House Republicans say they have evidence that members of the Biden family received millions of dollars in payments from foreign entities in China and Romania. CNN’s Sara Murray reports on a press conference held by Republican chairman of the House oversight committee James Comer. The Biden administration has slammed the investigation and Comer’s claims. #CNN #News
House GOP says they have evidence that Biden family received millions from foreign entities

It’s amazing how the ‘united’ states of America is constantly at each other’s throat
Says a biden voter
@StevenYou win the internet today…bravo
I hear words but see no evidence.
Anyone else hear anything different??
Adam Schiff?
I hear another Hillary’s emails.
They showed plenty of evidence.
In the words of the Honarable Judge Kaplan…..”put up, or shut up.”
How can you call that man “honerable”?
You should focus on the later.
Evidence has already been released, cope harder
Did they work for the admin like Jared and Ivanka did? Does Hunter have a security clearance like they did? Otherwise let the committee bring out proof of a crime and get a grand jury together.
Hunter can’t pass the security clearance with the rehabs, prostitution and guns.
Please keep the likes at “45”
BTW. Your attempt to deflect to Jared and Ivanka is hilarious. 2 people who were always in business, versus a family with no business who was being paid for influence based on their last name.
if they have evidence of a crime, then go after them, no one is above the law…
They don’t but they need to make a lot of noise right now – their orange daddy just got tagged as the sexual predator that he is & Santos is locked up. The only way to make ppl look the other way is to muddy the water.
Make you wonder how Trump got indicated before Hunter if there’s all this evidence
@W. Graham Which part of bank records do you not understand? Records for millions of dollars sent in numerous transactions. Btw — they could cram the records in your face and you would still deny any wrongdoing so what difference does it make?
Laundering foreign money from one LLC to another, then another, then to multiple family members and then not paying any taxes on it IS very much illegal.
Let’s wait for them to present some actual evidence rather than spreading their usual bullshit.
Yes, Donald Trump knows all about that
Yes it is, but it didn’t happen.
we talking about the trump family?
Lets prosecute all of them as long as it is true. This applies to all reps in power. I am sick of them being untouchable and not held accountable. This includes all house and senators.
@Bruno How in tf would they falsify bank records?
It would be so freaking nice if you actually reported the TRUTH just one time!!!! Yes they did say it was illegal
Who’s they? No one who actually investigated this bull 2 plus years ago.
@Terri Kyle, what was illegal?? He was not a lobbyist, he was a legal advisor on the board of Burisma, a company in Ukraine. There are many Americans who sits on boards and work in foreign countries. That’s not illegal. What about those persons who are working in embassies.
I lean left but I’m tired of the corruption. If anyone in office commits a crime prosecute them.
It’s just capitalism.
Time for you to lean the other way! Wake up.
Bank records is all the proof they need.
They all say there was no wrongdoing. Try and keep up lady.
And how many years have they had to bring these alleged charges?
@Dave Boryszewski
Proud of this comment section full of people not defending any sort of corruption despite what side they are on. People coming together on having a uncorrupt goverment is a great thing.
There are plenty of people defending it.
Shame people can’t come together to condemn rape
Now hopefully they’ll get a taste of what its like watching them go for Trump 24/7
@Doctor Dewbie Then what’s the proof? Let me see it. Yes, let me see the payments.
If anyone is guilty of crimes, prosecute them. However, don’t use the law to harass people either for political reasons. The law should not be mocked. I’m open to any outcome if it’s true, but I doubt this will go anywhere. Hunter has already pleaded to income tax evasion.
if there were actual consequences for people who made baseless accusations, we’d see a lot less of them.
I find it suspect that the House GOP says they have evidence. If they have evidence it needs to be brought to the DOJ. Anybody who has committed an actual crime should be held accountable.
Is that the same guys who have the laptop? And who were the guys who wrote letters on request before the election stating it was Russian disinformation which is a proven lie? Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t they all ex top gov officials?
They have to do the job for them I think under these circumstances this is the only way, start an open public investigation (and let’s not forget this is the start not the end) and reveal what they find every step of the way and then hand it over so that the doj and relevant bodies cannot shelve it and are forced to act.
And before ppl bark about trump the same applies if he’s done wrong hold him to account! While we’re all so desperate to make it an us against them thing and desperate to write the smartest comment to bk their “side” the law, the constitution, politics, the country is self destructing and America has become a worldwide joke.
@mighty oaks well said.
Red herring. If they had evidence of illegal or criminal activity, they would use it before the door closed.
Bank records is all the proof they need. very useful information
Correlation does not equal causation
Then they must share it with the DOJ don’t you think?
If they have evidence of a crime, prosecute.
@AJ. Pope
Typical GOP.
They forgot to mention…linked to Ukraine. Seek out independent investigative journalism.
at least now we know how a senator with no other income can afford 4 multi-million dollar mansions
“You aint got sh*t on me.” -Hunter’s Laptop
Throw them in jail
If any politician is compromised, Republican or Democrat, they should be tossed in the pen for life.
10% to the big guy.