House, Senate Leadership Resume Talks On Relief | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Kasie Hunt discusses continued talks on the Hill over further coronavirus relief. Aired on 12/04/2020.
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#KasieHunt #Coronavirus #MSNBC

House, Senate Leadership Resume Talks On Relief | Morning Joe | MSNBC

House, Senate Leadership Resume Talks On Relief | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. For what they get paid…they should get something done. Right now the most important part of their job is…get a stimulus to the people…long overdue! That’s all…simple!

  2. This is not a stimulus package, it’s a disaster relief package because of lack of leadership from trump and his colleagues. American people need stimulus checks

    1. @Priscilla Robb why would you keep the American flag your not an American.oh I bet you kept it so you could burn it

    2. In Europe, we don’t have so many simple minded people so we don’t have so many cases of CoVid. We don’t expect a nanny state to tell us what to do. We have common sense and know how to wash our hands and social distance. Europe sent their criminals, simple minded and insane to the US. Since they went to the US, Europe has has less disease except when sent by the US or China. We also sent all the beggers over there. Americans are always asking for a handout. On another subject, It was so nice today to hear a major important news organization call US MSM liars who do not produce news! Finally someone speaks the truth on air worldwide! Wonderful! It’s so boring being lied to!

    3. @Tom Woods I serve this country for quarter a century. I am American immigrant. I am still serving this country by making small quilts for the vets and baby grace. My dad saved tons of American soldiers from the Japanese in my country, the Philippines. My dad and I have served this country. What have you done to deserve to say that to me and my dad? Just because I do not like your Trump, you just want to insult me and my dad plus my brother -in-laws ? How dare you!!!😡😡😡

    4. @Tom Woods call me all kinds of names. I hope those name calling will bounce back to you after all
      The dirts of trump will be exposed when he will not be immune to law suits. 🤨

  3. Trump wont sign off on any relief bill that includes funding to states or local government which he feels werent “loyal” to him personally.

    1. He is vindictive president ever. I never heard a president saying for 4 years blue states/ cities and red states/ cities only trump.

    2. true but still needs to be passed so the American people have one more thing we can put in the face of his base…

    3. @Gary Ray Donald Trump already said he would veto any stimulus package coming from the Democrats who is sabotaging America The Republican Party they want America to be in flames when Joe Biden takes office he does not talk any stimulus package or 270,000 people that have lost their lives

  4. They are not helping no american people they are helping their self not the people that put them there. Smh 😨

    1. The liberal Jews in our government (Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Diane Feinstein, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren) didn’t mind giving 8 million Israelis in Israel 36 billion American tax dollars 4 years ago plus another 3 billion annually. See they don’t just help themselves, just not the American people.

  5. As a result of Trump’s wild claims, Georgia Republican election officials have found themselves the targets of death threats from irate Trump supporters, who demand that they name Trump the winner………PURE MAGA FASCISM

    1. Katie Porter is one of the best, most refreshing people who has been elected to Congress. Anyone who can make Mnuchin look like the corrupt buffoon he is immediately becomes a winner in my book. His misogyny showed when he tried to impeach her her credibility by asking for her credentials in asking a question rather than answering the question. Unfortunately for him, she had the credentials he lacked and it showed.

    2. Do you know how Congress works? It’s doesn’t matter who is the Democrats negotiator when Mitch doesn’t want to do anything for working people. Most of the benefits of his “skinny” relief bill goes to large companies with no conditions. He also insists on a poison pill of a liability waiver for companies that may have put workers at risk.

    3. We all understand how Congress and the Senate work. We all know Moscow Mitch’s not trying to sign anything that’s going to help the Ppl, his main concern is Big Corporation and millionaires and it’s always has been.

    4. @Suomy Nona It’s always amusing to see the folks in Finland trying to lecture Americans about how the Unites States Congress works.

    1. Trump and his Mafia family and Moscow Mitch is guilty of treason, (owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000;) Georgia Republicans -“Don’t vote for the Republicans in Georgia” Republicans Election has already been decided you lost, your top Republican officials are telling you not to vote in the Georgia runoff maybe listen to them ? #stoptrumpCOUP #trumptreason Trump is still president and 100% responsible for these deaths from Covid , stop the trump virus COUP ,all of trumps money comes from Russia , all the proof is in Trumps taxes still not released

    2. In Europe, we don’t have so many simple minded people so we don’t have so many cases of CoVid. We don’t expect a nanny state to tell us what to do. We have common sense and know how to wash our hands and social distance. Europe sent their criminals, simple minded and insane to the US. Since they went to the US, Europe has has less disease except when sent by the US or China. We also sent all the beggers over there. Americans are always asking for a handout. On another subject, It was so nice today to hear a major important news organization call US MSM liars who do not produce news! Finally someone speaks the truth on air worldwide! Wonderful! It’s so boring being lied to!

    3. @Debra Musk Hmm. I seem to remember Europe trying to commit suicide twice in the 20th century, and both times needing help from the U.S. Guess you didn’t get rid of ALL of the simple-minded and insane people either.
      And if the media lies, its because its purpose is to MAKE MONEY, not necessarily report accurate information. If real news reporting requires a “nanny state”, then I say BRING IT ON! (though the vast majority of the lying is on one side, with that same side accusing the other of lying).
      And along those lines, what are you saying really, when everyone in most of your countries has health insurance and doesn’t risk bankruptcy every time they have an illness, not to mention decent welfare systems in general?
      We’re the ones who LACK a “nanny state”, which is why so many people’s lives are completely uncertain right now, and why they’re all hoping for
      some relief.

    1. @josef mengele Seems to many that you are describing CONservative politicians who were all behind the tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations.

    2. @Marilee Ackelson Right and you believe Hillary and Biden doesn’t have anything to hide. Just shut up and keep drinking the poisonous MSNBC tea. Even Jim Jones tea wasn’t as deadly.

  6. No aid is coming. The GOP plan is to make the worst possible mess for Biden to clean up as possible. No relief or aid will be coming from Mitch’s legislative graveyard.

    1. @Maggie Hubbard I hope so. If Kentucky did not do their job in Voting out Mitch, maybe Georgia will. 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Trump is a Tiger who can’t change his Stripes! We are the last people he cares about! Unless this can benefit him then just Forget it!!

  8. Getting both Warnock and Ossoff will speed things up because “the turtle” will be neutered.
    I’m just sayin’.

    1. @Beverly Martin It would have been better ifvhe cracked his head open when he fell. He is only for the Top1%

  9. If there are no direct payments to the American taxpayers then they aren’t really talking relief just more corporate welfare

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