Homeowner who pulled gun on protesters: I was a victim of a mob

Mark McCloskey, a St. Louis homeowner who brandished a weapon while demonstrators were outside his house, tells CNN's Chris Cuomo that his "life has been ruined" since a video of the incident surfaced online.

#CNN #News


  1. I’d like to see Chris cuomo when a mob shows up to his house. How would he react? Would he pull out a gun? There is a reason for why we have the second amendment, and it’s instances like this

    1. So you want to kill someone under that amendment which would be first degree murder which is life in prison for killing an unarmed person. How stupid are you

    2. @eric… let’s remember back… Cuomo threatened to throw a guy down the stairs because he called him “Fredo”.

  2. wait a minute didn’t this guy threaten a “fat tire” biker just for asking him why is he breaking quarantine?

    1. Dont forget threatening to throw a guy down a flight of stairs for calling him a mean mean name.

  3. How is this even an issue? These people broke his gate, tresspassed, and threatened him on his own property.

    The media is showing it’s true colors

    1. mafuletrekkie a group of protesters that that tuned into a riot just weeks ago where people were killed and damages into the billions.

    2. @mafuletrekkie I have seen many video but I have not seen enough to come to the conclusions that you are coming too. Guess you have super powers

    3. @ryan Bresnahan theres not even any evidence that they were threatened u jus heard him say that, we dont even kno if thats true, everyone on that video seems to me to jus be walking by going to the mayors residence, everyone in this scenario was wrong, but the mayor is the one who started this problem

  4. Is there one person in America that isnt proud of this guy for protecting his property? They all live in a bubble and prove everyday how outta touch they are.

    1. The extreme left doesn’t believe in private property. This argument will only work against moderates.

    2. Go on Twitter and you will find tweets with 100k retweets calling them racist trump supporters and other horrible slurs.

    3. @CryptoAnarchy Twitter is filled with dumbasses and snowflakes. Twitter has a history of banning and censoring Republicans too

    4. @Zooferfish Indeed, but I’m just saying, there are plenty of people out there who believe the smears against these people.

  5. Has CNN mentioned David Dorn one time? Chris looked fully triggered when the guy said his name.

    1. I don’t see any republicunts making donations or honoring his death or promoting his funeral so why are you using his death for you agenda

    2. For once, I am amazed at the few comments on this video by cnn fans. Typical baiting questions. I do have to say that I am surprised they actually aired this one. It show them in their usually bad light.

    3. Manzo Jose wouldn’t funding a giant funeral to be used for political purposes be using his death for an agenda. We aren’t using his death. We are merely pointing out hypocrisy that dems aren’t either. Even though they have made a big deal out of things in the past

  6. “Did anything happen to you or your property?” Yeah they destroyed the gate to get on his property however no further damage was done because he defended his life and property.

    1. @Viganch0 It isn’t clear how the gate was damaged only that it was damaged after the incident occurred. There is footage of people walking through a very undamaged gate.

    2. @mafuletrekkie It doesn’t matter if the gate is damaged man. They still trespassed on private property. They committed a crime.

  7. The same people that chant “Eat The Rich” come breaking into your lawn, and you have to wait until they prepare the carrots and potatoes before you can defend yourself?

    1. 😆 breaking into your lawn…it was a private street. If your so scared why are you outside?

    2. @Fishing Diva “private street” is his property. Haha nobody’s scared.. It’s a warning. These clowns are walking stick boys, they will break easily.

    3. @Fishing Diva cool, don’t be scared when I’m on my property with my AR…….it’s a second ammendment right, if your scared of it, maybe YOU shouldn’t go outside

    4. @Fishing Diva To defend your property before something bad happens. That’s why. Is that difficult for you to understand?

    1. It isn’t??? So if someone was on your property TRESPASSING, you would be fearful right? But hey, you can’t defend your property or yourself, just because your fearful, apparently you have to wait until they break more laws and threaten your life even MORE to use deadly force. Have you ever heard of the 2nd Amendment by the way???

    2. They did have a right! Have you ever heard of the second Amendment to the Bill of Rights???

    3. Jay Bangs when did they ever use deadly force? Amazing how a couple holding guns prevents all the snowflakes from causing more damage and no shots fired. Perfect proof of why we can’t lose any of our gun rights

    4. @mafuletrekkie You are so ignorant and misinformed. This was a PRIVATE community. They broke the gate. That is considered trespassing by law. The McCloskey’s felt that there lives were in danger. They had every right to protect themselves and their property. And why are they going to the Mayor’s Private domain. Why not protest in front of City Hall. “Peaceful Protestors” do not go to a persons private residence to make a political statement. Agitators go to someones home to agitate. They have NO right to go to the Mayor’s house to “peacefully protest”. Maybe 300 “Peace Protestors” should up at your house and threaten your family.

