Ontario's police watchdog has been called to investigate a crash that killed three children and their mother. John Vennavally-Rao reports.
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Please R.I.P
Sedan eh? Looks like a coupe to me.
Of course,
the driver responsible for the crash survives and not the innocent woman and her children.
well the news say the police were chasing the car.
@Phantom Warrior why are you blaming this on the police?
@Phantom Warrior and your point? It’s the fault of the punk who chose to drive with a suspended licence and to run away from the consequences.
@Phantom Warrior Why you blaming polce for this Infiniti fleeing at over 100, let me guess you are one those who holds BLM flag and cries in front of PD
@Day &Night well yeah he drove dangerously. its not the fault of the mother with children who was just driving on the road.
So sad. RIP.
The public pulled these children from the car. Imagine how they feel. They never see this
@mohammedosman88 …I suspect in part because there is a possibility of fire?
I just witnessed an accident at the closest intersection to my condo in Mississauga. 3 vehicles. One Flipped over. They took the driver instantly out without waiting for medics. Probably due to the possibility of fire.
The public didn’t pulled the kids out the police did and one police women tried to safe the baby but she can’t. How can the public pulled the kids out the car was all damage the door can’t even open..police have to used force
@Denis O’Brien the public didn’t pulled the kids out the police did..how can the public pulled the kids out the car was so damaged and the door don’t even open the police have to use force. .the police tried to safe the baby but she couldn’t
@mohammedosman88 the public didn’t pulled the kids out the police did..how can the public pulled the kids out the car was so damaged and the door don’t even open the police have to use force. .the police tried to safe the baby but she couldn’t
OMG, Very sad
Thanks for the thoughtful comment CAPTAIN OBVIOUS !!!!!!!
I’d say T-boned.
I would also say coupe. Not sedan. Rookies how do they even have that job smh
Raynus 1 or broadsided
marco muzzo did the same thing as this and he only got like 4 years in prison, our justice system is a joke
Yup and this kid will get probably 8 years and be out in 4. Pathetic system.
john smitty every time I hear his name I get so angry. 4 years? So unfair. How is that justice? At least serve the full 10 years. I understand the goal is to rehabilitate the person back into society, but seriously what happen to the idea that their is consequences for your bad action.
A drunk driver in 2010 killed an entire family in Calgary and got less than 4 years
This is so sad. My heart is broken for the family
So heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers go out to their family and friends. RIP
Give him life sentence. Period.
Better yet, we should contract Russian prisons for cases like this, we’ll pay 1000% less (it costs $1Million per inmate in Canada for one year) and he can enjoy Siberia instead the nice cozy resorts homes we call prisons in Canada.
@Lunas Ra Just do a prisoner exchange with china, free one of the two canadians being unlawfully detained by the CPC!
This Situation Is So Tradgic For The Victim Family The Other Occupants In The Other Car My Thoughts & Prayers Go Out To Them I Hope The Suspect Of The Car Gets The Book Thrown At Him
Whoever writes for the news reporter needs to get their facts straight. Hardly a side swipe.
Throw him in a meat grinder…feet first
Lol word
Just imagine the husband/father. I don’t even have kids yet, but I’d rather die than live that man’s life
And it’s Father’s Day this weekend too!
N M danm
@N M I say the same too
Hopefully in this case Infiniti driver gets real sentence and not some few month probation by some lefite
Why is is always the one causing the accident who lives
unfortunately it’s almost always like that. But I really hope justice is served and he comes to regret that he didn’t die too. I have no sympathy of any kind for trash like him.
Because they are always hitting the car with their front, where your car is most protected
He’ll get 4 years behind bars.
Meanwhile someone selling drugs will get 12 years
It’s Father’s Day this weekend
I couldn’t even imagine..