House votes to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from committee assignments

The House has voted to remove Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, a decisive step that comes in the wake of recently unearthed incendiary and violent past statements from the congresswoman that have triggered widespread backlash from Democrats and divided congressional Republicans.
#CNN #News

House votes to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from committee assignments


    1. @Hu Me Yeah Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg after she blew up the capitol building. According to wikipedia she works for BLM. She is obviously highly qualified. Lol.

    1. @peaceandllov Republicans hate objective reality. Strange but true.

      Remind me again which side believes in varying conspiracy theories? Each as ridiculously stupid and dangerous as the next. She should not be in either chamber. Freedom of speech needs to be checked if you a have a position of power, a platform to speak on; purposely spreading lies as truth. There has to be consequences.

    2. @Justin Mcclain //- Trump inherited a 4.7% unemployment rate that had been declining for 6 1/2 years. His job creation was 1.5 million less than Obama’s last three yrs., _ before Covid._ ..

    3. @Adrien St-Julien Damn…. I can meet you half way but you’re acting like its “your” sports team lol. You don’t think there’s few bad eggs from the Dem side?? Aoc is a nut bag. As a lib, dogmatic mentality scares me.

  1. Sounds like General Sherman needs to march through Greene’s neck of Georgia. Make the Confederacy Burn Again.

    1. @Bill Eckert I’m not inviting violence. The violence was already incited. I just want to end it completely. Paradox of tolerance: I do not extend tolerance to the intolerant.

  2. The GOP is always saying, “Elections have consequences.” In this case, may her ‘contributions’ to society be mimimal from now on.

    1. Thanks to all the Rinos that voted against Marjorie! You just let your base know that we need to replace you!

  3. Ahh…nah…you know when a nut is a nut and a jerk is a jerk. They had to go after her because Republicans did not do their job. Someone had to do it. She is completely unqualified.

    1. My vote for Biden was pointed and with a purpose. The goal was to remove Trump from office so he could be Indicted. The rule of law matters

    1. Yea she should leave, and all the democrats (who destroyed the country with their lockdowns and supported the mass riots last summer that created $2 billion of damage across america) should stay… and who pushed the Russia hoax and wasted over $40 million tax dollars trying to impeach trump…. They should stay in congress…. Nothing crazy about them.

  4. Almost all Repulsive-icans: “The Democrats got enough votes to take Greene out of the committees, right? So let’s play safe…by not voting against Rep. Unhinged-&-Unsafe.”


  6. Did they remove Marjorie Taylor Green she’s embarrassing to Georgia, Democrats & some of the Republicans. They need to shake the hate out the Republicans & get rid of all of them especially the ones who worked with tRump.

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