House passes bipartisan gun reform legislation, sends to Biden | USA TODAY

The House passed the most meaningful gun reform legislation in 28 years. President Biden said he will sign into law.

RELATED: Uvalde victims' families beg Texas lawmakers to enact gun safety laws | USA TODAY

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#gunreform #gunlaws #bipartisan

House passes bipartisan gun reform legislation, sends to Biden | USA TODAY


  1. When marijuana was illegal and I was surfing in California I met another surfer who liked to smoke weed. I never had any trouble getting my hands on it and I am pretty sure that goes with getting guns today.

  2. Good bipartisanship.American people needs both parties to get their sh”&$$ together and work for good Americans no matter their race or political party

  3. she owns a vinyard..her husband just got arrested for drunk driving but nothing about how alchohol kills people..because she makes MONEY

    1. Most drunk drivers don’t drive into a schoolyard full of children purposely running them down you are talking about comparing clothes to food.

  4. I wonder if people would accept “bipartisan” if democrats voted away your abortion rights. Watching rights dissolve isn’t the event in which we need to be cheering…

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