Scientists at SAb Biotherapeutics are planning to start studies this summer on coronavirus treatments created by using antibodies derived from cows with genetically engineered human immune systems. #CNN #News
How cows could by key to combatting coronavirus

I think your titles messed up
@Boubakar Moufasa no, but YOU ARE!!!
@Js STHRLND kombatrolled
@Hyrum Lentz tiddies
uncle Ricky …wtf?
@King of America Yes, I suppose their tiddies may have messed up, as well.
Lamas and cows gonna save us from the bat virus. The simulation is trolling us.
So how exactly does homosexuality enter the whole covid 19 equation?
@William H Music 2020 you mean it’s staggering how many Republican Congressmen are caught giving and taking weiner.
@cows need a nice cheeseburger don’t the religious nuts chant something eerily similar
@Brett Gidney Oh yeah..
Chris G we’ll all end up at Devin Nunes’ farm
cows, kangaroos, lamas, camels, iguanas,… we are infecting a bunch of animals with Covid to come up with a treatment to covid.
The manipulation of the SARS virus has already gave it a thousand year leap in evolution as its infecting several species of mammal all on its own.
Llamas and cows, vs bats and pangolins. The new interspecies bio-war.
Holy cow!
*Science cow!
Boubakar Moufasa what I’m not getting this racist joke.
@Boubakar Moufasa then, you stop using your privileges!!
@Buddy Ratcliff kombatrolled
Zece Princess thx but those r a waste of time. I’m self employed and make money. Can’t do that chasing electrons around a screen. Thx anyway
Their fight against covid19 is very mooving.
@Brian Bianco this is turning into udder nonsense
Cows are smarter than CNN Fag Analysts!
@98LowDown LMAO True true! #CNNFakeNews
Was Nancy Pelosi drunk when she came up with that idea
Is eating a cow with a human immune system, cannibalism?
Yes it is no longer a cow if it has been genetically modified Remember boys and girls Soylent green is people. Today Cows Tomorrow our own dead.
Cow: I guess saving you guys from smallpox is not enough, let me do it again.
@William H Music 2020 I agree with you, liberals are living in la-la land, where they can tap their toes 3 times, make a wish, and world peace happens.
Cows saved mankind from starvation more than once.
@The Totes Adorbs Hush, child. Your ignorance is showing. Weak kneed Republicants are falling apart. They denied the virus and got caught with their pants down. They tried blaming President Obama for their mistakes. It didn’t work. They are now trying to distract their sheep with the fake Obamagate nonsense. Those pesky facts keep exposing Republicants for the liars they are.
@The Totes Adorbs liberals aren’t living in fantasy land, any more or less than Conservatives. What you’re presenting here is a community-shared blowup-doll level worn out strawman. Someone having different ideas, ideals and values than you has zero relation to any hypothetical misconception of how realistic or challenging those would be to achieve – either from your own or any other point of view. There are naive people and idiots of every kind and camp. Most people however, are not.
You should be grateful (greatful? grateful? damnit now I want cheese-grilled nachos but have no grate) that there are people out there challenging your own views. Without them, you’re left to stew only in your own id and feedback loop. Which starts with intellectual stagnation and proceeds to regression, recession and devolution. You *_need_* “the libs” to kwep you on your toes
@BST you’re funny, that’s funny. You’ve capped off my daily laughter limit.
Amazing. Now we turning to cows to solve the pandemic.
Hey cow cure me
Cow: moooooo
Cow: Hold my dairy produce…
Linda J54 I like that,
. Sounds good. Cow cure me.
Cow : hold my beer.
@Pistol Expert Conservatives such poor memories haha
@Jo Mo We remember when the Democrats wore white hoods and enslaved black people… Now they wear surgical masks and enslave black people…
hiddendragon1001 Cow-vid 19, and straight to Nunes’ farm we go
Human animal hybrids and virus manipulation! I wonder if anyone has talked about this before!
Yes Gene Roddenberry in Star Trek 1960’s – Issac Asimov Sc–Fiction Author unless you are referring to the scum who claimed kids who died at Sandyhook were fake as was the suffering of their mothers and fathers, and plays a “Character” ref court documents relating to his child custody case?
Billy gates baby!
What other things can we do with the cows? Can I like go visit these cows?
It’s a holstein parade!
Democrats love to destroy america
The farts are the answer.
To fart or not to fart…
AOC should say “excuse me” now for all that complaining she did last year.
@CarpeNoctem. ___ whats wrong with that?
I’m pretty sure my mother-in-law has some cow genes.
oh man u cruel lol
So your in-law is an outlaw?
Most do.
I’m going to take a guess and say we already have animals dna crap in our body.
I lost 5 brain cells trying to read the title of the video
Erazer – That’s a laugh riot… don’t quit your day job. Oops, you’re probably a liberal; sorry, I didn’t mean to make fun of your unemployed status.
More and More people are thinking this was all one big Bullshit PLANdemic!
They’re prolly looking for a reason to slaughter cows to lower co2 emissions
NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit Russian Troll
ElSmusso – Dude, “Russian troll” went out the window with the collapse of the Mueller investigation, exoneration of General Flynn, and confirmation that Russia never hacked the DNC server. You need a new conspiracy.
they were destroying the climate with farts a few months ago
mr Bill desalination here we come.
@Richard MacLean Grass grows better with salt water than fresh water.
mr Bill I didn’t know that… So our milk and meat will be salty.
now it will destroy Delusional AOC
Alla Veles What difference… The government’s telling you what to do… The police are enforcing it… And there’s a republican so-called president in the White House… Republicans just aren’t happy.
How could the uploader of this video “by” so careless? :DDDDD
*Greta Thunberg* CNN’s “go to expert”
@Joe Dicken Cider Biden I’m too old for you Uncle Touchy
@King of America odd…trump is the one with a fetish for young girls.
@Brett Gidney Joe Bidens favorite fruit is gan-grape.
@Brett Gidney that’s horseshit! I got the long leg hairs Jack.
Wrong video
Playing with nature is backfiring on the world.
The black plague that started in the middle-east was killing people long before genetic engineering. And that killed half the population of Europe, compared to not even 1% for Corona. Globalism is the problem, because its the massive flow of people and animals across borders that is causing uncontrolled epidemics. Its time to go local for groceries and close up the borders.
Headline: “How cows could be keys to combatting Coronavirus”. CNN dumbing down their audience as usual.