People of color and minority groups are particularly at risk during the pandemic. Here's what should be done to better address these communities.
A national crisis magnifies disparities and inequities in our society. The effects of the ongoing pandemic — including the responses from our government and our health care system — do not impact everyone equally. We believe the COVID-19 pandemic is radically exacerbating the deadly consequences of racial and socioeconomic disparities in health and health care in America, creating a crisis within a crisis.
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In 2017 Dr Fauci said there would be an infectious disease outbreak during this administration. This looks like a manufactured pandemic
MEIERSEGGSTRAßE RESEARCH INSTITUTE So what you suggest we should do???
The Agenda is that … They are trying to make Black People the face of this COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis…. All of the cases of deaths of Black Americans are NOT due to the COVID-19… Some of the Doctors are encouraged (With Pay) to diagnose Black People with the COVID-19 …..
Racist BS.
The term” Minority” is incorrect…These People are not a Minority in any aspect whatsoever, that’s just another Excuse for complaining and expecting Free Thing’s due to One’s Skin Tone or twisted Political or sexual Identity

We are all Human
Voodoo Trucker “Minority” refers to them not being a majority ethnicity. That’s just statistical data, nothing more.
Now the corona virus is racist..
Brendon Arrozal dude I don’t live in a white area. I’m Mexican. Everyone cares too much about their appearance, they don’t wanna wear a mask unless it’s make of gold or has diamonds on it..
@Brendon Arrozal I mean work for it then man. My parents were immigrants from 3rd world countries in Eastern Europe that were war torn by the Yugoslavian war and WWI and WWII. Guess what? They worked their asses off and both make 150k+ a year now.
Its about culture. You guys can easily work for it, and get out of those situations. Nobodys stopping you! Elon Musk came from an African nation and he has 30 billion now. Stop crying about race. Infact, the top 6 countries affected by the corona virus are majority white. Hmm, weird. Use facts and logic, your feelings are less important.
Same way its affecting everyone else. Has nothing to do with color. It affects people more that have lower IQ’S. Dont social distance, get the virus. That simple. Stop race baiting
Covid 19 be racist and sheit
If you
need Mony look
vidéo in mychan
Some people are cleaner than others. It’s IQ not skin color.
This is nonsense, if we black ppl have underlying conditions because if “our” lifestyle, what the hell can this do. We black ppl are not taking care of ourselves. It’s nof a lack of healthcare, it’s the lack of our osn care of our osn health.
The shows medicare-for-all as necessary, the federal government needs to be supplying hospitals medical resources and helping everyone in our country not just the white elite they want to protect
Wow that’s racist. You are aware hospitals are not segregated right? So you think when black people walk into a hospital everyone says don’t give them anything save it for the rich wgite people? Your racist attitude is disgusting.
Everyone in these comments knows what’s up it’s another narrative set upon us by the race baiting media the black and brown folks aren’t effected any more that the almighty white people what a joke!
B S it’s not about color! All people have these health issues! That woman is whacked and you wtf? Really helping her propagate lies.
Get woke go broke
According to black woman in the ghettos their saying that virus is not a black virus .lol seen it said as she was giving a white cop a hard time for showing up there where they refuse to social distancing.smdh
Yeah I would say they could be exposing their families…
It would be a miracle if they made a vaccine or pill to illuminate the covid-19!!!

1st time I recognized this is athing……when the NBA Personnel started testing positive LONG before test were available in the hospital tent cities……OOOOOOOOOOOOF
Race hustlers.
Minorities have these underlying health issues and obesity that increased the negative after effects and deaths. God bless the lost souls and their grieving families.