Alejandro Mayorkas says the southern border is closed just days after the House passes immigration bill providing paths to citizenship. So, what just happened?
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the Biden administration's response to a rise in the number of unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the southern border in a series of interviews Sunday.
"The border is closed," Mayorkas declared on NBC News' "Meet the Press." The secretary noted that the administration was "expelling families. We are expelling single adults. And we've made a decision that we will not expel young, vulnerable children."
Since November, unaccompanied migrant children have been allowed to enter the United States and be assigned a deportation hearing where they can seek legal status. The Trump administration was required to carry out that process after a judge ruled the provision necessary, a policy the Biden administration decided to continue.
In the first weeks of the new administration, there has been an increase in the number of unaccompanied minors crossing the U.S-Mexico border. Many of the children are fleeing instability and violence in Central American countries. Most are placed in border patrol custody, which has been largely overwhelmed by the steady rise in arrivals.
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#Immigration #HouseToday #DACANews
Correction: anyone with an IQ over 62 can SEE with their own eyes there’s a crisis at the border
They are sending youngsters ready to meet up their cartel buddies here on the US,
共党所用的伎俩,用媒体统治,用电视机剧词给人洗脑达到一统中国,用拍的电影恐吓人来统治中国,用拍死来统治中国人,用电视机和演唱会统治中国,不要共党用汉语一统中国,不要用演唱会一统中华大地,不要以电视剧统治中 国。成国视频教程在空间。立国论视频教程在空间。建立国的论视频教程在空间。叙述国的论在空间。成国论在空间。共党作恶多端,我们应该废除党。开除所有同流合污的党。我们要赶走所有共党。侵权的共党。不要通过电视剧来统治我们的党,不要给我们洗脑的党。不要他们说了算的这群党。
就是不要共产党 就是不要共产党,
建国三要素 政治部门 国家部门 军事部门
创国论思想: 反中创向,向国乃向上也。以人民为方向也。向着人们的国也即是向国。
。新中国 更新换国 更新 中国换向国。四面八方即是向国。军事思想:所向无敌
向国国旗寓意:我们的向国国家或者个人或者企业或者部门单位机构中心就像大脑或者CPU一样运行着,接受 处理 操作 反馈 处理 操作 更新……这样的良性方向发展,以这样的国家主张,主要思想,这样的神,抛无迎神向国“现代神学”著作已经在编纂之中,此本神学著作是在世界神学之上,思想和现代物质二者合一的神学,神和法律相结合的向国,达到我们的向国强大。
向国军歌 向国的军队来自向国人民。分为7军,我们时刻记住。向国军为民 民为军。来自民间的向国军出英杰,保向国护人民,民与神 军与神,向远方,展军迹,打倒敌人的5军区,粉碎敌人的残留,创向国,创民乐。我们的向国在四面八方 直到远方。
向国军分为向国军 向国省军 向国市军 向国省市军 向国县军 向国镇军 向国乡军
向国市人民代表政治大会和向国市人民常务政治委员会 2向国市人民政治协商会议 3.向国市人民法政治委员会 4.向国市人民检察政治委员会 二、向国市政府政治委员会 5.向国市人民政府政治委员会 6.向国市发展和改革政治委员会 7.向国市经济政治委员会 8.向国市教育政治委员会9.向国市科学技术政治委员会 10.向国市民族宗教事务政治委员会 11.向国市公安政治委员会 12.向国市监察政治委员会 13.向国市民政政治委员会 14.向国市司法政治委员会 15.向国市财政政治委员会 16.向国市人事政治委员会 17.向国市劳动和社会保障政治委员会 18.向国市资源政治委员会 19.向国市规划政治委员会 20.向国市建设政治委员会 21.向国市政管理政治委员会 22.向国市交通政治委员会 23.向国市粮食政治委员会 24.向国市商务政治委员会 25.向国市文化政治委员会 26.向国市卫生政治委员会 27.向国市人口与计生政治委员会 28.向国市审计政治委员会 29.向国市资产监督管理政治委员会 30.向国市地方税务政治委员会31.向国市国家税务政治委员会 32.向国市工商行政管理政治委员会 33.向国市质量技术监督政治委员会 34.向国市环境保护政治委员会 35.向国市水利政治委员会 36.向国市工业促进政治委员会 37.向国市农业政治委员会 38.向国市广播电视政治委员会 39.向国市新闻出版政治委员会 40.向国市文物政治委员会 41.向国市体育政治委员会 42.向国市统计政治委员会 43.向国市物价政治委员会 44.向国市食品药品监督管理政治委员会 45.向国市安全生产监督管理政治委员会 46.向国市人民政府法制政治委员会47.向国市信访政治委员会 48.向国市人民政府政治委员会 49.向国市人民防空政治委员会 50.向国市林业政治委员会 51.向国市信息产业政治委员会 52.向国市老龄政治委员会 53.向国市行政服务政治委员会54.向国市招商政治委员会 55.向国市房产管理政治委员会 56.向国市外事侨务旅游政治委员会 57.向国市水产政治委员会 58.向国市知识产权政治委员会 59.向国市纪委监察政治委员会60.向国市组织政治委员会61.向国市宣传政治委员会 62.向国市政法政治委员会63.向国市政治委员会64.向国市台湾工作政治委员会 65.向国市精神文明建设政治委军,向国战略支援部队,向国联勤保障部队,向国战区,向国武警部队,向国人民武装警察部队,向国直属院校,向国国防大学,向国军事科学院,向国国防科技大学,向国军事法院,向国军事检察院,
