CNN’s Elie Honig discusses former President Trump’s claim that he declassified the documents found at his Mar-a-Lago residence.
#CNN #News
Honig fact-checks Trump’s comment about declassifying documents

CNN’s Elie Honig discusses former President Trump’s claim that he declassified the documents found at his Mar-a-Lago residence.
#CNN #News
At this point EVERY THING IN FLORIDA IS WRONG! !!!😠😠😠😠😠😠
Even the cuban immigrants?
The DesSantis Republic of Florida should have its own ambassador to the United States of America. All federal tax money should cease until he surrenders to the US Constitution and its guidelines.
Here finally
Can anyone see the fight between democracy and fascism in USA playing out not only in politics but also within the legal system.
Yep and NATO, Russia and China are also watching.
In big, bright neon lights.
The DOJ needs to hire more investigators. Too many crimes and too little time.
@John David Wolf Google is your friend
The security of our nation is massively more important than dumpster fire trumps games. This has gone far enough.
Last fight
@Major Anthony Nelson nope try again.
A criminal gets caught engaging in criminal activities, and some people lose their minds over it.
It appears that bigly amazing and prosperous days are ahead for the perpetually corrupt.
@Major Anthony Nelson Why are you sticking up for a traitor to my nation?
So. Judge Cannon’s legal view is, “If the FBI isn’t allowed to see the documents trump stole, then no crime was committed.” Really?
Can we all get moronic 28 year old bimbo judge like this one? I want this kind of special treatment!! She would be, “How do we “know” the officer saw Steve run the stop sign?” I want that kind of judge!
Here finally
Last fight
It would be interesting to see her legal decisions in other cases . Because I am sure a lot of drug dealers and bank robbers would like to dispute ownership and have items returned that didn’t belong to them or was confiscated by police with a warrant.
@Bettina Dewoof You would think she would have recused herself having been appointed by Trump. It would be interesting to investigate the Judge and her appointment. The impact of a pool appointment has ramifications for the present and future of US justice.
A single judge in the lower court should not have more power then the DOJ
@Mikael, MSGT, USA Ret. Hey guns, hows that Trump U law degree working out for ya?
What did Donald promise Judge Cannon?! Even the fact that Donald went Judge shopping and talked with Judge Cannon should of disqualified her.
CNN’s viewership has nosedived 90% since January 6th. Thoughts and prayers. 😆
Only plaintiffs can ‘judge shop’
She’s only been a judge for 2 years, he gave her the judgeship.
@Kitty Day Trump loves and respects women.
You forgetting even if they was calling disqualified it wasn’t his papers to keep
@Realistically Speaking Nah. He could have them legally just like any other ex president. He is the decider of what is classified. I know it makes you mad but that’s why he hasn’t been charged with anything. Really, this is just (aaahhhhhhhhh) political!
Here finally
@Kyle Dupont He WAS the decider of what is classified. But he needs to show it was done. And by the way, can you honestly say you believe he will say this under oath?
The argument over the boxes is a red herring, he had state secrets in his desk.
@DAMON MARCUS 🇺🇸🧂Be MAGA Premium in November🧂🇺🇸
I have never seen such an Egregious abuse of the Legal process! Imagine, a judge giving the Police a Directive to give the Stolen property back to the Thief that stole them….Are You Kidding me!😠
@Steve Stoll Thinking that there is no difference between declassifying information and declassifying documents is a mistake.
@Joseph Coen it’s not ex presidents that have the authority, it is the President.
Prior to leaving the president can declassify any documents. In addition they have the right to retain the mater or copies of the Documents.
What do you think presidential libraries are?
@Steve Stoll And upon doing so may be allowed COPIES of said documents, not the actual documents.
@Mike C Explain in rational adult terms and phrases exactly what proof you have that anything was stolen in this case.
Imagine living in a country in which judicial decisions are issued through a political rather than legal lens. One thing we can thank Trump for: how wealth can exploit the serious flaws in the American system of politics, justice and law enforcement
@John Tomasini No wonder: birds of a feather flock together
@Janzzen I dont have all day for you,you are in real need of help.So I’ll concentrate on what you think is great.Watch what happens to your taxs with the infrastructure talk.Not only that wait till the inflation reduction kicks in.You are being bent over,,,,BIGLY,,and you dont even know it.When you wake up SORE in the morning you’ll know.
@Toni Sumblin If Americans had any sense, he wouldn’t have been President in the first place.
When they create these records, there are only a certain amount of copies printed up. To read them you have to sign them out and that should show them exactly what was checked out and or missing at the end of every day or hour. Who ever was in charge of the secure documents office should also be under arrest for not getting these files back into the Secure Vault!
He probably fired that person & replaced them with Eric🙄
I can’t believe so naive some of y’all are.
You know everybody trump hired was too scared to say mr president we’re going to need those documents back and if they did and he said I’ll get them back to you,they never asked again out of fear.
Here finally
It matters not whether he declassified the documents! The documents belonged to the government, NOT private citizen trump who was fired from office! This is as morally bereft as if he’d taken the Lincoln portrait with him when he left.
1 Gidgemo Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
If he didn’t want his crap to be collected under the terms of a legal search warrant, by virtue of being mixed in with STOLEN property, he should have a more more organized THIEF.
Top Secret and classified documents are bad enough, but the issue is he STOLE documents and records on his way out. If stolen property is recovered, you don’t give it back to the thief.
@Pat L
No, I had some criticism of what she did – but it was not a big deal – unless you believe Trump’s lies about it which were debunked by both the Senate and the DOJ.
There absolutely were hundreds of documents, and who might have seen or gotten them is what we have to find out. He kept them unsecured in a public resort with lots of foreign guests and workers. Hell, the maids who clean his office had access to top secret documents!
The bottom line is that Trump stole these documents and fought to hold onto them – to the point of risking criminal charges. He has no legitimate reason to want or need these, so it is a fair assumption that he has n illegitimate use for them.
Don’t understand why they are rehashing this over and over again, – declassified or not, its a moot point.
the documents were STOLEN ~!
Last fight
Judge Cannon should be under criminal investigation for her wilful misconduct starting with obstruction of justice.
@Charles Finnegan 🤡
The whole country should know if those classified top secrets had been passed on to hostile elements. That’s the most important fact.
1 Manuel Moraleda Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
As a non-American, can someone explain to me how come a single judge can be in the way of the justice department from doing their investigation?
@Peanut Definition of peanut gallery: 1. the top gallery in a theater where the cheaper seats are located.
2. a group of people who criticize someone, often by focusing on insignificant details.
We don’t know either. But nothing involving trump has been believable from the very start.
@SonofaJustfactsman Are you just playing nuts?
This is outrageous. This judge has lost her senses, if she’s ever had any.
1 Nia Howard Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer