The House Oversight Committee threatened to subpoena documents from the Pentagon related to military personnel staying at Trump properties. This comes after new reports reveal how Trump is using the presidency to line his own pockets with taxpayer money. Former Federal Prosecutor Berit Berger argues there is ‘a pattern of various emoluments violations starting from the minute [Trump] took office.’
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House Dems Threaten Pentagon Subpoenas For Trump Resort Spending | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
trumpPAB won’t let anyone find anything. LIE CHEAT STEAL…family motto
Instead of an
a day , Trump comitts a crime a day. Lock him up !
Logan McLean
To be honest with you, I’m not trying to convince you or change your mind. In fact I don’t know you and it is none of my business how you live your life. What I do know for a fact is that there will be Democratic presidents as well as Republicans in the future. If we think what this man is doing is fine so long as he doesn’t get caught… we are screwed. Just remember that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I guess we’ll just have to sit and wait; besides, Karma has no deadline. I’m a believer of the universal law of cause and effect, you get what you put out, you reap what you sow… you get the picture.
@Logan McLeanMcLean oh like deciding that his Doral property in Florida is where the next G7 meeting should take place instead of Camp David where it was held in the past?
we don’t like police States, so It takes U.S. much longer to throw rich fk’rs in jail. Much slower and way less often than the poor urban who usually get the fair swift ”justice”.
Trump has been pilfering the American people from the first time he visited Fort Knox .
But Nancy Pelosi keeps “investigating” and doing NOTHING about it!
@Nikola Tesla because she has a roadblock and it is the GOP and trumps personal government appointed william barr
threaten??? WTF! Just do it! Nancy, you too old for this!!! Time for the younger generation of shape their own future.
Protecting against even the appearance of impropriety? Appearance? Trump tap danced across the ‘appearance’ of impropriety and made it tangible the instant he took office. His impropriety is rock solid
Somebody is going to Hurt him or his about their MONEY

This guy lies every day why is he still in the White House why is he still getting money from all his properties not to mention we are paying for all his golf trips he needs to go now with all his chaos he is not helping our country at all he loves Russia and is in love with North Korea send him there
Comrade Trump-ski: “Don’t believe what you see. I will be giving out my tax records soon. Mexico will pay for the wall. Obama was not born in the US. I did not pay hush money to Stormy. I never met with any Russians. Don’t believe what you see.”
judd442009 thank you my my brother hes up to no good
@James Reese “I never licked the boots of a KGB agent that I didn’t like.”
Why do we have to pay taxes when dummy is stealing our money
Why should we pay taxes when the President himself doesn’t?
Take the ”Tina Turner solution” and never pay tax to USA again and have human rights not available in USA.
Damned thief,
@Bobby Babylon notice how Americans, like me but unlike me, whine about paying taxes if a grifter is present? We pay taxes because that’s the fairest SYSTEM we can use in a FREE Society. What we really need is to put some more teeth in tax fraud laws and reduce loopholes for rich & complexity of all tax codes. As long as we keep putting repuglicons in power our country will be run by a minority full of whiney little dumb b’s!
GET OUR $$$ BACK NOW! WITH INTEREST! Drain his bank account. Take his properties. Throw him in jail.
He doesn’t have any money. He’s desperately trying to pay back Bank of Putin before Vladdy collects.
toad2003 ……………. RICO the entire trump Organization / Russian mob money laundering racket !
Lock Malaria in the same cell, make her suffer to.
@JoeyFiveandDimes since the 70’s
If federal prosecutors and other high level people wont take trump to court for corruption or whatever the case may be, can the citizens hire a private law firm and start a class action lawsuit against the president???
Allan Guindon That is a valid thought. Legally I do not have a clue. However, research the idea. Certainly, you will gain traction with other like minded folk. Bless
If so, I would definately join in!
Allan. That is a a great idea.
Trump properties sound more like a lawless asylum for criminals.
Trump’s cultists might think it’s okay for Trump to use our military and our taxpayer dollars for his own financial gain, but I don’t.
David J Note to Trump supporters… treat him like Obama!!!!
US sold and done to Putin. RUMP has “places” and will release his own doctored financial statement. He lives in a white room called a bathroom and tweets…… what a joke
Trump is taking tax money at well. $30M for one military stop. Now I do believe he is a billionaire.
Nah, they’ve been there over 300 times over 3 years. At the tune of 70mil. Not sure if that is better or worse.
…..believe he’s a millionaire!
How to catch the WH crook! I want my tax money back from this corrupt administration, now!
Where are the CHECKS AND BALANCES? Congress must remove Criminal Trump now! He will CHEAT AGAIN!!!
Yes he will probably give us falsified records and they won’t get the truth out of them.
Yeah, were going to see Trump admin financial reports just like he promised to reveal his tax returns.
We don t want a finance report we want your tax returns