Hundreds of pro-democracy activists have begun what is intended to be a three-day occupation of Hong Kong's international airport, part of a series of demonstrations marking the tenth straight weekend of protests across the Asian financial hub. CNN's Ben Wedeman reports.
#HongKong #CNN #News
Protests around the world are only going to get worse and worse until things change
Or things will get violent. WW3.
They know Hong Kong will fill up with Trump Trash if they don’t fight it NOW
Trump has nothing to do with this. Trump Derangement Syndrome?
you are clearly mentally unstable and your friend and family should be taking you away to get help.
@Kyuss Qotsa cute made up illness. It’s funny you Maga dumb shits had to make a up a fake disease to diss your opposition.
You are a moron but I’m not surprised, you definitely look like one. Move to China and say the same stuff about their president as you do for Trump, you will be murdered or jailed for like you mouth breather.
All those post it notes reminds me of
Office Space lol
#CheersHongKongstudentandpeople be careful

Hong Kong Airport? Pffft, YouTube comment sections are occupied by hundreds of Trumpcucks.
you need mental help. You are sick
Send Joe Biden to Hong Kong
I respect the people of Hong Kong because they’re not letting their government define them. We need this kind of revolution in the United States. Especially after all the damage caused by conservatives in this country.
You look hot
Coming from liberals who want more government control over everyone’s lives? LMFAO!!!!

The Lone Wolf it’s conservatives telling people who they can and can’t marry. It’s conservative making draconian laws on what women are allowed to do with their own bodies. It’s the Republicans that are trying to control everyone
Finally one with common sense.
Sofia Rossi name one thing we damaged Sofia. Your brain is the only thing damaged.
For years and years china has been stealing land of ethic minority’s and forcing them into their dictatorship regime that oppresses and suppresses them. They are ruthless individuals who needs to be taken down
Muricans not?
China or USA? Have you heard of Guantanamo bay? That is in eastern Cuba and was stolen by USA and then became a torture camp. How about Iraq invasion and how US installed Military bases against the will of Iraqi people? Use your brain dummy
Protestors violet is triggered by police and HK government..
China can’t bend Hong Kong people like it did with Tibet, Hong Kong people have a great economy with educated people.
They can go in the the PLA and crush them violently, which they will if this doesn’t stop.
The world stands by the people of Hong Kong!
Exactly it’s just “phase” they’ll grow out of it
Hard to see China letting Hong Kong to become independent.
China VS HongKong
I’m going to guess that the side with all of the guns is going to win.
Yeah, Hong Kong!
Show these American lazy, unmotivated, self absorbed, easily distracted dummies how its done!
sure thing queen troll.
LOL They need to send Green Shirt Guy over there to Laugh at them
actually the Cathay Pacific pilot was Accused by the police participated violence protest…
May freedom ring. God bless the patriots demanding democracy. The power of the people!!!!!!!