Yoni Appelbaum, a Senior Editor for The Atlantic, spoke to NBC’s Joshua Johnson about the idea that democracy depends on the consent of the losers, and the challenges facing Biden when nearly three quarters of Republicans think his electoral victory was illegitimate. Aired on 01/18/2021.
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#JoeBiden #Election #MSNBC
How Can Joe Biden Unite An Opposition That Appears Committed To Contesting A Free And Fair Election?
I bet those that still approve of trump are easily hypnotized!
No, they have been brainwashed
Repeating the same things over and over is brainwashing.
oh you mean like fake news cnn msnbc…gotcha
Treat trump supporters like Hitler supporters were treated
Lol good luck with that
I have No sympathy for stupidity!
@aaron turnupseed I’m guessing you’re a trumper?
@Druidic I’m guessing you are wrong, but using a word like Trumper, it doesn’t surprise me, I’m guessing you are wrong a lot.
What about willful Ignorance?
@aaron turnupseed <---4 day old tRoll account.
@john smith awwww someone is big mad. Ignorant and a creep, mental health is open during covid19 just a thought.
Do something about mental health. People need mental health services. Act as soon as you get into office.
Ask any t’rump supporter who thinks the election was “stolen” why all 60 lawsuits were laughed out of court.

It will not go well.
@Jason Vegan yeah, it was just for the show
I’m having a whole discussion with one in a different comment section. So far I’ve gotten to the evidence wasn’t shown part… not a brand new account so I’m curious.
@༒ Di ༒ Good luck! After you get past that part and then explain that them having no evidence to show in the first place is why they failed, they’ll probably shift to the Russian hoax or Hillary’s emails.

Be safe out there!
Mainely Imagine thinking humans have the right to TWITTER and not HEALTHCARE….
@Ro G Have you read the declassified documents about the Dominion machines and Italy? That did not look good for Trump. Not sure why he was in such a hurry to get it declassified. My guess is he redacted some of it himself or Giuliani did and just made a mess of it.
These Dead Enders need to go the way of the Isis and the Ba’ath party.
xiaoka maybe your ideology will face that end
They don’t obey the law? Too bad for them, because the law will come after them. Be safe and wise.
Matthew 15:8-9
1 Samuel 8
Jeremiah 5:29
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
Revelation 8:8-11
The law is coming.
Rupert Murdoch is the Sith Lord.
Put Trump in jail as step one. Then Rudy, Ted, Junior, etc.
And the trump kids! (and let the other kids out of jails)
Jerry Bouwer this isn’t communist China, yet
@Mary Basics
We know. If it was Ivanka would get her handbags made here instead of China.
You missed the first two. Hunter and Joe Biden for crimes eclipsing all others
A lesson that could be taken from this : Americans should never have accepted the win of trump
in 2016
That’s true. He didn’t win and it shouldn’t have been accepted that the electoral college get to ignore the election result.
Sure, “You better fix this, if he wins we’ll all hang” Hitlery should have won, lol. What a maroon!
electoral votes he won. i accepted the results and sat back to watch 4 years of idiocracy.
But even if Biden defangs Covid-19, that won’t cut any ice with the “Patriots” who think it’s a hoax, even if on their deathbeds.
“How Can Joe Biden Unite An Opposition That Appears Committed To Contesting A Free And Fair Election?” After four years of their nonsense, I don’t care. We are the greater force and we need to act like it. Stop reacting to them, stop worrying about their feelings, and stop worrying about what they’re going to do. It hasn’t worked. They take kindness for weakness. Well, no more Mr. Nice Guy. We are the greater force. We need to command the situation. We need to be on the front foot and act as we see fit. Roll on to victory.
5 i’s : Idolatry , incitement , ignorance , idiocy and insurrection
Trump cultivated this mess for four years. Give Mr. Biden some space and time to clean up for him.
All CRIMINAL IN CHIEF attorneys are witnesses to his criminal acts with their assistance.
simple: public trials followed by public hangings of all republicans guilty of treason.
Biden should reach across only to those who didn’t contest his election. Give them some wins so that they can show results for their states. Screw the other republicans in the other states they are a lost cause.
Excellent question…a perennial one, who are we? It’s not rhetorical; it’s didactic
The Karens will cry themselves out eventually. Personally I’m going to start ignoring the babies.