After a series of public company failures, most notably the 737 Max airplane crisis, Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg was fired from his position at the company. NBC News' Tom Costello breaks down what led to his termination. Aired on 12/23/19.
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How 737 Max Issues Led To Boeing CEO’s Firing | MSNBC
If he gets a golden parachute , he should be forced to use it by jumping from 37,000 feet, to check if it works .
Shouldn’t he be more then fired? He’s probably fired with tens of millions as his ” golden parachute” package. It’s odd that the ceo has a golden parachute but their passengers crash to their death.
@Sepehr Daghbandan Yes, that is why I mentioned the point. I am not absolving Boeing’s senior leadership in anyway, merely stating that the FAA needs air out its management shake-up as well for allowing to happen under their nose and not being that advocate for flight safety which is a crucial part of their core mission.
I hear James Comey is replacing him.
Very true and guaranteed Mulenburg will see his golden parachute long before any of the victims families see any restitution for their loss.
@Yakav8r55m Hmm… interesting. I wonder if there are golden parachutes in a federal agency?
little to late this is probably the man that cut corners to save money … corners = human life and as we all know life has no value at boeing
GTFOH Muilenburg. Leader must take responsibility.
They should have cut corners by not giving any CEO 35 million dollars a year. That is insane, No CEO is worth that. This kind of insane money is paid to too many CEO’s in too many companies. No wonder these guys think about their greed instead of the people they service. Greed is killing this country
If it’s MAX Boeing, I’m not going!
How sad, Boeing, was one of the best lines of aircrafts. Just seems our country is losing all good quality workmanship from General motors to aircrafts. To the future, may the next generation bring back better quality and ditch the bull.
Sad but true. If you watch Obama’s American Factory you possibly will know why
We are way ahead in Rocket Tech thanks to Elon, Boeing’s fundamental problem is they lack vision, Elon sees where the future is going and works hard to create a future that benefits all humans, Boeing only see’s as far as their bottom line allows them to see. Without some type of vision driving these companies , they just become parasites doomed to fail when the market wakes up to the fact their products are inferior. Boeing’s been living off the good will it got from WWII for a long time, if it’s unwilling to reinvent itself into a company that works for the benafit of humanity, like Space X, they don’t deserve to survive financially in this new modern world, that’s just how free markets work.
He should have been out months ago. Not because he was directly involved in the fiasco but there always need to be someone’s head on a platter in such a major screwup. Now that blood has been let, Boeing will be considered as having turned a new leaf and the public will likely be more forgiving.
He should have been out months ago, not because of the need for a fall guy, but because Muilenburg can no longer be counted upon to make the best decisions for Boeing since he would be mainly making decisions to save his own skin!
Obviously Boeing itself was on autopilot until disasters have stricken, generations of its CEOs have mismanaged the company, there was no vision, no long term investments, and basically just simple short tactical execution to maximize profit. Now it’s like GE where all issues are coming out to the light
mustardfj40 airbus fanboy were you in the Boeing offices? Why don’t you expose them bro you know too much!!!!
So…the guy says Boeing needed to make a sacrifice to improve public image, and they thought this guy would fit the bill? That was a waste of an interview!
He should be in jail during Christmas. They used a single sensor design. That is criminal. Anyone who has worked with sensors for just a limited time will quickly figure out that sensors are very unreliable even when they are working. You need at least 3 and 5 would be a safe number. Not one! Nobody concerned for reliability does that.
John Smith you don’t need 5
You wouldn’t need 5, the sensors etc. are supposed to be serviced regularly, and the likelihood of 4 failing is essentially impossible. Industry practice for non-essential equipment (ie sensors etc) is double redundancy, whilst Airbus has triple redundancy.
The mad thing is that the 737max is equipped with two aoa sensors, but that MCAS used the input of just one.
@Mike Blatzheim You need three sensors if you want a system to still work with a sensor failure. Two sensors if you need to detect a fault but it’s acceptable to disable system(s) relying on that sensor. One sensor is okay if the system isn’t safety-critical. MCAS was built on top of STS, which wasn’t safety-critical, but at least the final form of MCAS was definitely safety-critical
@Appable I’s say all the dead people might not agree with you.
@Roger Russell Airbus doesn’t put in five because it’s pointless. Boeing messed up on system design with a single-channel system, absolutely, but five is not a reasonable approach either because it doesn’t add any significant safety.
Look at Boeing hiring practices for a clue about how messed up Boeing management is. They take months to hire someone. You don’t get top talent waiting months and months to hire. You get what’s left that nobody else wanted. But that is how Boeing hires.
It is most sad to imagine and feel the pain and anguish the victims of Boeing’s crashed aircraft must have felt. What I am even most sad about is that the Boeing board of directors and management were not on one these doomed aircraft.
A meaningless gesture with a large pay off to save the companies reputation. Not much of a consolation to the victims and their families. CEO culture.
If someone really wants to become the new CEO of a large civil and defense corporation like Boeing in order to replace Dennis Muilenburg, having to serve in the US Air Force is the number 1 criterion that Boeing needs to set. Because once they have experience in the US Air Force, they must master the basic functional buttons on a fighter plane before they can apply it to the production of conventional civil aircraft or civil aircraft converted into military transport aircraft.
That is a useless criterion. Why not engineering or any other form of piloting or about 50 other things which are directly related to aerospace? And what if you’re a Navy aviator? That’s just as much expertise as an Air Force pilot (though perhaps slightly more firm landings)
Fired this clown should be charged with manslaughter.
This does not change anything on how i feel about the 737 max planes.
They are still death traps
And all this stemmed from bad management decisions going back two decades with the acquisition of McDonnell Douglas back in 1996. It took nearly a quarter of a century to turn a superb company into garbage.