The House Intelligence Committee has released a copy of the impeachment report being sent to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration. NBC News' Garrett Haake discusses the report from capitol hill. Aired on 12/03/19.
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House Intelligence Committee Releases Impeachment Report | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Why is Nunes still sitting as a member of the Committee? He is now a material witness and co-conspirator in the crimes he was investigating.
@Terncote Tell that to Adam Schiff because he solicited aid from Russian pranksters for dirt on trump to affect the outcome of a US election. But that’s ok because he’s a Democrat.
@Purple Veil The mango Mussolini is the one shredding the constitution. Every. Damned. Day.
trump impeachment just in time for the holiday season, could be the bestest christmas ever!
Hahaha! Yeah, keep the jokes coming.
Logan McLean yes impeach Trump… best year ever
The impeachment report has been released? Uh oh. More reading material for president concussion.
He can’t read so there’s that.
@Logan McLean Why not, they’ve already used the Constitution.
vote out the GOPUTIN party
@Zachariah Magallan So, you’re named Zachariah but you’re a woman and your profile is empty. Hmmm….
Still living on the street aren’t you
Can’t wait to see the corrections done in sharpie!!!
Crystal Giddens Yawn! Go finish your borscht and watery cabbage.
Somebody make sure Lindsey Graham has his fainting couch nearby.
@Dearly Diane You support Trump no? I thought you would like childish insults seeing as he is the king of them. Attitude reflects leadership captain. Fine, I will play. Dearly Diane I am sorry for insulting you. Care to answer the question?
Team America, I know you are sorry but I don’t really care. What you need to do is apologize. Ask your parents how it’s done and we will be good to go answering your question.
@Dearly Diane I will as soon as Trump apologizes for well anything, ever. And I just talked to my parents, they told me to be nice to you Diane, you know, people who are special. Sorry, the question was so hard, here…. Do you like……..puppies?
Team America, good job talking to your parents but the question was not hard at all. You just needed to apologize but your parents don’t know how to teach you that. Ask your teacher tomorrow.
Hmmm. Sounds like the chosen one is about to be chosen to testify. JK, we all know that they are afraid to let him talk to anyone official.
Heh, trump would commit perjury before he could answer “state your name for the record”. As in, “do you swear to tell the truth (HA), the whole truth (HAHA), and nothing but the truth, so help you God…” OMGWTFBBQ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
@Crystal Giddens <--------------------IDIOT ALERT!! Guess your ban was only temporary. Too bad.
He rambles on TV enough we all know what he’s doing
The obstruction is the most damning of the whole saga. Went against the whole basis of your US Nation, went against the core rules that even a president has to abide to. He has brought the office of the presidency into disrepute, for that he cannot be forgiven.
Oh lookie here another damning bombshell!!!
NPC#8675309 oh look another trump supporter leaving his reply on every comment without a single defense for their crook cult leader . Also why do you end every single one of your comments with LMAO!! you sound like a boomer who just discovered how to write YouTube comments and thinks they have to leave a signature LMAO
Hate to break it to you but 4th hand hearsay isn’t admissible in court.
God’s chosen one. Right. Chosen to self impeach. Thank Nancy and Adam for doing God’s work.
Those who believe Trump was chosen by God certainly have a strange sense of religion but I think they are thinking Trump will bring on the so-called rapture.
He’s the chosen one , the impeachment is his crucifiction . Lol.
why wont this man just go on the lam like other cornered criminals
When people suggest that he is a narcissist it isn’t hyperbole. He could be clinically diagnosed with the mental disorder of narcissism. He is not mentally capable of admitting defeat. His mind is incapable of grasping the notion that he has ever done something wrong, ever. Fundamentally incapable. The world, and reality itself must bend to his diseased view of himself. He will only go down fighting, screaming, and whining about how unfair he is being treated because… in his delusional view of things… that MUST be true because everything he’s ever done is PERFECT so anyone critical of him or working to stop his action must themselves be evil, wicked, immoral, or wrong.. somehow, just because…uh, doesn’t matter he’s perfect.
Diseased minds don’t work like regular minds. He’s predictable in that he thinks everything he does is okay: NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. That’s why he is sometimes committing crimes in public view. He cannot fathom that anything he does is bad or wrong, so he has no shame, guilt, or desire to hide his wrongdoing.
He Cant run
Roger stone lies to the CIA/FBI and goes to Prison.
The CIA/FBI lies to the world and 600,000 die in Iraq and Libya is a failed state run by gangs.
because they will be able to arrest at the nearest fast food outlet where he is hiding out at
CLP nah hes gonna be sailing the galaxy with Poo-tini on Space X…hes already out there…
More stuff is going to come out on Trump. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Crystal Giddens here she blows again more of her incoherent delusional ramblings. Laughable little Crystal
Trumpocalypse Russian bot. Not a trump kin
@JoeyFiveandDimes One tries to imagine why the President’s crooked lawyer would be stupid enough to place calls to the OMB.
Maybe to get taxpayers to pick up Trump’s private legal bill?
JRG …….…………… I wouldn’t put it past them . These Bozos are Ferengi- Pakled hybrids .
Those images of the the Intel hearing floor with the stupid signs behind the GOP members will forever be a testimony to the GOP’s corruption.
The Democrats in America’s vision of the future is an open border with Mexico of all places
So glad Billy Barr didn’t get to “review and revise” this report, like he did the Mueller Report.
Don’t speak to soon Benjamin. Barr could still do that.
@Barbara Roberts …. But at least not before the public gets to decide for themselves, that’s a big, big difference. The Republicants used his opinions to distort the Mueller Report, before the Report even came out.
@Benjamin Miiller I was reading this morning, that the IG report will come out officially on Dec.9th…and with that report Barr will have a “written response letter” in it. Then IG will testify in the senate intelligence committee. So, that is what I meant. Barr may disagree with the report and state as such when the report is released. A bit difference then what Barr did to Mueller report, but just saying..
Devin Nunes is on the ‘Intelligence’ Committee… oh, the irony.
@NPC#8675309 BOT
Well, he`s suing CNN that should get him.
Who says the House can’t impeach a second or third time
Nunes always looks like he’s constipated. His life must be full
of misery and shame. History is going to look back on Nunes
and label him a clown and criminal.
Moo Devin ! Moo Devin ! Come on Devin, moo for Donnie ! Cows for Devin 2020.
Look at nervous Nancy , bug eyed shifty Schiff, sleepy creepy Joe and fat Jerry there are your clown
James Coyne Lock criminal Nunes up now!
blevy – Are you going to visit Nunes & Giuliani & tRump in prison? Are trolls allowed to visit prisoners? Are trolls allowed out of their Mom’s basement?
The NeverEnding joke.
The Founding Fathers must be flipping in their graves.
Robo petrossian the founding fathers would have shot trump long ago.
@2be Blunt i bet if a time traveler went back in time and met the founding fathers, and showed them trump as your president, and what he would do to your country they would surrender to us in the uk . straight away and kick the french out lol
President Trump’s take on himself about this: ‘I don’t know this Donald Trump guy, never met him.’
” he was just a coffee-boy ” ………………
Dead purple I love that response. Don’t give Trump any ideas.

Dead Purple

Trump has said that about Prince Andrew.
Dead Purple If Trump said that, it would actually be half true.
Narcissists don’t know themselves. They create a false person in a false universe and who the real person is, even they don’t know. Sad but true.
Nunes is in deep with corruption. Remove him from Congress.
“Unpatriotic” and “a bad thing for our country.” That describes Trump.
OK, snowman.