Full Committee virtual hearing on H. Res. 72 will be held. It will discuss removing a certain member from certain standing committees of the House of Representatives.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., announced Wednesday the House of Representatives would vote Thursday to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., of her assignments from House committees due to violent and racist rhetoric and perpetuation of unfounded QAnon conspiracy theories.
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#marjorietaylorgreene #Impeachment #politics #Trump
Marjorie Taylor Greene should be relocated to the federal penitentiary for an endless term forever with no parole
I wish people wouldn’t wear masks with agendas on them. That is what t-shirts are for.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is to the GOP like what Squeaky Fromme was to the Manson family.
to all the Jews of the world: I am so sorry some people in America still take part in this disgusting behavior to verbalize anti-semic (?) Laser beams Redrick. We are not all of this ilk. We who are decent Americans will abhor this behavior. Those who are not decent Americans will want to move on and ignor, for that I apologize
. Our behavior of late is unacceptable. And no one wants to take the blame for anything or stand up and stop passing the buck. .
Its been happening for thousands of years its sad. But i think for most people its getting better. Consider “The Merchant of Venice” for todays viewers and readers its a tragedy but in Shakespeares time he wrote it as a comedy. But sadly there will always be some morons.
Hope she’s removed. She’s crazy. NO MORE CONSPIRACIES. NEVER
The difference here is that when a public official encourage and incite to put a bullet in the head of another colleague and not hold themselves accountable by apologizing. She showed no empathy or compassion for those families who have loss a loved one from Parkland and 9/11. She said she would never apologize. What is wrong with the Republican Party?She advocated and encouraged the 1/6 Insurrection. When those thugs riot the Capital and the Congress and the Senate lives were in danger did they forget, or does it take one of them to be murdered to take this seriously.
The five deaths from the riot on 1/6 seems insignificant.
She’s Not qualified
The funeral services the officer and the others who violently loss their lives should be televised on all TV channels—-
FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS etc. This would let Americans know that lives matter.
What a nut she is.
Our Democracy is important and we as Americans we must hold ourselves accountable.
If anyone in a normal job threatened to shoot a co worker the would not have that job.
It is not about politics or political parties. It’s about morality and ethics, empathy and compassion.
MTG is a few fries
short of a happy meal. She’s got to be removed from Congress!
Appointing Greene to the education committee was a mockery of congress and meant to perpetuate a distrust of gov.
Dems must save our democracy. Republicans that love our Nation must speak out
I would not like to be working in the same building as Greene. I would be always looking over my shoulder. Nor would I ever want to disagree with her. She is a person who seems to delight in revenge.
Hope she’s fired
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We’re Jews out in space
We’re zooming along
protecting the Hebrew race.
Its a Mel Brooks movie Marjorie Taylor Greene is insane