After Trump backtracked and signed a $2.3 trillion package that combines Covid-19 relief with government funding, the House has passed the bill that would increase Covid-19 stimulus payments from $600 to $2,000, narrowly hitting the two-thirds majority needed to pass. The measure now goes to the Senate. Aired on 12/28/2020.
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#HousePassesBill #Coronavirus #MSNBC
House Passes Bill Increasing Coronavirus Stimulus Checks To $2,000 | The Beat With Ari Melber
Republican Senators NAY
If they don’t pass it, the Senate run-off will look even better for the Democrats winning, unfortunate for all Americans though.
Hello how are you doing?
Brilliant, the Senate won’t pass it and now everyone will know who the real a-holes in Washington are. As if we didn’t already know.
@Muddy Water Right, Muddy that money should be spent here in the US to determine why Republican males have no balls.
When does the Senate vote on their side?
@CShield hey!!
Where you from?
@UCd2gIvzHmNf5CRb3lkSDLZg MSNBC mods are yanking the potty mouth comments faster than I can post them. Good 4u MSNBC.
@Jennifer Wilson Why?
Guarantee Senate Republicans will reject this unless they want to win Georgia votes
Curious to see how Fox news will turn this around!!

@IAMGiftbearer maybe this is a strategic move on McConnells part. If it is, it shows you how brilliantly they play the game. These 2 sitting Senators vote for the 2000 and get it. Will be hard too vote against them election day. Democracts might have fallen into a trap.
Mc Connell is just going to hold it up so it wont even come to a vote.
@America Lost And Loeffler is a billionaire.
Does Republicans really care about everyday Americans. SAD SAGA
Watching from london, we all know this isn’t passing. republican senators DO NOT care. Enough playing nice with them
This so Trump can blame GOP Senators. 2 of them have to still win their seats (Georgia). They either pay up or Trump will fire on them.
May I ask an honest question? @Lumehs
How much of a joke is the US Govt to the rest of the UK?
Because we loathe our government just as much as, well, everyone. Always one side or the other. Completely divisible. Not exactly One Nation anymore.
You should know better than that. Shame on you.
Time for USA and UK to unite and make China pay for intentionally murdering our people with their genetically engineered COVID19 bioweapon.
I will remember these clowns who did not vote for this bill i hope all you people are paying attention. And remember. What will happen and vote them all out ???????
Voting don’t work anymore Where have you been
@Junior Thompson It does, we got rid of trump!
@Junior Thompson Who says? Crazy Trump
Let’s see how Republicans in the SENATE….justify their vote to their constituents….should they vote ” no” tomorrow.
Bill is as dead as McConnell’s personality when it hits the senate floor.
I have a very strong feeling about that as well. But I pray that it does pass. Because the American people so very desperately need 2,000 dollars. Just to start helping people back on there feet. Because 600 dollars is like 2 trips to the grocery store and maybe a back water bill. Or ect. Depending on the number of people in your family. So saying lots of prayers that the Senate passes the 2,000 dollar stimulus package.

Did something just say Mcconnell died? Oh crap just read it wrong.
@Michelle Gravitt I hope I’m wrong and it’s 2K .
which ever senator votes against this bill will have their name out there for all Americans to see .
China intentionally attacked us with their COVID19 bioweapon. Let’s pass the $2000 stimulus and then war China and bomb them back to the Stone Age.
The Next big stimulus Package will be a $25 Gift Card to Kmart if you can find any still open
Not a $25 gift card to Kmart…hilarious!!
@After Dark yup I sure did
How about toys r us..???
@monica2343 whatever works for the american people
His parents created a Frankenstein Monster and the GOP bred a dragon
@Gagepoloplus Have you tried it lately me lord ?
@Gagepoloplus the Taxpayers money trump pockets with his non-stop golfing is more than enough to assist struggling Americans
@Truth91 I’m not an American but I watched in horror as Trump held struggling Americans hostage simply because he could . And escaped reality by playing golf – stroking his fragile ego .
Good luck with the McConnell Senate graveyard where Bills go to die unless it’s for the 1 %.
@Robert Santiago source?
Sanders is putting pressure for MC Connell to put it to a vote. by threatening to hold up the NDAA which lines the pockets of MC Connell’s Patrons.
China virus
@Hannity Peck what an insightful comment.
He doesn’t enjoy calling himself Grim Reaper Mitch for nothing
Sociopaths donot have the capacity to sympathize or empathize. How do these people sleep, take vacations or play golf while people are suffering!?
They don’t care. It isn’t directly affecting them so why would they. They cheat to win has always been the game and we keep seeing the run around. Like stacking the deck for the outcome. I doubt we will see any of our money passed the 600. Its bait for ppl to vote repub for the senate. For me, if i were a Georgian, writing is on the wall and bye repubs. They’ve been a sinking ship and it needs to die at the bottom of the abyss where it belongs.
Exactly because they have none.
Well, our richest sociopaths get knocked out daily with a lot of very strong sleeping aids, and then with Uppers to wake them up.
The bill is
Too little, far too late. And so childish America!
Anyways all you boy-god-given greatest Stable-Geniuses:
there are a few ongoing indicators, so FAR, that those vaccines wont work for everyone and possibly not more than a few months to a year. Again, so far.
The below is logical and was predictable. Logical due to the higher infections, hospitalization rates and in particular so due to the higher presence of people with antibodies here in the USA vs China. And it was predictable in particular based on the fact that we are now coming to know that the SARS COV-2 virus has, possibly again, mutated to be more contiguous and probably also more deadly.
“Coronavirus epidemic was spreading in US last Christmas, long before it was identified in China, new study”
O Dear, never-mind me now. I am just here for the good show. You’ll will know more in our Tomorrow, as usual.

Godless Best,
Projectheureka LLC;
It’s been like that Throughout History. The Elite, nothing has changed at all,smh.
Hello how are you doing?
She’s right. It’s nice to see their monster turn on them
what in human society isn’t? They have controlled EVERYTHING about our society for as long as we have had recoded history…. maybe try getting a grip on reality.
@TANIS Q. most antivaxers I know have done meth. Kind of ironic isn’t it.
At this point, the Senate should have no say. It’s for we the people.
Sadly, it seems we the people, have no say.
This is just Trump’s plot of revenge against the Republicans oh, he’s mad that many of them are not helping him
ill be happy if it translates to an increase in relief!
@Sekou McMiller hey!
Where you from?
It’s a good and humorous move
Which in his selfish way is draining the swamp.
Bernie Sanders pulled a rabbit out from his hat.. against Mitch McConnell a while ago.
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) pointed out today, “If his goal was really to get a better deal on the budget, he would have vetoed it immediately and begun negotiating. But his goal is actually national arson—chaos for the fun of it. So he sits on the budget—does nothing—in order to guarantee a government shutdown.”
Do you know what 3 Dems said no?
@anybodycanart Hello how are you doing?
Hello how are you doing?
This might be a win-win for the American people, if they don’t pass it in the Senate, Republicans solidify they will lose in Georgia and Mitch McConnell will be gone next year and if they pass it, the American people get $2000 dollars.
Good point
I think Republicans lost Georgia already, Trump told republicans votes don’t matter so the turnout for the run off elections was extremely low for the republican side. As well the debates were a disaster for the Republicans.
This whole system is BS. House passed the Bill then send it to Senate where Moscow SOB Mitch will throw in the Garbage.
Ahhhh I despise that walking corpse
Georgia needs to reject the GOP and the republicans if they want relief. MC Connell will not help you he is not willing to help Americans. You can take his power away.
At least after a vote in the Senate we will know who’s for Americans and who isn’t…..