House To Hold Hearings On The Rise Of Anti-Asian Violence | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday is set to hold a hearing on the rise of hate incidents against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., is set to speak at the hearing, and she joins Morning Joe to discuss. NBC News' Jo Ling Kent also joins the discussion. Aired on 03/18/2021.
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#Hearings #AntiAsianViolence #MSNBC

House To Hold Hearings On The Rise Of Anti-Asian Violence | Morning Joe | MSNBC

House To Hold Hearings On The Rise Of Anti-Asian Violence | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. It is completely unacceptable the sheriff brushed this murderer off as him “having a bad day”.

    1. @The Homeless Travel Network Airways WHAT come on did you hear that on Fox because that sounds absured…smh

    2. @Soupy Anderson I don’t agree with everything Trump did ir said but he is a billionaire and has money in nations all over the world. Also the people allowed to come back from China were American citizens. If you were traveling and a war broke out or a virus started wouldn’t you like to return home?

    3. @tasha thayer fox news is almost as bad as the ccp funded MSNBC thst supports the slavery of Muslim asian people in Xinjiang and Tibet China!!! You support MSNBC not me!!!!!

    4. @tasha thayer fox news😂🤣😂🤣😂 you really are a liberal meth tweaker that poops on sidewalks 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    5. @Soupy Anderson show me where I blamed anyone for anything please. I really don’t know what you are talking about.

    1. 🇪🇺🇬🇷
      America need balance
      as battery ……any society need balance…….balance of fluids in chemistry…..its the same
      America need a better trump
      a filanthropist trump ….
      society need focus on sports
      good food
      and income

  2. Why doesn’t someone sue Trump for his rhetoric? He sues everyone else. Can’t someone censure him? Since January 6th, he should be ordered to shut his mouth. He’s done enough damage.

    1. @ckaz007, I know you are not speaking to me. I’m not a Democrat but Trump lost my vote and I’ll vote more Democrats in if people like you don’t WAKE UP. My point is it’s not ok what he’s done. I can’t keep my job with the speeches he has made. I’d be terminated immediately

    2. @R. G. Biv ,
      Polar opposite did blame both Trump and the media. Thus the words “I also blame” which means media and Trump are to blame. And, yes the media are to blame for broadcasting all of Trump’s rascist
      And divisive fear and hate mongering. At least we can be happy that Trump has been permantly banned from twitter which has helped silence much of Trump’s childish temper tantrums and blaming everyone else for all his problems.

    3. @ckaz007
      Being against people in power that spew extremist rascist hate speeches is not being against the 1st amendment. Just because you can say something hateful that kicks down who are different from yourself, does not make it right or ethical. Just because you have the right to feel speech does not give you the right to falsely yell Fire in a crowded place for the sole purpose of creating chaos. So knock off with accusations of hating the 1st amendment without providing context. Words like everything else is relative as the same words can mean different things under different context.

    4. @William Stefens You like repeating the words “hate speech”. That is the catch phrase of leftists and the democrat party who don’t want to have a political debate on the issues, but instead, they try to silence the opposition by throwing around false accusations of being a racist, bigot, and homophobe. You sound like an intolerant lefty just like the original post.

    1. No surprise, we are a country built on the extermination of the Natives, on enslaving of Africans, on anti-semitism, anti-immigration against hispanics and discrimination against Asians.

  3. Yeah, let’s hold some hearings, pass some laws, and be proud of ourselves while accomplishing nothing. Maybe start by getting weapons out of the hands of psychos for a start.

    1. @ckaz007 – Nope. Take 20 minutes, and really think about it. And try again.

      Hint: stop hating the players, start hating the game.

    2. @ckaz007 What a laughably ignorant statement. All but a handful of politicians are owned by their corporate donors. If democrats were really secret socialists, Bernie Sanders would be president. BTW, even Bernie isn’t a socialist. One more thing, you build your own roads, are you your own police and fire departments, post office, libraries, public school, not to mention Armed Forces? Those are all socialist programs. Don’t let me forget Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, FEMA.

    3. @ckaz007 WE THE PEOPLE!!!Bat Boy is CORRECT! WE are in charge. NOT THE GOVT. But people keeping following the shiny object ( IE DR SEUSS STUPIDITY) instead of focusing on what is real.

