House votes on a resolution that would force the president to seek congressional authorization before taking further military action against Iran. Aired on 1/9/20.
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House Conducting Vote To Limit Donald Trump’s Powers As Commander-In-Chief | Deadline | MSNBC
Good for Mike Lee. Someone finally people grew a pair.
@FE RnKmaster lol, i know thats right
He pretty much licked trumps balls clean before he begun his angry runt wouldn’t praise him
Kathy Weaver Sorry Kathy that isn’t standing up. Standing up would have started after the Mueller report.
What drug did he take?
Those two repubs needs to get those steel balls (representing testicles) on the back of their cars. Just like you see on them big off-road trucks. Atta boys!
Republicans in Congress have become totally flaccid, in every way…
J Jordan’s just went to sleep as a result of his steroid use. allegedly
Frankie Dawn typical, y’all give credit to Reps for what Dems did.
Frankie Dawn you’re still not limiting his power lol.
If there was no evidence of a threat Trump essentially committed murder. Trump must be eliminated with extreme prejudice he is a danger to the global society.
A simple vacating the white house is good enuff for me.
@Dolores Reynolds
You are obviously one of those still chanting Russia Russia Russia
@Big Ern Mahkracken
Trump will be leaving the Whitehouse January 2025
and not before.
There was no threat directly from the Soviet Union but they stayed ready in a threating manner. In the end a Movie Star changed the world once he got in politics Gov, President, treaties etc. No Soviet Union from the Common Citizen taking office.
t’rump’s reasons for why he ordered the attack…

Day after: “There was an imminent attack being planned.”
Three days after: “He was a bad guy.”
Today: “They were going to blow up our embassy.”
Tomorrow: “Hilary’s emails!!!!”
You forgot, Obama did it! Bama broke it off in Trump he can’t stop talking bout him. And to think he’s probably doing this to distract from all the lies and crimes he’s committed. Hes a menace
He killed a terrorist. Not a hero. An there is in my opinion one less terrorist
He stepped foot into Iraq that’s all he needed.
They just gave a kid a loaded gun to play with! May they reap what they sow!!
Republicans are such a disgrace. You wait until Trump is on the blink of point blank war to reel in this wild stallion. My god where is their honor?
Dr drew Vanheistel you fool. You utter fool.
Wild Stallion? How about old donkey?
Of course he isn’t showing what the “imminent threat” was. It doesn’t exist.
It’s all lies and smoke.
Just a distraction.
He should have been impeached on day one.
1,084 days.
15,000 lies.
The orange one is repeating lies.
It is the repetition of these lies across the media that gives them strength and causes people to believe in them. He will be held accountable for his crimes against the United States.
@Power corrupts he wasn’t fit to be the president in the beginning.
When you have to use an analogy about the president as if he is like to child. You know your country (and world) is in trouble.
@aerodave1 That’s right! Trump has never reached 50% approval rating….it’s at 41.9% at the moment….and he’s beating everybody! MAGAISM!
@Waianae CCM Health Center Did you mean WORSE …
TheHappyAtheist because he’s done exactly what he’s promised make this country work.
Replublican getting sick of Russian trump
They’re all in on the corruption also
Sounds like a child with his description, he was a BAD GUY!
L Peterson yeah he talks like he is in a super hero movie! Trump is thinking he is the hero killing the bad guy…
Trump not only puts Americans in danger, but the whole world! He needs to be removed from office!
o chi please don’t tell you’re just realizing this?
Canadians are really grateful. We’re thinking it is time for us to burn out the occupants of the White House again.
The articles of impeachment needs to be sent over with the new additional information
Murder is a doozy.
The executive branch has too much power even without someone like Trump in charge.
Just look at the face off the military’s behind tells everything all are lying big time
I wouldn’t mind seeing an FBI interrogator give his opinion on what these cats are up to? You know if they’re being deceitful, guarding, lying and things of that nature.
I’ve been under the impression for over 40 years that the House of Representatives was *established* to limit the power of the President. Silly me.
And so silly has also Republican become.
They think tRump is above the law.
You both should go take American history class!! But you were both home schooled in a Democrat family. Case solved.
@Vincent Graham and you get your education in a outdoor privy
Donald does not take orders from women. He’s an egotistical, lying, hypocritical, bigot to quote one Jane Fonda.
WE the ppl have had enough. Charge the man with war crimes. Remove him from office. Put him in jail!
We should jail people from breaking laws. Especially those who execute US Citizens without due process. And a child no less. Bet you think he was a great President though. Meanwhile this President kills a terrorist and look how you react.
mik3ymomo this president almost started a war by killing a high ranking member of a non-combatant sovereign government. If the case that you are referring to has merit then it will go to court.
All you Democrats why don’t you move to Iran with your terrorist Buddies!!
David Andresen it’s more than some hid away murder of a US Citizen. It’s that the politicians on the left don’t care at all about the law or the rights of Americans. They only site the law and claim murder when it’s the opposition to their own power.
This is the party that ignores laws they don’t agree with. Legislates to allow abortion of full term babies. If lawlessness and Murder are the railing accusations against Trump, how can they not go to the gallows with him?
That is my point. The hypocrisy is so great that we should be ashamed we have become so morally corrupt. The entire culture is this way. We will crumble from the inside like Rome.
@Vincent Graham The Dems on this vid wouldn’t last a day outside of the US
I believe NOTHING that comes from the Trump camp.
Because your a deaf and dumb blind Democrat
I think Pompeo and Pence are now running the country. Trump is merely the fall guy.
Good advice for anyone today. If Tboy’s lips are moving he is lying.
Pompeo looks like he’s dead inside
Iran is digging up his tax and financial records to release publicly, sweet
“We can no longer trust this White House”. Dude, wake the f up man. That happened when spicer spoke about inauguration crowd size.
T B88 exactly lol, when Spicer started lying back in 2017 that’s when I knew, “Yeah, this is gonna’ be a disaster”.