All flights departing Hong Kong were canceled due to massive protests at the Hong Kong International Airport. CNN's Ben Wedeman reports. #CNN #News
Hong Kong airport cancels all flights as protests continue

All flights departing Hong Kong were canceled due to massive protests at the Hong Kong International Airport. CNN's Ben Wedeman reports. #CNN #News
Power of the people!
@Renato De Castro more like civil war among hongkies
“Pro-democracy” groups shut down flights and to PEOPLE who are possibly planning visits a dying family member and you yay this? Wow
@Walter De wit I think these people will take death before they give up their freedom!
@112358 132134 – your freedom ends where mine begins. So you too believe these protestors have a right to control other’s movement of free travel?
I agree. China is the next colonial master but they do it smarter. The way they economically are colonizing Africa and South America and Asia is genius. But they cant keep that up. The Chinese fascist masks fall off in Tibet and the way they are putting the uyghurs in concentration camps is Nazi style.I think they are ready to drop the we are peaceful mask and are going to military intervene in Hong Kong
democracy for hong kong!
Weed Me
Maybe Gun Violence Protestors Need To Take Notes….if they really want change in gun laws🤷🏾♂️
@looes74 looes74 by a lunatic.
@Dol l By Donald Trump
E- Trayde The NRA and politicians have already made it more than clear they don’t care what the people want, especially on the Left. Until Republicans that support some of the changes start pushing back nothing will change and Republicans in Congress are too scared to take a stand politically, even if their own constituents are for it.
The fringe Right will accuse them of being a Democrat and the NRA will try to primary them.
This was actually the one area Trump’s pride and stubborness could have been an asset. He could have decided he’s not going to get pushed around by the NRA who literally called him last week to warn him to back off. But he’s too unpopular to risk losing any of his base
I keep thinking its not the guns that are bad its the people who are bad that use the gun in a wrong way
If anything people should get mental hrlath check instead of banning guns
Luno Sol I agree
Hong Kong has every right to preserve its democracy its freedom! Don’t let the gangsters in Beijing control you!!
@Misanthropic Atrophy they justifying them taking it back. Senate government buildings on fire, fires in front of the police station, disrupting international commercial flights. They crossing boundaries that would not fly in any other country. Try that in America 😂 for all Americans who say they have the right. Try that here 😁 go head
Bet you support Antifa then @Black American?
We need to do this here with Trump and his GOP
@tihzho Hell yeah, let’s do this! Let’s protest!
Down with the illuminati!
It’s good to see the protesters are still fighting for change. This is what needs to sweep the globe, people fighting back against power, not tribalism that allows corruption to flourish
We wish the people protests could win…
Ball is Rollin now, not sure if they can come back from this.
If you give up every time you don’t achieve the immediate gain you want, you’re just guaranteeing that the worst is going to happen…
You can’t expect an easy victory after one protest march, dare for more…
Lol these british digs are about to die soon , I hope u can afford their funeral expenses
Can that be applied to what happened in tiannamen square
this is what america needs to do especially if trump gets re elected.
This IS what America will look like if the Socialist/Democrats take over.
@Armastat and mass shootings will still happen after Republicans are elected
@Armastat Yeah, but the right wing hasn’t exactly been great with all the “Jews will not replace us” and all of the cuts to mental health care like losing our Medical Care. Think about it man, why are we the ONLY first world country that decides to not help a soul?
I’m down homie, I’m tired of all the lack of assistance. We are a tribe/country~!
Peace from Taiwan never give up~
Power to the people.
HUGE PARTY … on the day Trump leaves office in January 2021. BYOB.
God bless the citizens of Hong Kong.
Power to the people!!!
This is how you do it.
This is very good! For the United States and hopefully for the people of Hong Kong I hope that they really do find Freedom
thank you CNN thank you John and Ben for covering this news. Please keep covering the protest in hong kong and highlight the police brutality that’s happening there. We need the press to ensure the people’s safety
This is how you protest effectively. Taking notes 😁