Dr. Peter Hotez, director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, warns that a federal roadmap needs to be put in place to curb the surge in coronavirus cases. Aired on 7/03/2020.
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Hotez: There Is ‘No Recognition’ From The WH That COVID-19 Is A ‘Serious’ Problem | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump has failed the pandemic bigley!
Trump’s Mt. Rushmore rally:
Masks – optional
Social distancing – optional
Common sense – not today
Idiocracy – mandatory
Imagine going to war and having your leader tell all the Generals that they are on their own, to do their own planning with no central command to coordinate attacks or defenses, how long do you think we’d last? Trump never wanted to lead, he just wanted four years of rallies and soaking the taxpayer for golfing at his own resorts. Anyone who asked, well, what if there is a disaster while trump is pretending to be president, now has their answer… many people will die for no reason other than someone’s laziness and unwillingness to uphold the Oath of Office he took.
@David Gray well said
@David Gray very well said… David
David Gray

@David Gray Many people will suffer that don’t die. Trump is evil. Covidiot 45
And all the survivors will be asked to cough up 200000 healthcare bill. What a disgrace
Truly Trump Pathetic.
Just think of all the property trump and friends will be able to get cheaply after he bankrupts whatever is left of our so called middle class. Elect a conman, expect to get conned.
The Do-nothing-in-February spent all his time blaming WHO, China, governors, media, Democrats, Obama, Biden, testing and Fauci, but the virus didn’t go away. He doesn’t seem to know what the problem is.
This is all corrupt the virus is gone this is people with autoimmune diseases and they even call people who have heart attacks you have canceled this is so corrupt
@Dawn Sylvester You’re deranged
Then you figure it out since you’re so brilliant
@Logan R Obama had the game plan ready for Trump but he threw it away. It was figured out, but we have an orange moron in the white house
The lives of Americans is low priority to agent orange. This is evident in his response to covid and bounties placed on US Troops.
The madman is making America great. The fact that he is allowed to continue to be president and do what he is doing is a terrible shame. No one is putting a stop to him.
Agent Orange

The American Presidency is now like all the sordid monarchies of history —- vast trains of courtiers accompanying grand tours of the monarch to display his arrogant pomposity. Sad. Even if the added price wasn’t more “peasants” (i.e. Americans) condemned to death to promote the circus, as it is in this pandemic, the spectacle would still be disgusting and fundamentally anti-American.
Trump, turning America into Russia.
David Gray He can’t do it without the blind help of Moscow Mitch and GOP Senators.
Vote putin and his first lady out this November.
@Matt Thompson Well, it’s been denied by Putin if he’s your favorite source. US Intelligence says different.
Sad to say that Putin would be a much more suitable president for the US compare to the current one.
@Matt Thompson Judging from your comments on other threads I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re not very bright.
@Matt Thompson LOL FOOL
@Matt Thompson are you quoting OAN?
Trump is a genius,he knows the virus will just disappear and science knows nothing.
The sarcasm is strong in your response. But to your point, there are really people out there so stinking stupid, they believe that.
Stable genius with a big ba-rain.
Two things Bill Gates has never done
1) Get vaccinated
2) Wear a mask
Just imagine if Obama would ignored the Swine Flu or Ebola!? Ahh, I miss having a competent President!
Justice Boofer Donnie whined about it non stop just like you probably did. Bone spurs couldn’t fight but he can play more golf than anyone before him.
@Foglight look at my name foggy.. would I be sarcastic?
@V ever heard of sarcasm goofy? Does my name show respect for Repubs?
Geez, i remember the right flipping out over the 12,000 dead, calling for him to be removed for incompetence even though Obama gave us the Pandemic Response Team in order to fight future viruses. Guess they hold black Presidents to higher standards than white conmen.
@David Gray Also invested 15 million into a self producing mask machine! Trump scrapped that too! It would of produced millions a day for free!
Lets all remember who is in charge of the covid task force as well. Pense is to blame bigley too.
GOP also.
@S. D. absolutely
Callous carnal Trumpism combines with pious head-in-the-sand Pence plays out at a terrible cost…
We are: The Divided States of The Banana Republic……
Just watching the Dems burn down their own cities.
America’s number one problem is the imbecile in the White House who thinks he’s a genius.
Spoken like a true illegal alien.
@Matt Thompson spoken like a true bigot.
@Sarah B Never mind him, he’s a Russian troll. Anyone who supports Putin is anti American
Trump wants to bring in his private, Russia trained “army” to protect him. That is why the Secret Service is falling ill with the virus. DUH!!
@Carlo Oblomov Eric Prince’s Black Water killed 9 innocents in Iraq, that’s why he changed the name.
Educate yourself your under Hitler program and his kkk.
40% of Jews killed in holocaust lived in Russia
Biggest Synagogue in Europe is in St Petersburg Russia
Hitler moved to America and continue wars against Jew and people of color in past Wars were Jews also.
Educate come away from Hitlers Tv
@Mask keep you from breathing Mask prevent air You sound incoherent. Please seek professional helpé
Carlo Oblomov – Actually I think that was the militia members of his cult/base! Couple of my more imaginative neighbors are convinced that was who they were, and that Trump brought them in to prepare for when he loses. Supposedly they’ve all been moving into areas all around the White House because Trump is going to refuse to accept his loss because it’ll all be rigged for the Democrats cuz they wanna take over the world, and their goal in life is to torment poor Donny-boy any way they can!! Trump wants a civil war so the militia will be his own private army to protect him against the big-bad Democrats who are out to get poor ol’ Donny-boy, dontcha know?? I heard the BEST description of Donny by the one woman who can truly get under his skin – Nancy Pelosi!! She said, “Donald Trump IS THE HOAX!!” Truer words never been spoken! !
@tRUMP is STUPID and FAT And UGLY They have changed several times to make tracking harder. It would be great if good investication journalists looked into these guys. Wearing bullet-proof nests may be a good idea.
Trump bankruptcy number seven coming up this time it’s the whole country
Trumps proving he doesn’t care about the American ppl holding rallies bringing idiots close to each other. As long as he gets his ego stroke who cares what happens to the ones doing the stroking
Trump has blood on his hands. For so many souls. Kurds, Covid 19 deaths, our soldiers who had bounties on them.
Democrats have baby blood on their hands. And blood from letting in illegal aliens.
trespassing on sovereign lands for a rally and photo op is going to sink him and his party. he and attendees will be trespassing and should be removed as such.
Republicans don’t care about Americans catching the virus
Correct. No masks, no compliance, no fear. Meanwhile libs cowering indoors setting themselves up for more sickness. Indoor sedentary living=early death.
The US the only place on Earth that considers receiving a Darwin award as a source of pride
USA #1 in Covid deaths.