1. هنياً لمن لديه سحور هنياً لمن لديه فطور ياتي مغرب ونحن ننضر من الذي يعطينا فطور ياتي الفجر ونحن ننتضر من يعطينا السحور نستقبل رمضان بالعبرات والدموع حزناً على والدنا المتوفي عليه رحمة الله وحزناً على حالنا اللذي عايشين وحزناً علا بيوتنا الذي تشردنا منها بسبب الحرب يا اخوني ارحمونا حتى بقيمة حبه زبادي امي وخوتي صائمات لاكن لا نملك مانتفطر به انضرو الا حالنا ارحمونا وتعاونو معنا ادخلو الفرحه الا قلوبنا الله يفرحكم بالجنه اعتبرونا مثل اولادكم هل ترضون لاولادكم ان تـشوفوهم بهاذا الحال الذي احنا فيه اليله الفطور حقنا من عند الجيران وغداً من این لنا سحور ماتت الرحمه والانسانيه من قلوب البشررقــمــي₀₀₉₆₇₇₁₆₆₄₉₄₉₄واتـسـاب؛اااا

    1. And I invite you to Islam.”

      “The message of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to the great Roman Emperor Heraclius.”

      In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

      From Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, to Heraclius, the Emperor of Rome:
      Peace be upon those who follow guidance.
      After this, I invite you to the call of Islam.
      If you embrace Islam, you will be safe, and Allah will reward you twice. But if you turn away, then the sin of the Arians will be upon you.

      Say (O Muḥammad): “O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Come to a word that is just between us and you-that we worship none but Allāh (Alone), and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allāh. Then, if they turn away, say: “Bear witness that we are Muslims.” ” (Quran 3:64)”

  2. Putin is a cornered cat. We all know cornered cats do crazy things.

  3. They know the risk so why be there everyone was warned months ago to leave. Fair game in basically war time. Mistake was exchanging prisoners in the first place then it will only get worse.

    1. I agree, you’re not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, swapping a high level arms dealer for a basketball player with vaping oil sentenced to more than murderers, only encourages more of the same

      Plane hijacking’s only stopped after any negotiations stopped

    2. At this point in the game why are these dummies still going to Russia? I hate to say it, but if was the president, that guy would be on his own. You knew the risk.

    1. He isn’t a alphabet sports person of colour so the US won’t care to swap.

  4. Like many critics have said, why was this American journalist even in Russia anyway? That said, engaging Putin would be just as stupid as asking him politely to let the journalist go (which clearly he won’t do either). Part of me doesn’t feel bad for the reporter himself and WSJ in general because I hope both assessed the risks before the reporter got arrested in Russia.

    1. ​@Yuri Shouldn’t have been in Russia. It was reported that he also knew the risks of staying there. SMH stupidity at its finest.

  5. Every time individuals and organizations in Russia OPENLY receiving FINANCING, TRAINING, SUPPORT FROM US to spread its DISINFORMATION and attempting to MANIPULATE PEOPLE open their mouth about their “RIGHTS”, they need to be told that Russian-americans in a country of Immigrants, HIERARCHY of Communities where some Communities are ABOVE and some are BELOW (As Russian-american and Jew I know it well from both perspectivs) don’t have such rights.

    1. Give us one example of a journalist spreading misinformation. Give us the name of the journalist and give us the story they wrote that was a lie. We all know you’re not going to do so, because you can’t. How much is Putin paying you to troll YouTube? Make sure he pays you in Euros or Dollars. I heard rubles aren’t too strong right about now!

  6. Trump: Russia, if you’re listening… I need a distraction.

    Putin: “I’ll see what I can do.”

  7. I’m favoured, $230k every 3weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God’s work in the church

    1. I have made up to $120k with her help, this is my 3rd month though with Mrs Elizabeth Graney-reed , all thanks to her, she’s really good in what she does???

    2. I just messaged her now and she introduced to me how it works I’m literally getting investing with her services right now! thanks…

  8. 3 things you should never do.
    1. Be an American reporter in Russia
    2. Be an American reporter in Russia
    3. Be an American reporter in Russia

  9. Biden needs to make a stronger stance. Hope things are happening behind the scene and Biden won’t drag his feet. Bad optics otherwise. WSJ reporters have the worse luck. Remember Daniel Pearl. Just horrible.

  10. The experts is giving it hot ,Making money is action. keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge

    1. This is the kind of information that we don’t get from most Youtubers I will get in touch with him right now

  11. Putin: What will you give me for the reporter
    Biden: A toaster, a frozen pizza,, one shoe, a blow up doll, and a box of condoms.
    Putin: I want an aircraft carrier too
    Biden: sounds fair

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