Two empty homes overlooking a canyon slid off their foundations in Draper, Utah, prompting the evacuations of two adjacent residences, city officials say. #CNN #News #shorts
Houses slide off cliff in Utah

Two empty homes overlooking a canyon slid off their foundations in Draper, Utah, prompting the evacuations of two adjacent residences, city officials say. #CNN #News #shorts
Pulte homes?
So goes the American Dream of owning a home
Yes, the interview of the owners said they are living in an apartment now, but still pay on a mortgage for the $800k sliding house.
@Drew Thank God they were at least out of the house— but all the paperwork with no clear ending— with payments — The ironic part might be that they paid more for their “view” .
Those houses looked brand new. Why did this happen?
To shape subdivision with flat front yards & walkout basement, many tons of backfill are trucked in then plied up with bulldozer, but the dirt piled on top of old creek bed won’t remain stable, the underground water still uses the creek and dirt on top dissolve, foundation cracks & house topples down
I’m always amazed when I see people building and buying houses on the edges of cliffs
To be frank, and I don’t say that with malice, I am more amazed why people insist in building houses in wood rather than bricks
Republicans will okay that stuff. Regulations suck, ya know?
When they said the housing market collapsed this isn’t what I thought they meant

I saw it on Facebook but thought it was one of those fake videos and it was like a back drop to something or a video game
The wolf came down and blew it down ): Should’ve built it out of bricks.
Should have built them on solid rock, not shifting sand.
Blame the engineers and the builder for this! There are places where homes should not be built.
Ofcourse dont blame the republican elected officials who allowed the building to be put up there.
That whole neighbourhood will be gone in the next 10 years
This happens every few years in those neighborhoods. When I was a kid I wondered why people would buy those houses. Now I wonder why a kid knew better than adults with money.
Dumbest place to build a home. I have a house that is on a mildly sloping hill and have been having trouble with the slab shifting just a few inches per decade. A little over a foot since 1962. Getting it leveled is not cheap. But building right on a cliff, STUPID!
They’re in Utah?
They probably didn’t pray hard enough…
Usually they figure their sins go away once a week, so I doubt they’re blaming it on that.
Republican run state. Republican “regulations.”
If you think this is scary, we have this dam called Jordanelle. If failed the safety test but they built it anyway. If it ever breaks, a bunch of water goes down to Provo and destroys a bunch of stuff.
Yes, and the home builder is called “Edge Homes”.
You mean deregulation. Zero codes. Slum codes
Even in that condition I couldn’t afford a house in this market
God just totally failed that millionaire lds pastor.
Resistance is futile.
I can understand why they couldn’t have moved those buildings because it’s been done before and if they knew that was happening why didn’t they do something that was a hell of a lot of money thrown away into the garbage
Although I am sorry for the people that lost their homes this way you got to admit if you’re going to build your house on the edge of a Clift like that then you taking a chance of losing your home this way and the same goes for people that build their home so close to the water and don’t put it up on stilts when you live very close to the water your chances of getting flooded increase dramatically and if you don’t have decent flood insurance you’re screwed!
God is bringing judgment against america. For not letting his people go. He’s not going to ask again.LET MY PEOPLE GO!
Who built them should be charged.