Tuesday morning, the House Rules Committee will take up articles of impeachment for the first time to consider the procedures that will govern tomorrow's full House vote. Aired on 12/17/19.
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House Committee Takes Up Articles Of Impeachment For First Time | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Swamp creatures Panicking
Enjoy the Show !
How many people have to come out and tell us what’s been happening before we believe it ?
I think by mid next year it will be impossible ‘not’ to see it.
MSNBCannibals on the hunt very soon!! Be sure you all wel stocked up with your AntiMSNBCannibal products such as; MSNBCannibalDefenseShield , Andrea chainsaw defense spray , etc etc
Keep yer too stupid too insult spray close by too!
@J Batson #JustSayNoToMSNBCannibalBurger Veggie Burger
A Dem leaving the quagmire and becoming a patriot ?
Could this start a mass migration to the Republicans ? Wouldn’t it be incredible if the Republicans took over the entire house, without ever having a vote ?Oh my, so many questions and so many possibilities.
God Bless the Patriots !
Yeah can you imagine Trump wining again in 2020 just to wake up in a blue world.
Trump Supporters = Rats in a Cage
@MyEyesBled Democrat isn’t spelled with rat for no reason.. Think about that
@1776 <<< Why... I'm a Republican!... now you THINK about that
Horowitz was an Obama appointee and Holder and Susan Yates kept him from investigating Obama. Susan Yates and Holder are up to their necks in treason which is why Holder is squawking now.
Watching it.
The GOP are so full of bull****.
All angry ranting and not a shred of defense for Trump.
Thank the heavens for the fact-checker in the room correcting the lying Republicans in real-time.
Really satisfying.
Yeah right a Dem fact checker …
Its all BS ……dems have been saying impeachment since day 1 so you know its all a lie …
@MyEyesBled Now that’s hilarious … Obama was the worst president ever …..just a leftist globalist period
Kevin Mcneil <<< A gamer kid telling a veteran what should be considered BS is like an excessive speeder telling an officer
the law after going through a speed trap... laughable!
@Kevin Mcneil *You troll like you got aspergers little boy. Don’t forget your KKK hood when leaving your RV today*
Yes the females I know of sufficient, twenty question agency. The swift azure of the Templar, family man family plan. The Tinker of the Templar, official fashion accessory annoying. Shiny objects what not “We don’t need no stinking badgers” Yeah OK whatever. Mean gurlz sufficient and insufficient of agency. Libertas literacy he he he
I know it’s a pipe dream, but wouldn’t it be amazing if the Senate had the balls to impeach the SOB.
The question is not balls, but CRIMES and a SERIOUS lack thereof, shill. Not happening.
@Shawn Corbin So for you attempted robbery, attempted murder, attempted extortion, aren’t crimes. Sigh. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
republicans like to complain that Trump has been hounded since he took office, well it didn’t start with his claim of crowd size, it started with inauguration donations, this from the Guardian ; Trump inauguration took money from shell companies tied to foreigners, illegal according to the constitution.. USA today ;’Phony.’ Donald Trump mocks ’emoluments’ clause of U.S. Constitution that bans foreign gifts, another constitutional violation, violation after violation of the constitution, violating the oversight of the House
Impeach him for that then
. This bribery case won’t get pass the senate. Impeachment support falls by the day.
Why are so many of Trump’s supporters committing felonies and serving time in prison?
The SCIF must have been occupied.
I would stop giving Republican’s the platform to spin this narritive. Democrats have nobody like Collins to sway the needed electorate.
American public show your power peacefully by not allowing Moscow Mitch gram hanidy and Ingram to attend office till they resign a give a path for fair trail
Trump…cheated on wife with playboy bunny
Trump…payed off playboy bunny to keep quiet
Trump…funneled tax money from military to his hotel in Scotland
Trump…walked in on naked women during the America pageants. Minimum age 18…would you let an old man walk into a room where your 18 year old daughter is changing…republicans would….and then there is Roy Moore who republicans love.
Trump admitted to groping and kissing women without consent…what is that law again.
You get the point.
real bad news …(FISA)Federal surveillance judge orders FBI to answer for ‘misleading’ courts & omitting key evidence in effort to spy on Trump campaign ..