Maricopa, Arizona, has been at the center of election-denying conspiracy theories ever since the 2020 Presidential election. See how the county has once again drawn into the conspiracy theory whirlpool. #CNN #News
How a glitch in Maricopa has become a gift to election deniers

My party and state have lost their minds and as a result, their way. I think the majority of us have simply had it with both the far left and the far right.
then go to Russia and have it your way
@G M When a butt-hurt president’s ego can’t accept he lost an election to a senile puppet, and has to resort to all he’s done to try to retain power, I don’t have to go to Russia. I’m already there.
In any other western democracy the Dems would be classified as centre right ,where as the Gop wouid be far right(fascist) your choice.
This will soon be over and we will get those final results .
If there’s a glitch somehow Democrats win that state
While thousands of folks went home unable to cast their ballots, others had to wait 2-3 hrs under the scorching sun.
Katie Hobbs must take the responsibility, she’s the secretary of State.
It just really sucks that they have two years to prepare for an election and this kind of thing still happens.
@Ryan Tannehill the republican ran maricopa board NBC cited name is Mathew Sanderson. He supports mass migration, globalization, and is a social scientist with the focus on water.
The dudes a lib. Research.
@Nsfitter you can’t tell this is an obviously deliberate stunt?
@Caesar Medina I jumped to defend a position? All I was meaning is what has been happening in Arizona is not isolated so questioning if they have new machines or not is irrelevant.
Arizonia is totally a retirement state that depends heavy on Social Security receptions. As you know the Republicans have been attacking Social Security. If the Republicans win it won’t be long till the Arizonia economy crashes. There is no work in the desert. With water rationing it will be worse. The Nevada and Arizonia were created by Social Security. Without it everything else is history. Farming in the desert will soon be history. Most of Arizonia and Nevada is Federal Land. Military proving grounds for nuclear testing. A lot of this land also belong to the Indians. Attacking Social Security is like Bitting the hand that feeds you. The racist movement is because of a lack of jobs in the desert. Retires are on a fixed income and just don’t spend much money on eating out or partying.
Mind Begs the Question:
If a Govt – distrusts & suspects People
People – can’t distrust Govt?
why are those people not distrusting Trump……. the guy everyone knows is proven to lie constantly …. … logic and common sense says not to distrust someone who lies constantly
Thats barely coherent
I would have voted for Kemp but not for the Election Deniers like MTG, Walker and Lake.
Just a glitch just a hiccup, technical issue…
Yo where’s the transparency?
Probably fraud, maybe not.
And why would they run out of paper
on the election day, many elderly folks had to wait 2-3 hrs, many simply went home. And you’re saying that didn’t impacted such a close election?
I just can’t IMAGINE why anyone would question election issues/improprieties after 2020.
Right? It’s almost like politicians not accepting their defeat and crying fraud has had a monumental impact on the perception of the security of our elections
Yeah, the person running also controls the mechanism. What could possibly go wrong.
It’s because you have the crooked SCOTUS on your side!
I’ve worked with similar machines in Ontario. The procedure there is the same. We didn’t need to use the third door at my location, but we would have counted them by hand if we did.
“Glitches” and problems in three straight election cycles in Maricopa County, Arizona. Things that make you go “hmmmm”..
It is not who you vote for it is who COUNTS the votes..
Dominion Voting Machines must release their PASSWORDS
CODES and SPLUNK LOG BOOKS .If they have nothing to HIDE they have nothing to FEAR..
.We have all seen this movie before in Maricopa County..DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS
A gift to election deniers? It’s 2022 how does something like this still happen? Elections are pretty important things. You’d think Americans could rest easy knowing that when they go to vote the machines will work and their vote will be counted but clearly that’s an unreasonable assumption
Doesn’t anyone think 20-25% of the machines malfunctioning on Election Day is strange? These people had ONE JOB.
Not strange. Just ignorant and irresponsible.
It is not who you vote for it is who COUNTS the votes..
Dominion Voting Machines must release their PASSWORDS
CODES and SPLUNK LOG BOOKS .If they have nothing to HIDE they have nothing to FEAR..
.We have all seen this movie before in Maricopa County..DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS
What did Cyber Ninja/MAGA FASCISTS do to these machines

@Rose X umm… that was a year and a half ago. The printers ran out if ink and paper and them chained could not scan them. That’s ALL preventable.
It should be maddening for anyone with a brain that they’re still only reporting 70% after two days.
Specially when the numbers do keep changing. 70%
10 hours ago less than 11k difference.
5 hours ago less than 13k difference.
now less than 15k difference.
Ohh wait why is Hobbs gaining votes when there is no counting?
The problem is that each state, city & county has its own election methods and electronic voting machines. There needs to be standardization and rules across the country.
“GLITCHES” in the machines during a tight race in Arizona AGAIN
That’s not suspicious at all!
Be honest- if this happened three elections in a row in a black district in GA, it would be Jim Crow 3.0 on EVERY news channel.
There is really no room for these issues to maintain the trust of voters. Should’ve been 100% ready to go, tested, and zero glitches. If not, ya get this from voters of all parties. Creates a smidgen of doubt in results.
Wow what a technological device but still I got a bad feeling that there’s someone will find something wrong with this or an issue