How Covid-19 seems to trigger other health issues

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta highlights how Covid-19 is baffling doctors, seemingly triggering a number of health issues and mysterious symptoms all over the body.
#CNN #News

How Covid-19 seems to trigger other health issues


  1. “The fire of the forest also burns sandalwood, that is, an evil person can harm anyone.”

    Beware of politicians in this time of pandemic.

    1. @Martin Czarnecki I’m sorry you literally couldn’t sit still for 2 months so you marched against elected government Officals with rifles, military gear, and anti American flags, and you’re here on CNN crying about how others are snowflakes?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. *It basically will go through your entire body and whatever health problem you have will be a major problem*

    1. My boyfriend has been sick with this virus since March. No underlying medical conditions. He was in excellent physical condition. Now he has link damage from the virus. And the doctors say he has a mild case

  3. Disinformation campaigns of Russia and China and anti-vaxxers and fantasy militias get gifts daily from White House. America no longer a guiding light. Can we re-ignite our spirit?

    1. My boyfriend has no underlying medical conditions. He’s been sick with this virus since March and now has lung damage.

  4. This virus is something really abnormal. Normally the respiratory viruses cause pretty “normal” symptoms. But nah, this covid does all of those in some cases but on top of the “normal” symptoms you can lose your taste and smell senses, get a red “rash”, it can cause blood clots and lots of other things.

    This is just terrible. Hopefully the vaccines end up working and can be mass produced fast. Or hopefully some antivirals found out to be perfect treatment fot this.

  5. Who’s looking after the baby you purchased, Anderson? I thought you were going to be a good ‘father’??

  6. “SEEMS” !?!?!?!?! Either it does or it doesn’t ….. talk in circles so to be on the right side I see ….see know the flu “definitely” triggers other health problems .

  7. The best comments are at the bottom of the page. That is where CNN puts true American comments.

  8. So we have 80k dead and 1.3 million infected.

    Doing the math I get ~ 6% mortality.

    This is probably due to under-testing and under-reporting. The death rate should be about 3%. That would tend to suggest that we have more like 2.6 million infected.

    Is my math wrong here?

  9. The last four presidents would have stopped this pandemic on its tracks!
    What did Trump do? Hold rallies and play golf for three months..

  10. Thank you very much for keeping us informed with this! I greatly appreciate you.

    That other network that has down played this virus the whole time, is part of the reason our numbers are so high. The amount of information, or lack of information, from them is reckless and dangerous. Between Trump and them, they just don’t care and so many fools follow their lead. I have never seen anything like this from them, which is why most of their viewers are not properly informed. And very, very ignorant.

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