    4. @sparky McPlug They are very closed to those realities, they don’t bother to become educated, they just parrot whatever other narrowed minded people tell them to believe, don’t try to educate them, or try to make them understand, or have empathy for other people. All they want is a justification to hate others that don’t share the same way of thinking or have a different culture.

    5. @bat boy get rid of the electoral college? Replace it with what? It’s a checks and ballences department, and there for a reason. Why do you want to circumvent that? Maybe to make it easier to get your way? It’s getting past somebody’s bed time isn’t it.

  4. Asian Americans just like blk people should be protesting across this country, cause the media will turn it and now the shooter claims it wasn’t about racism now that the media put it out there..we all know it was racism…

    1. @SK we ain’t fighting yall battles what have Asian did for blacks know Asian fell the heat now we friends nah we’ll seat back and see who win like you guys do 😂

    2. @Bryan Solonki Wow, you are ignorant :). You can try but will not divide POCs. We are galvanized and ready to take down White Nationalism. More to come!

  5. This is so horrible.
    I am an Austrian, and we love our asian communities here in Europe. They are known for their friendly, polite hard-working and ambitious spirit.
    I love their culture, especially their wonderful food. It breaks my heart how much hate and violence they are experiencing right now.
    😢 #Fckracism
    The US government as well as the public need to work hard in order to confront anti-asian hate crimes.

    1. @Ally M I wish at least 80% of the US people are kind, caring, and decent enough to think the same about never allowing a malevolent tyrant to become a US president, there should be a battery of different tests that a person must pass before nominating him/her to be a candidate for the presidency. They do it for many other jobs, why no for somebody to became the president of a country, the lives and livelihoods of millions of people who he is supposed to work for, and protect are at stake. smh

    2. @F&M I wish that too! It’s really hard to accept the fact 74 Million voted to reelect him. You’d think the death of over 1/2 Million people would resonate with these people. It’s beyond disheartening. They’re really perverse and have no regard for human life.

    3. Americans and Europeans are two different cultures even though many Americans have European ancestry. Same as Blacks in US and Africans — completely different cultures.

    1. @Montreal MUFC giving additional thought to your post, there is no evidence. None whatsoever. The gossip and speculation and political heat comes from a MSM that WikiLeaks warned us about. A compliant medium in bed with the corrupt and entrenched political class and the globalist. I am taking a transcript of trumps January 6 speech and find nothing whatsoever in it that was inflammatory, hateful or riotous.
      I have advised my Democrat clients to attempt to refrain from the word, “fight “in their political speeches. Following the January 6 the riot I received correspondence from Liz About how she was going to ‘fight’ for this issue and that issue. My thought at the time was that she might be encouraging others to assault Republicans.
      I believe whatever you’re referring to came from a hateful and compliant media that is spewing propaganda.

    2. @T. R. Campbell You clearly need counseling, medications, and to be removed from the internet until you get your brain fixed up proper.

    3. @That Filthy Weeaboo Well thank you very much for that assessment. Perhaps it’s not me that has the problem however.

    4. @pakpala1 What many people fail to understand or lose sight of is that the ultimate authority over a city Police Department rests with the Mayor and the City Council. These elected officials have control over all city departments to include sanitation, streets, water, electrical, permits and inspection, fire and police departments, etc.
      These city officials are responsible for the heads of each department to include fire and police chief, the city officials also direct policy. The police department is the armed enforcement agent of the city and is expected to enforce the laws passed by the elect a representative. The elected city officials also negotiate police union contracts. The elected city officials and union leader ship agreed to and signed off on all union contracts.
      If people do not trust the police department that also reflects negatively on the elected officials.

    1. How is that considered anti-asian violence? The police stated there were no indications that race played any part in this.
      So what exactly makes this ani-asian?

  6. The problem is we Americans need to be brave and tell the truth about why we have not acknowledged that structural racism is a serious issue that will not be ignored or tolerated.

  7. This hurts my soul. I’m so embarrassed & ashamed of how my “fellow Americans” have been handling the virus & how they’ve treated ppl of Asian descent.

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