CNN senior international correspondent Ivan Watson speaks to a protester in Hong Kong who says he is a "victim" of China's zero-Covid policy. #CNN #News
Hong Kong sees protests in solidarity with mainland

CNN senior international correspondent Ivan Watson speaks to a protester in Hong Kong who says he is a "victim" of China's zero-Covid policy. #CNN #News
Every city in China needs to raise and demand for their freedom. Don’t miss this chance to fight for your freedom.
@Brian Nugent These people AND their families will just disappear. Sadly.
The revolution in china can happen if enough of the population wakes up and takes to the streets. It would have to reach a point when the military would have to choose between shooting their own family members or staying loyal to CCP. That is the only hope they have. Same is true in Iran.
@Paul Gnandt
Time to grow up and get a job, little teabagger kid!
@Holeinone I’m old and retired. Ha.
Liberal Democrats are now pretending really hard that they care about freedom and were not the lockdown hawks.
What’s going on in China/Hong Kong and Iran currently just epitomises Jefferson’s pithy observation: “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
@Mark Hepworth You agree with me Markey baby! Try telling that to some other idiots in our mutual vicinity.
@Oh No Missus! Not seeing too many China or Iran fans about..
Unfortunately, the line between liberty and tyranny is as razor-thin as the line between socialism and communism.
“socialism and communism”…

You muppet 
Liberal Democrats are now trying really hard to pretend that they care about Liberty and were not the lockdown hawks.
In the past, something like this had happened in China, and we call the terrible incident the Tiananmen Square incident
The Chinese Communist Party suppressed its citizens with guns and tanks.
most of the Chinese experienced several war during Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping regimes, and because At that time, China was struggling economically. it was more important to make ends meet than human rights.
So such repression was acceptable to the citizens at that time.
China’s long-term economic growth has created a middle class and a sense of citizenship
In this middle-class and civic-minded society, I wonder if Xi Jinping will be able to do as the former Chinese leaders did in the past, and if he does, I wonder how much the repercussions will grow or if this kind of incident will only end in temporary disturbances.
A salient post.
The one guy interviewed here says he knows of people that killed themselves after being locked up for months and months… And then dying in a fire because you cannot get out. No wonder the Chinese are out on the streets!
There is a well-known song in the United States called “The Answer Blows in the Wind”. The lyrics read, “How many times does a person have to turn his head and pretend to turn a blind eye; how many ears does a person have to grow before he can hear the people crying; how many lives must he sacrifice before he knows that too many people have died?” Listen carefully to the cries and cries of the people.
This guy is 50 cent army
@RaymondHng people in America were locked of of church, people in America were locked out of public places if they didn’t have a COVID pass so don’t tell me about lockdowns and yes I know people in China were not allowed outside but it’s the same thing
Liberal Democrats are now pretending really hard that they care about freedom and were not the lockdown hawks.
@Manuel How many Chinese do you know? I am Chinese, tell me, are you Chinese or hired to white wash the comment section?
Dont forget the people is the CCP not the actual people
Good work Hong Kong people we are with you.
Don’t forget about the Canadian truckers who put their lives on the line to protest Trudeau’s tyrannical mandates.
@Bryan Trudeau is a genius compared to 3rd grade iq Donald Trump
There needs to be more Chinese people unifying and protesting together. They can’t stop a mass of people, there are more people than police.
Were you singing the same tune when Canadian truckers put their lives on the line to protest Trudeau’s tyrannical mandates?
sadly most of them are brainwashed, especially the older generation, they stay loyal to the CCP
You can see the joy on this lady’s face when she said there are 15 protests in China. Enough said.
All revolts in China have always had a source from the well-educated class, this is no different; the university teaches reason and to argue a critic, revolt is becoming unavoidable
Our “well educated” protest things like the ” pink tax”. Lol
This has to be a joke.
Time for the world to voice their support for this movement by Chinese people! The CCP regime must end and let democracy prevail!
As a Chinese Canadian, my heart bleeds for the people who are suffering from the CCP’s mind control game! They aren’t just ruining people’s livelihoods, but taking actual lives!
“Hong Kong sees (COVID) protests in solidarity with mainland” so let’s otherwise “Convince It Forward”
People stand up !! Proud for you !! Pray for you all !!!
Don’t forget about the Canadian truckers who put their lives on the line to protest Trudeau’s tyrannical mandates.
The young is who the future belongs to, yet those in power want to make choices that will impact them the rest of their lives… You have support of our’s around the world!
I hope they are looking out for one another….Chinese government is known to use underhanded tactics!
Well wherever Bruce Lee is he’s probably smiling down on his people proud of them for standing up for themselves against their oppressive government
They should have supported Hong Kong when they had over a million citizens protesting in the street maybe this would not be happening again. Why was Hong Kong not mentioned in her speech it wrong obviously. How ignorant of people and media not to understand how brave the Hong Kong protest was for Democracy.
I don’t know you James but am cheering you on. Bravo to the people of China and Hong Kong. We are cheering you all on!
This kind of awakening should happen worldwide…and that would probably even end the World Economic Forum, and that would be fantastic.