Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, tells Ali Velshi that there needs to be a "dramatic expansion" of the U.S. Capitol Police which is "dramatically understaffed" and that the "intelligence operation" of the Capitol Police needs to be strengthened. Aired on 04/03/2021.
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#RepAdamSchiff #HouseIntelligenceCommittee #MSNBC
House Intel Chairman Schiff: 'Capitol Is Still Very Much A Target' | The Last Word | MSNBC
I like how they claim it’s not terrorism… It was an attack on the seat of government, the definition of a terroristic act is violence for political reason.
@Jesse Bianchi well at least till the wanabe rap star leader started handing out AR 15s.
@Mr Rey oh no another every thing is fake and the cooperations are taking over the world FEAR-MONGERING FREAK….calm down….or you will have a nervous-breakdown before the end gets here
@biden laptop i think a Booger Boi settled a score because he wasn’t welcomed to the party.
Nice contents you put up always
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So,I guess you have proof it was political?The Nation of Islam is fighting our gov’t? Biden is soft on terrorism? You’re probably right,another Creepy Joe fail!!!
There’s a need for added personnel and equipment around the Capitol Building to ensure it’s overall security. One gets the feeling though that support for this is not forthcoming.
As far as I know, Congress accepted the recommendations in General Honoré’s security review. Capitol Police already had 200 unfilled positions. He recommends adding even more officers than that. It’s going to take awhile to hire that many people. I heard they will try to pull some from other federal law enforcement agencies, to speed it up. In the meantime, Republicans need to stop using the current measures as a stupid political football.
I find it odd that the same people who are demanding that the wall on our southern border be removed are demanding that walls around the US capital and the White House be strengthened.
Id like to shake your hand one day and drink a beer with you Mr. Schiff
You are a true example of a patriot.
So sad we’re even having to talk about this, let alone another Capitol police officer death.
God help us all.
My heart aches for the family and extended family of the fallen hero. ⚘
@Tessmage Tessera u r obsessed , deranged and delusional.
@Wahyu Indrasto Respectively, you are wrong. It was a disgruntled Farrakhan associate who acted against Farrakhan’s advice.
@Tessmage Tessera just curious, what does Trump have to do with the deranged Farrakhan associate ( who acted against FareKhan’s advice) murdering the officer?
@CJ 2021 No more Trump. Ever. You were too small and weak to help him.
Nice contents you put up always
.BTChits a new bullish price as people increased their bids in hopes of making huge gain from the rise but as we can all see now the market is very unstable , the truth is that you can always make more profit from tradln rather than just hodlin and waiting for the price of BTC to skyrocket . Indeed its a tough decision for both old and newb!es whose intensions are just to hodl and sell but rather the potentials of tradln. I wept deeply and prayed after the last time i had much loses, my Uncle introduced me to Garric Norman who i started tradln with since late last year, i’ve covered up and made over 11B T С with 2.7B T C even with the ups and downs since the journey With Garric counsel I no longer have to worry about the rise and dip ofBitcoin. For prof!table tradlng guidiance, You can easily get to him on ͲҽӀ ҽցɾąʍ @garric_norman_fxt cheers.
It’s disgraceful that the cops are so badly understaffed at this point! They’re asking for a QRF! Give them what they need!
BLM hates cops.
brilliantly said, ty both.
If the Whitehouse has a permanent fence it makes sense to do that at the Capitol. The crazy nuts aren’t going away anytime soon.
If the “people” are no longer allowed into or even on the grounds of “the peoples house” then it no longer belongs to the “people”.
@Bas Ticlus Correct….and we have only the MAGA Terrorists to blame.
@Bas Ticlus A compromise will be found. As I’ve heard former contractors & veterans, we’ve secured government facilities in places that are even more at risk, while still keeping them operating. If they can do that, they can find a way to still allow tours, with added security. The main thing that let this happen was just that relevant law enforcement didn’t take this threat seriously enough. Now, they seem to finally heed what the FBI & liberal activists have been warning of.
White conservatives
@H K S You don’t get it do you, there r no government facilities they were and r completely funded by the people there ours to do what we will with them not the government bureaucrats. Not to mention the FBI couldn’t catch covid right now if they tried they r one of the most incompetent tax funded secret police on the face of the earth.
A truly heartbreaking tragedy.
McCarthy is one of the ones minimizing what is going on
Adam Schiff…..true American patriot and hero. Thank you for your service to our country and the Constitution.

Schiff lied to everyone on nation TV. More than once.
Trump the Traitor in Chief.
30,000 + verifiable lies.
More thst half a million people gone because of his negligence and lies.
Adam Schiff said Trump would do it again and he was right.
Desecrated the capitol with his enablers and lackeys.
Disinformation campaign in full swing still.
I’ll believe Adam Schiff before I would believe ANYTHING Trump the Traitor says.. Trump should be indicted for genocide and locked up!
@Valerie Iceni I guess you missed Adam’s “translation” of what the transcript said. I’ll repeat a couple of lines for you.
You better listen up and you better listen good. I’m only going to say this 7 or 8 times. I need you to dig up dirt on Joe. Lots of it. Lmao.
@Valerie Iceni OK,I hope you get help,Karen!!! Hahahaha
@Valerie Iceni You voted for trafficing of little children.Creepy Joe makes you look even dumber everyday!!!!!!!
We don’t need to protect our citizens but lets put walls around the capitol to protect lawmakers at all costs!!!!!
Give 30m likes.
Don’t let the gaurd down. 3 dead Capital Cop’s.
on site from now on. Send a message to all whom come close.
Wonder if Ron Johnson was afraid this time?
Opinion !Roger stone was involved in the capital siege ,there are just to many connections between him and these oath people it just can’t be ignored or over looked !
What these politicians need is a bigger wall of razor wire, and more armed guards. To protect them from the American people who they pretend to represent.
There is a cell with Schiff’s name on it waiting for him at Gitmo…
Nice contents you put up always
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