向国市人民代表政治大会和向国市人民常务政治委员会 2向国市人民政治协商会议 3.向国市人民国市政管理政治委员会 22.向国市交通政治委员会 23.向国市粮食
@共党犯罪废党建向 Yes, communism is bad but the people also don’t want socialism. We have to fight hard and often to keep these out of our societies!!!
@共党犯罪废党建向 English?
The 40 year old children of tomorrow!
She’s a beaut
So what do democrats call it? (besides orange mans fault )
These are democrat voters for the future,too bad the country will burn soon
This is so wrong in so many ways what are you doing to the country each year just make it worse for the kids behind us
You’ll keep stressing yourself on the country’s matter which is for the government to solve while others are there Investing in bitcoin.
With the help of my personal broker I made $5000 with $500 capital in 3weeks.
I’ve blown so many accounts trying to do this trading. How do I get an expert to help.
Same here,I really need a tutor
I lost 3btc on dollar cost averaging and all because I don’t know how to place trades.
@Jackson Fred How did you do it,Do you have a trader expert?.
@Parker Miles Yes I have a good broker I work with since 2019.
This is disgusting…..I’m done with this country. I have lost my faith
@resireg I am not being allowed to post.
Lets call this what it is…
@Roberto Vidal Garcia Hostilely taking land from the natives and then killing all of them is not immigration, it’s conquest. The idea that America is a NaTiOn Of ImMiGrAnTs is a total lie. It also seems like the more socially progressive and diverse we become the worse things get in terms of crime, wage stagnation, the corporate oligarchy, corruption, our global status, etc. Must be a coincidence.
TL;DR this is our country and we are entitled to it, “Roberto”
@Roberto Vidal Garcia Yes I would prefer they try that rather than this slow, painful decline.
Brought illegally in the US. = Daca..
If the conditions are so luxurious then why is the Biden administration barring media access to see these “kids in cages”?
Project Veritas has the pix
If Biden is doing this as well then he deserves the same level of scrutiny, no one gets a pass on human rights abuse – not Biden, not Trump.
197 nahs… 9 republicans voted with them!!! If these reps belong to you call them out on their BS!
Send them back.
I’m so happy for these migrants LOL just kidding I just like to laugh as the ship is going down

how is it closed when the border patrol is letting in whoever wants in
They lie
If there ISNT a border crisis, why is Biden going to Mexico to “stem the tide”…and why isnt that RACIST like it was when Trump did it? Questions the media will not ask because its nothing but propaganda.
Lest bring the entire third world
country to USA. Let’s make this country better ….weee
Biden closed the border, except for children. We will have a surge for the next twenty years. The GOP will not pass immigration legislation.
Screenshot your comments as YouTube is deleting thousands of comments to suppress free speech and control the narrative
True. Happens to me all the time. I’ve switched profiles to check and half are not posted – especially on certain channels i.e. news channels.
when dems ignore federal entry law and that fails they call it reform !
Message Me :(Eight