House Intel Member Renews Call For January 6 Commission | MSNBC

An FBI agent acknowledges in a new court filing that Trump backers discussed 'revolution' before Jan. 6. Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., joins Morning Joe to discuss. Rep. Himes also discusses becoming the chair of the Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth select committee.

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House Intel Member Renews Call For January 6 Commission | MSNBC

House Intel Member Renews Call For January 6 Commission | MSNBC


    1. @Lex Ruptor you don’t agree so you make a call out to “shame ” people? Dude get a grip, you’ve been lied to by the programmed media.

    2. @Liz Pedano You didn’t see all the antifa groups talk of an exact insurrection on their many websites. I kept up with one incognito and those people are clinically insane. They did dress up as Patriots and infiltrate the crowds to go inside and they admitted it. Patriots don’t even chant the way these idiots do and they sure don’t wear horns and act like that either. You have a deep rooted belief in mainstream news so I’m sure you won’t snap to anytime soon.

    3. @ISYMS Do you know what a Black legend is? Golden legend? It’s a tactic as old as communications and was used exclusively by Stalin and Mao. It is being used now. The uneducated and niave have no idea they are being duped. Having a degree amounts to nothing if all they have been taught was what to think (subjectively) instead of how to think (objectively). That’s why you cant associate an accurate comparison.

  1. Sedition and insurrection! All involved must be held accountable; not only those that invaded the Capitol, but also those that incited the insurrection and supported them.

    1. Capital police used weapons of war to protect a building from protestors. Isn’t that racist ?? Or does that only go one way ?

    2. Where is the property damage?

      I’m pretty sure a few important political figures actually perished from what happened during Benghazi.

      Also. Jan 6th was roughly half a year ago. How long did REEEEEEEEpublicans get to whine about Benghazi again? I’m pretty sure it was less than half a year.

      And there was a lot more damage than a female Trumper being ended by a cop. While you pretend to care about women or police brutality instead of political party…

    3. Right, and I can never forget that someone from the inside gave some of them a Tour of the Capitol just before

  2. Any supporting this anti American acts should be examined and studied .. No people of color.. Interesting.. Racism is alive and well…

  3. The one thing that we must not lose sight of is that trump instigated and perpetrated the assault on the capitol, no question. All manner of diversionary tactics by the GOP to cover-up trump’s central role in violating the security of the capital cannot be allowed to mitigate the heinousness and criminality of trump’s deliberate actions.

    1. He should have got three hots and a cot just like anyone of us normal citizen of the United States of America.

    2. Lol. Democrats burned down cities and businesses. Looted and injured over 3000 law enforcement. But Jan 6th!😂

    3. Lol blame over 75 million and Trump himself when less then 500 ppl “stormed the capital” you guys believe anything u hear it’s so cringe

    1. He isn’t the main problem. The Soviet Senators and Jim Jordans of the House supported a the insurrectionsists. They should be removed. The part of the infrastructure bill that proposes the expansion of information to rural areas and the voters there pose a threat to such unpatriotic members of the House and Senate that they are terrified they will lose their seats if their electorate actually knows what they are truly doing to our country.

    1. Jewishness and Bibles , the Pentateuch and the New Testament, were their inspirational quotes and guides for spreading sedition and insurrection. CIA MOSSAD GRU KGB were all guided by those doctrines and covenants to firm an American, Soviet-Russian and Israeli Mossad alliance in this outrageous case. Putin had quoted this very insurrection as violation of US constitution and people’s tights when criticized by Biden for his abhoring treatment of Navalny, Sobol Yashin Venidiktoff and likewise.

    2. @Vitali Druzhinin Replacing a stupid conspiracy theory with a second stupid conspiracy theory does not confer credibility.

  4. Until those that are in government that were involved in planning and executing that sickening display of sedition on January 6th are held accountable, all of these investigations will be for naught.
    The reason I say this is because I equate it to a war. If you take all of the soldiers as prisoners of war yet leave the generals and politicians that are in command of those soldiers free, then you are just asking for the same thing to be perpetrated again.

    1. @jon pork Lol… your panties are really in a twist. It was urging the name-calling and you’re making this about me. Stop the name-calling and only diminishes your credibility which, Obviously you have very little of.

    2. @jon pork No he didn’t. He did nothing of the time. He told his followers to obey the law. Those Democrats we must start telling the truth, otherwise we would like liars.

    3. Did someone have a computer in her bathroom. That was receiving and disseminating government work? Same individual deleted 33,000 emails and the DOJ & FBI said that she was careless but no malfeasance.

  5. The commission would fillet Trump and some of those in congress and the republicans can’t have that so no, no commission if they have any say in it.

    1. Where is the property damage?

      I’m pretty sure a few important political figures actually perished from what happened during Benghazi.

      Also. Jan 6th was roughly half a year ago. How long did REEEEEEEEpublicans get to whine about Benghazi again? I’m pretty sure it was less than half a year.

      And there was a lot more damage than a female Trumper being ended by a cop. While you pretend to care about women or police brutality instead of political party…

    2. They’ve tied themselves to him, and he is bringing down their ship. He’ll destroy anything he thinks he can name. Everyone and anything good, he will try to destroy. I think he is an AntiChrist.

  6. Republicans don’t want a Jan.6 commission because a lot of them are involved in Trump’s scheme.

    1. Yes! You are 100%”spot on.
      Connect the dots and it will be a unraveling of many many traitors behind the scenes.
      Its a complicated mess, to be sure.

    1. Where is the property damage?

      I’m pretty sure a few important political figures actually perished from what happened during Benghazi.

      Also. Jan 6th was roughly half a year ago. How long did REEEEEEEEpublicans get to whine about Benghazi again? I’m pretty sure it was less than half a year.

      And there was a lot more damage than a female Trumper being ended by a cop. While you pretend to care about women or police brutality instead of political party…

    2. @AndrewJnsn Bengazi went on for much longer than that, and they also had a chance for Republicans to grill Hillary Clinton for close to 11 hours straight. It was highly partisan, consisting of Republicans. Mike Pompeo was particularly mean. They questioned her for days and found nothing with which to charge her. Bengazi happened on foreign soil, not the Capitol of this country. Stuff your Trumpism in your back pocket and support your country instead of a man who tried to overthrow a legitimate election and our democracy in order to illegally stay in power. He admitted on Hannity that he lost the election and that there was no steal.

    3. The problem is that, that’s where information is buried. Just try to do a freedom of information request from Congress. They cover it up under state secrets.

    1. Yes. I like to know if any of those were considered “actionable”. I mean, Parler allowed posts that were way over the line, so if they were bad enough for them to take seriously…

  7. The cops “policing” themselves, again. Or, Senators and Congressmen/women? No one rock the boat!

    1. That includes the FBI guy RIGHT? On Jan 5th, the night before the infamous Jan 6th Capital Event, this Fed was caught on camera encouraging the crowd to raid the capital on the next day. The crowd yells NO! We can’t do that and he insists that everyone raids the capital. Who is Ray Epps?

    2. @Drought Tolerant Your endless crack pipe conspiracies are all the insurrectionist republicans have- besides white supremacist hatred and violence.

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