Honoring MLK And Finding Hope In The Current Moment | Morning Joe | MSNBC

On Martin Luther King Day, Morning Joe talks with Martin Luther King III and Arndrea Waters King about honoring Dr. King's legacy and reasons for hope amid the current political moment. Aired on 01/18/2021.
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#MartinLutherKingDay #DrKingLegacy #MSNBC

Honoring MLK And Finding Hope In The Current Moment | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Honoring MLK And Finding Hope In The Current Moment | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. This is the first MLK Day in 4 years where t’rump wasn’t tweeting about how he doesn’t get enough credit for doing more for black people than anyone else in history. 🙄
    Enjoy it people! 😅😂

    1. @beefortebrea It’s also hard to appeal to minority voters when the republican party is the party of suppressing the minority vote. 🤔🙄
      Be safe be well. 🙏

    2. Trump was so offensive when he said that he helped black people. It enraged me. Trump was the worst president for racial equality; he tore this country apart in 4 years. I am grateful Trump doesn’t have another 4 years to torch the US and racial relationships. There would be nothing left

    3. @Allison Bauch I hear ya! He’s the absolute worst. I’m just glad that he was also so incompetent. Any other white supremacist would have done a lot more damage.
      Be safe be well. 🙏

    1. @UCPBjEMJMdYQGbJcGjuW0P5w good point its weird how white countries are the most progressed and their countries are the least progressed but they believe that we need them

    1. @SCOTUS says BidenWon You don’t see the fraud in that? Your blind ! biden more popular than obama? I would be embarrassed to believe that!

    2. @Tim Smith Americans hate Trump that much. That is why I believe it. The were 3 global protest against Trump. Charlottesville, Virginia, Me Too and BLM were all Global protests. Trump caged babies to death after ripping them aways from their parents. Trump let Putin murder US troops.

      People who voted for Trump are sick disgusting rodents.


    3. @SCOTUS says BidenWon Except your not American! You’re communist! blm is a dark cloud in this country and a laughing stock to the world! Popular opinion that thrives on hatred will soon be brought down also! Your bitterness voids your opinion! You’re blind!

    4. @SCOTUS says BidenWon What did you win? Do you love the fact that you got by with cheating ? That’s the real problem! You didn’t win ! bidens legacy will be ILLIGITIMATE PRESIDENT! Forever! Go ahead and pretend! Everytime the world sees biden in tv they will have this thought of someone who shouldn’t be there!

    5. @Tim Smith let your evidence do all the talking. Me and most democrats will back you up if you get some evidence.

      But without that evidence, I am very sorry, but we just cannot support you on your claims.

      Evidence, evidence, evidence!
      Please get some!

    1. @mark Evans did somebody miss history class? Read a little. The Republican party of Lincoln is today’s Democrats.

    1. “Hi !….. I’m Joe Biden !…👈😁….

      ….and if you hate mexican children
      in cages, you ain’t black….👈😁….


  2. “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”
    –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    –Martin Luther King, Jr.

    This was proving during the attack on Capitol Hill on January 6.

  3. I’m reading his biography for children “I Am Martin Luther King, Jr” to four of my classes today. It’s what I can do to show my respect.

    1. @James Spittle Isn’t the school curriculum still being controlled at State level by political and religious interest groups?

    2. @James Spittle im more past half a century so I’m quite aware of what is displayed in textbooks. But it’s truly a shame that as I said before. Only one day isn’t enough to reach the reason for ethnic inequality.
      I also want to make metion that everyone should watch Jane Elliot videos. Powerful words that need to be used again today and everyday.
      Brown eye blue eye with 3rd graders.
      Can’t unring a bell now. She’s on YouTube too

    3. @Linda J54 It’s at state level. The United Daughters only had power over school books in the Dixie states, I believe?
      Local boards of education decide their local curriculums. Federal laws are supposed to exclude the worst kinds of ethnoreligious propaganda
      but I think we’ve all seen in which direction the separation of Church and State, or leaving religion outside schools (and all public places) is going.

  4. In Martin Luther King’s last sermon he said, _”I may not get there with you. But I want you to know that we as a people, will get to the Promised Land!”_

    1. I believe that he had premonitions of his death. He had to because he knew how corageous and dangerous what he was doing was. His great faith sustained him and emboldened him to do what he did. My uncle, a Presbyterian minister, marched with him and I grew up hearing those first person accounts of what that was like. I was very young when he was assassinated but I remember the pain throughout the Black community and the world. And we have pain this many years later. Watching the murder of George Floyd, in full view with no intervention from bystanders ( even though many tried to help) brought that pain back FULL force – as did the storming of the Capitol building with Confederate flags flying and a gallows built there with a noise hanging from it. 😢

    2. 1st Testament: God said to Moses, lead my people out of slavery to the promised land, even at time you may feel my presence, know that I will always be there with you.

  5. He was a Great Leader! A Leader like no other. He’s killed ’cause he knew too much. And, ”cause he never fear the ‘System.’ And, also ’cause he fought for the minorities.

    1. he wasn’t killed bc he knew to much, he was MURDERED by the US government, bc the government didn’t what that black movement, King’s family till this day don’t believe James Earl Ray assassinated the legend, I agree

    1. @Justin Washington wow you’re so stupid that comment went way over your head

    2. @sapphirecatherine is back Purplecherries Just shut your racist gob hole. You sound like a whiny little b*tch

    3. She sounds like one of the racist idiots who invaded the Capitol… You should spend less time trolling and more time trying to find constitutional lawyers willing to defend you for seditious conspiracy, treason and felony murder.

    4. Her racist argument is always people of color aren’t people, and if she’s not smart enough to get books from the library and read, that’s not your problem, Nadia.

      She was on another news vid this week defending the Capitol terrorists, so I assume she is either one herself, or deliberately giving aid and comfort to traitors.

      Hopefully the FBI will arrest her soon.

  6. “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
    Martin Luther King Jnr.

    He would be looking down in sorrow, to see how America has become in 2021,
    five decades later.

  7. It’s very telling that folk like MLK get killed while we’re stuck with Trump as he burns this country to the ground.

  8. and Once we real Americans help END HATE AND RACISM that the Alt Right Grows….Only then will AMERICA BE GREAT

  9. “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

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