How A President’s First 100 Days Stretches Back To FDR | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss joins Morning Joe to discuss the history behind a president's first 100 days in office.

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How A President's First 100 Days Stretches Back To FDR | Morning Joe | MSNBC

How A President's First 100 Days Stretches Back To FDR | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahha. The media is trying so hard to make joe look good and they’re failing

      Also uses William H, William H Music, William H Music 2020, William H Music 2021, Timothy Truth. Reality, and of course The Tweatles. and who knows what others.

  2. Love the Intro Mika, you hardly took a breath with those words, took my breath away. I Enjoyed it and the video

  3. Government can be a solution to solve of our nation’s most pressing issues.

    I’m glad that President Biden has taken up the mantle of Presidents’ Roosevelt and Johnson’s progressivism.

  4. That’s a photo of a 101st Airborne paratrooper! I saw that in one of the books related to Band of Brothers 🙂

    1. THAT’S Joe Biden. 🇺🇲

      (Just kidding lol I’m pretty sure Biden would have been too old during WWII. Maybe the first World War. 🤣)

  5. Jesus loves and cares about you so much so repent so that we all make it to heaven.

    Like so more people can see this

  6. Donald Dumb’s 1st 100 days, he incited Charlottesville, incited El-Paso, praised KKK, called immigrants rapists, banned muslims and told color athletes to leave the country 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Unfortunately that was the consequences of electing a spoiled and egotistic child into office expecting him to lead as a mature leader.

  7. FDR was arguably the most effective and consequential President of the 20th Century, and certainly amongst the top 10 best since the job has existed, unquestionably.

    Biden ain’t no FDR, that’s for sure lol but he’s been surprisingly effective in his own right, particularly during these first 100 days. 🇺🇸

  8. with Biden in charge we are doomed to inflation, taxes, & unemployment. Nothing good from Biden. Nada.

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