege on subpoenas, but House Democrats refused to send any of it to SCOTUS.
The reasons they didn’t do either of these: 1. They wanted to rush impeachment through to get it done before the holidays because… reasons? and 2. If it went to the courts, Trump would have the opportunity to cross examine, call his own witnesses in the hearings, access information Schiff has chosen to keep secret, you know, basic due process type stuff.
There are several ways built into the system to get around the Constitutional separation of powers you’re incorrectly calling “obstruction”, the articles are toothless because of the House’s choices, not Trump’s. If you view everything through a lens of “Orange Man Bad” then yea, everything he does is going to _look_ criminal whether it is or not. But *the burden of proof is and always will be on the shoulders of the accuser, never the accused (no matter how much you hate the accused).*
There is a trump supporter here trying to say it’s alright for trump to block witnesses and hide documentation. I am amazed they think this behaviour is appropriate in a president.
Trump is having night terrors of being chased around the Oval Office by a giant mustache.
Not so much anymore! All lies, another liar.It’s all over NOW!
@Mark you mean ( Hi my name is Obama I an not from here I am here on a foreign scholarship)? My favorite from you Islamic loves is when one letter off of being Osama, Obama said on stage to his Muslim brotherhood ( I am one of you) also said my Muslim faith compels me. He lied to get the Black vote by telling them he was a Black man he and Warren both used fake bloodlines to get what they wanted.
@Crystal Giddens
…because real magic is fake, but fake magic is real.
@Galway Warrior
What you lack in life, apparently, is a reliable method for determine the difference between truth and fiction.
You just confirmed that you’re a victim of misinformation.
Just like stupid, impeachment* is also forever.
Just like that, you have no idea what you are talking about. Now let’s talk about your elected officials and Hollywood celebrities that have been raping 13 and 14 yr old girls on Dem’s pedophile island Epstein.
Bolton better be buds with Barr, or he might just get Epsteined!
Ok there Epstein
Regardless of how damaging Bolton”s evidence is, Republicans will still vote to keep this corrupt nincompoop in office.
Loulou66 Absolutely. The entire case is a farce
@Joseph Guzman , Maybe, but it could be a simple as Putin dangling hotels all over Russia, if Trump delivers. What do you think they talk about in closed doors? It’s all business, quid-pro-quos through and through. Trump pulled out of treaties, he delivered Syria, and almost got away with delivering Ukraine. That sounds like 3 hotels so far. Let us not forget that nice WH invitation by Trump to the Russians, and then by Putin for his May parade that Trump accepted but didn’t go because someone at the WH knocked a bit of sense into him. Do you realize why Trump wants to be so friendly to Putin? By helping install Trump, Putin gave Trump his tax breaks for the rich and much more, for his kids and himself, as a nice side-dish.
Dont worry it’s the people that will throw trump out if the GOP doesnt. I see 75% now want witnesses and docs at the trial. They can see and they will vote
Yeah Americans will win the election in November and we will jerk our government from your pedofficials hands.
@andreas pedersen spot on ? what did Obama put his juice on your face ?
They are afraid because Bolton’s testimony will implicate Mulvany, Pompeo, Barr, and all their criminal gangs.
Saltponds239 if that happens you can kiss SS and Medicaid good bye along with EPA, USDA and 50 years of progress made for the people
They are all in the loop as sondland says.
@Breeze Incognito ignore saltponds buddy. Comments a lot of nonsense and nobody takes any notice.
GOP will go with “it’s not an impeachable offense” so didnt need Bolton testimony.. they would rather his details come out in a book “for profit” than under oath
curro terms Biden
What a sad State of this Union if the corrupt GOP successfully prevent the will of the people against such a criminal president.
James Christie Are you sad ?

Well said james. Only an imbicile would think anything else
If they want to bring in hunter Biden, then put Ivanka and Jared on trial as well. They’ve profited off the presidency many more times than hunter.
Alvinius Alviniathan non of them should all of them are irrelevant to this investigation even if Hunter was guilty
That might change if they knew the Quid pro quo before it was revealed to the public.
Alvinius Alviniathan Desperate and pathetic
The bidens did nothing wrong though. You right about trump and his children though
If orange fat guts has nothing to hide why oppose the walrus giving evidence
Again for the stupid uninformed idiots that know absolutely nothing. The Greatest President Donald Trump doesn’t have to prove he is innocent. What country are you from Russia or the middle east ?
I’m just waiting on the clown to say he doesn’t know any John Bolton!
If Trumps nose grew like Pinocchios at a rate of 2″ per lie for an est 16.000 lies.

His nose would be 2666ft 8″ long.
His nose is poking up the @ss of every Maga moron, that is why they are so in love with this disgrace.
Nice ! Now name one proven lie Trump has told. And Go ! Warning don’t lie.
lmao, “I don’t know anything of paying of a pornstar” checks signed by Trump.
Here is a link for you Galway Warrior: https://www.nrdc.org/trump-lies
Warning, use your brain before typing.
@Galway Warrior He started with the number of his inauguration crowd, and the last lie I heard was about the cleanest air and water in the USA since decades (or said he since centuries?), and in between are more than 15,000.
Are you sarcastic, or a blind, deaf and obedient member of theTrump-cult?
Republicans are like “we can still keep the cover up”
Greylin High Democrats are like. We have one last chance to remove Trump.
We are fractured and collapsing
The problem the Republicans have is that trump has financial and other other criminal issues coming along the road. So many problems for the Republicans they may just try to save their party and let trump go
To let Bolton Testify
Is like seeing Trumps Tax Returns. DEVASTATING
Good luck nazi let’s see your taxes first.
Impeach the fraudster, still hidden His Taxes.
ghettodaboy Desperation
I’m not sure he has paid any taxes.
@chris leonard your not sure about anything.
@Galway Warrior Seeing as the criminal trump refuses to release his tax returns how can we tell if he has even paid any tax at all