CNN legal analyst Elie Honig discusses the Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News defamation lawsuit as the jury selection is set to begin this week. #CNN #News
Honig says Fox is ‘headed for a full-blown journalistic and legal disaster’

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig discusses the Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News defamation lawsuit as the jury selection is set to begin this week. #CNN #News
Sounds like a thoughtful, even-handed judge.
I bet you think any judge who agrees with you politically is even-handed.
@Crispin Fornoff do you?
@Lawn Chair Best stick to being a shill.
@Crispin Fornoff I bet you think no one knows you didn’t listen to any of this in order to understand why someone would say the judge was even-handed. I bet you’re the kind of guy who regularly prefers to spout opinions over trying to understand things.
“Today we will not be reporting the news, today we will make news.”
James Blish, A case of Conscience.
I even have to check lifepath compatibility how sickening and sad that is.
America! It can be inspiring and beautiful. It can also be dark and ugly. It’s soo many things, but it’s ours. It’s our America.
Work in progress, always.
I hope and pray (lol) that they actually have a trial and not settle privately.
Me too… because Dominion would be forced to show transparency.
I think it’s about time for the FCC to require a type of broadcast classification similar to the movie rating scheme. Possible classification such as Fact, Opinion, Recalled Statements, et cetera. In today’s technology, each statement that is made live can be immediately checked and classified with the classification being visible to the viewers. Also, violations such as presenting false statements as facts should carry a very hefty penalty to include fines and limitations on airtime. It’s time the media had come consequences for outright lies to the public.
@My Cat hey is it to late to reinstate that?
No it can’t all be verified. Man you have no clue.
The Internet is not what it was 15 years ago. It’s all run by a few corporations who are restricted in what they can allow to be seen lest they lose their banking privileges., even video sites that don’t manipulate their uploads in some way have to take bktcoin for payment today. But sure go ahead…..
so you are going to trust the FCC’s ability to rate the content? how about you just grow up and realize the difference between news and political commentary from paid entertainers, duh
The actual malice is not caring who gets hurt and putting the almighty dollar above the truth
@Lawn Chair
. Of course they do especially when they are lowest in the food chain.
Which fox literally did, they and its owner Rupert Murdock practically boast it.
Bill Barr never misses a chance to be on the wrong side of a controversy
everywhere he goes he leaves a caterpillar trail. his story changes daily.
He’s a hack who belongs in prison
As a paid fox consultant, Barr must’ve received a nice bonus to write this pathetic Op ed!
Barr is not Attorney General, Merrick Garland is. Maybe it would be good for a news segment to keep up with the times and when speaking about a low Barr, to call him former Attorney General.
Unlike the former AG, Garland lets his indictments speak for him, and tries to keep a low profile. I much prefer that to Barr’s bluster and intimidation, using the threat of prosecution to silence the opposition.
Bill Barr giving legal opinions. That’s rich
Some news. “Fox News had disclaimed that Murdoch was a company officer, which shaped how Dominion litigated the case, according to Nelson. As a Fox News officer, Murdoch would probably have been subject to more investigative discovery by Dominion.
“It is very troubling but this is where we are,” the Dominion attorney Justin Nelson said, adding the Dominion only learned of Murdoch’s role on Sunday and got its first document with Murdoch’s title of Fox News executive chairman on Tuesday morning.
A Fox lawyer told the hearing in Wilmington, Delaware, that Murdoch disclosed the title in a February deposition and he called the title “honorific”. A spokeswoman for Fox News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Superior court judge Eric Davis called the delayed disclosure “bizarre” and chided Fox attorneys for having made representations that Murdoch wasn’t an officer of Fox News, only to reverse on the eve of trial. “I’m not very happy right now,” Davis said. “You have a credibility problem.”
Indeed they do

Just because you have the right to do something (speech) doesn’t mean it comes with no consequences.
Then that isn’t freedom of speech bud..
@Doug Mydek Freedom of speech does not include slander or libel.
@Doug Mydek Please have an adult explain the first amendment to you, “bud.” It has never meant and in fact cannot possibly mean there are no consequences for speech in any context.
It’s about time. very useful information
“The lies told by T* and his minions…” Nice, Jake!
journalistic and legal disaster sounds good very useful information
It doesn’t help Fox when the judge sanctioned them this week for withholding evidence during discovery. I would imagine the jury could draw adverse inference from that.
If they even hear about it. They may not.
@Sonomacats They probably will. The tapes are definitely materially relevant to the central point of proving actual malice. The jury will hear those tapes. And the fact that Fox withheld its existence is especially damning.
Did anyone mention Fox’s financial disaster? Whoopee.
Ostensibly, Dominion and Smartmatic, after punitive awards, can take Rupert Murdoch for $10 billion. I hope they are successful.
The definition of Malice will be tattooed on Rupert’s forehead!!!
Please don’t settle Dominion! This is too important, and you must stand and prove FOX outright and knowingly lied! very useful information