House managers deliver impeachment article to Senate

The House impeachment managers formally introduce the article of impeachment against former President Trump to the Senate. Lead Impeachment Manager Rep. Jamie Raskin reads the charge against Trump, the first President in history to be impeached twice.

#CNN #News


    1. @Levon McClam
      Enlighten me about this so called “Fraudulent voting”, oh wait I forgot you can’t because it does not exist

    2. @Levon McClam the world knows … but 59 courts , DOJ investigated , FBI investigated , the director of cyber security , DHS investigated dominion , multiple recounts , the secretary of georgia , 6 hand pick federal judges , 3 hand pick supreme court picks said it’s no fraud … again HAND PICK judges , attorney general , cyber secruity director … So you can cry deep state all day by ppl he pick … smh

    1. @ANTIFA IS ABSOLUTE IN THIS ONE um….we aren’t republicans who execute their opponents. Don’t stopp to their level.

    2. @Dorene Chase apparently you were hibernating January 20, 2021 Let me catch you Up BIDEN is now PRESIDENT and Trump WILL pay for his crimes. He does not deserve any title except an inmate number!!

    1. @Miles Franklin Seems to me that everyone is understanding me okay. While you are making fun of my disabilities, are you going to make fun of me for not being able to walk now? Why not?

  1. The GOP didn’t grow balls overnight, those snowflakes are still too afraid to go against Trump.

    Trump: I’ll see Biden in prison.
    Biden: What makes Trump believe that I would want to visit him in prison?

    1. @Roman Temniuk um….. no actually. They did not. And they sure as hell didn’t tell protesters lies every day for two straight months, then have a big rally and sic them on a government building to interfere in an election! Only your orange fake-baked nutbag cult leader did that. A little different situation there.

    1. @nickoleme congrats, you just won the Award 2021 oscar for the Dumbest statement. You just used the most know platform channel to pretend that anything came from it, is false. It seems pretend that if I shoot a live video with my phone, and immediately upload it on youtube, my vdo content become ” false” because its youtube. When exactly your common sense has gone? I am curious.

  2. Donald’s watching this on one of those big screens on the wall on McDonald’s restaurant eating McNuggets right now🐤

  3. Yes, convict trump, stop him from ever running again.
    Treachery ignored only helps it grow.. A Senate conviction won’t put trump in jail where he belongs.
    Perhaps that will still be coming..
    However, this cannot ever happen again. The only way to prevent this is to set a precedent now.!!
    And convict trump, and stop him from ever running again. Or use the 14th amendment.
    Any future criminal president must be able to be indicted too.

    1. @Edith Woods so what you think the constitution is wrong. We have to go by what was put in place we can’t change the constitution we have to do what it says a sitting president that is impeached and convinced will be removed from office

    2. @Joyce Wills how am I wrong on what the constitution say a sitting president not a former president or citizen

    3. @John Kinder Clinton resigned. So did Nixon. Trump’s crimes were while he was president. The more important fact is to make sure he can’t hold a government position. He is a threat to democracy

    4. @John Kinder I agree but the Senate should’ve remove Trump the first time. That’s the problem they didn’t give a damn about the Constitution.

  4. The decision to appoint DeJoy as Post Master General, and the removal of election drop boxes, removal of counting machines, etc. should also be included in efforts to circumvent election.

    1. @strong foot let’s be serious, u HAD nothing to add to ur original comment besides just making a statement without any FACTS whatsoever. Then I called unout on it and now ur upset and have nothing to Add?!?! I wonder y that is… hah… Atleast hold ur ground when u make a fictional allegation and have some proof. After all all Americans Dems n Reps wanna make sure that our democracy is Fair and truthful…


    1. biden is not above the law.
      Impeach for Ukraine and his blind eye to his son’s criminal activity

    2. NOPE, CONSTITUTION AND LAW MATTERS. you cant impeach a president if he is not in office. And No, it can’T be retroactif. Period.
      Go back to praise the people burning buildings during 7 months, as the radical left did. Adults is busy at working.

    3. @Knite Gary You do know that it takes 5 seconds to Google and find video after video of top democrats, including Biden, condemning the violence at the BLM protests, right? It’s not hard to disprove everything you just said. Biden sucks. Critique him for better reasons.

    1. @E Bay :
      *The Americans are fed up from this word :” IMPEACHMENT:”. They want solutions to their problems and the Democrats have none. The Democrats won thanks to the votes of the DEAD people and the votes of the ILLEGALS. Despised…….despised……despised. The Democrat strategists are predicting that even the :” DINOSAURS :” will vote for the :”DEMOCRATS:” in the future….. Lol* .

    2. @TheInvisibleSwordsman 1 :
      *The Americans are fed up from this word :” IMPEACHMENT:”. They want solutions to their problems and the Democrats have none. The Democrats won thanks to the votes of the DEAD people and the votes of the ILLEGALS. Despised…….despised……despised. The Democrat strategists are predicting that even the :” DINOSAURS :” will vote for the :”DEMOCRATS:” in the future….. Lol* .

    1. @sdrateR_backwards :
      *The Americans are fed up from this word :” IMPEACHMENT:”. They want solutions to their problems and the Democrats have none. The Democrats won thanks to the votes of the DEAD people and the votes of the ILLEGALS. Despised…….despised……despised. The Democrat strategists are predicting that even the :” DINOSAURS :” will vote for the :”DEMOCRATS:” in the future….. Lol* .

    1. Can someone provide video evidence of protestors calling to hang Mike Pence?

      I cannot find a single person to send me the link (perhaps because it doesn’t exist?)

      Also, this question I just asked has been deleted off of CNN 4 times now.

      For those calling for the “execution of all involved,” I bet y’all wonder why your ideology is met with such opposition. Because you are nothing but pure hate.

    2. @CRoch Wait seriously? You’re joking right? It’s not that you didn’t find it anywhere, its more like you refuse to even search and see the video. And CNN doesn’t delete comments dummy. OMG just type “hang Mike Pence” and you will see it everywhere. It’s not that hard. If you still going to pathetically claim you didn’t find it, I will give you a video.

      And I find it appaling that you are accusing people on both sides and around the world of being “nothing but pure hate” because we sharply condemn Trump for inciting a domestic terrorist attack on his own U.S. govt.

  6. Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All representatives are instructed to remain silent upon pain of punishment should be invoked whenever one of these politicians gets out of line and starts talking smack! RepubliKKKlans yes, I’am talking about you’s!

    1. That would mean there is almost no democrats there then…
      Same for the house.
      Not sure if people understand what your saying, or if they are just use a double standard.

  7. I know it will take up the Senates time when so much needs to be done, but this conviction must happen, if not it would set a terrible precedent for Presidential behavior!

    1. Sleepy Joe couldn’t even follow his own mask mandate. Asking a Democrat to practice what they preach is like asking a dog to do long division.

    2. @peaceandllov you sound like a typical Republikkkan: Hypocrites. trump your cult leader didn’t listen to science about the virus. Trump at the beginning of covid-19 pandemic, kept saying the virus was Democratic hoax, his supporters at his rallies don’t wear mask, he discouraged mask wearing, made fun of Biden for wearing mask and look what happened. Him, his wife and kids contracted covid-19, along with several members of the White House. 300,000 plus Americans and counting have from covid-19 due to trump’s administration incompetent handling of the pandemic.So please miss me with that bs

    1. In my opinion, he doesn’t deserve all the perks as well of being an ex President. Intel reports, Presidential Library, Secret Service, Monthly monetary supplement etc.

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