    1. @Jima Alex The only have a handful of viewers now. So why not keep the comments open! Lol!🤣🏋️‍♀️

    2. @Jesse Stevenson Okay, so, let’s say that someone tells a blatant lie. The “other side” should at least partly give in to the lie, so that he/she is not going to be perceived one sided, or politically left or right?

    3. @nunya business The mask does nothing but protect other people from you. He is constantly tested and is negative. He doesn’t need to protect other people from him. Masks are not federally mandated. It is a choice.

    4. @Ay1 I’m sorry to say fox had to remove digitally altered pictures of peaceful protestors being violent… all news media lies. But let’s keep finger pointing and turning blind eyes instead of fixing something. You dumb policital sheep…. nothing divides more than political affiliation.

    1. I hit the thumbs down cause CNN is garbage…the lawyer seems like a crazy liberal also…that and he cant articulate anything

  8. I can’t believe people take Cumono or whatever this dude’s name is seriously. He completely gets his stupidity shown on full display by the dude here and I think viewers on CNN should reconsider their political decisions.

    1. I keep reading the name Cuomo.. Who is this Cuomo guy? There’s Lemon, Cooper and Fredo. Who is Cuomo?????

    1. @brandonlewis1108 100% the truth in the impeached treasonous Donald Trump Republican Administration era

    2. @w5monkey Donald Trump gets tested and get separated from everybody every second of every day but yet he invites you to come to his rallies did you got to pay for & a waiver saying if you get covid-19 or if you get hurt or killed you can’t hold Donald Trump Donald Trump jr. Jared Kushner Ivanka Kushner or Eric Trump or Trump Holdings Trump property or anything to do with Trump accountable

    3. Democracy Dies in Darkness
      A man assaulted a boy for ‘disrespecting’ the national anthem. His lawyer says Trump told him to do it.
      By Michael Brice-Saddler
      August 8, 2019 at 2:43 PM EDT
      An attorney for the Montana man accused of slamming a 13-year-old boy’s head into the ground for not removing his hat during the national anthem says President Trump’s “rhetoric” is partially to blame for his client’s actions.

    4. @nunya business cuomo is a virus himself. He lies and pushes his personal agendas thru his network. CNN hasn’t gave actual news in years. Its more like a fear mongering soap opera they have going on at CNN and cuomo is the leading actor. He is a nasty human for how he treats people that don’t agree with him. He thinks he knows everything and has it all figured out but is the biggest hypocrite out there

  9. New Leftist moral standard: Let a violent mob into your house or you’re a racist!

    What a world

    1. They never went near his door. He knew who they were…they had signs stating their intent.

    2. The problem is that conservatives wish to live in a country where your rights are the rights of others. This simply doesn’t exist to a radical lefty, and so the “double standard” we so clearly see doesn’t even bother them – because they are fine with the double standard. This becomes clear when you understand how a leftist thinks.
      The leftist sees the world purely through the lens of privelaged and oppressed. The nuances of individual circumstances hurt their brain, and so, piggybacked by academia from a young age through school and university, this concept allows them to never actually learn real history, but present the veneer of wisdom by simply looking at each new situation through this dichotomy – privelaged or oppressed. They have “tricked” themselves so to speak into genuinly believing they are enlightened as this dichotomy allows them to have an opinion on every possible historic topic, seemingly shared by their bubble.
      Colonisers – natives > obviously, colonisers are privelaged. In totality (nuance is effort – excuse (nuance is normalisation)
      black person – white person > obviously, white person is privelaged. In totality (nuance is effort – excuse (nuance is normalisation)
      Note: real wisdom comes from understanding the nuances, the motivations, the cause and effect, the contextual perspectives. But this all takes time, years of open-mindedness and a quest for truth. I sense that the French academics of the 60s who started this whole neo-marxist postmodernism wished to create a system whereby truth was filtered down to such basic false dichotomies that the narrative of privelaged and oppressed would be easily marketed and used by radicalised students. But I think even they expected this intellectual trick to at least help the actually oppressed (i.e. economically suffering), but of course they didn’t count on HOW LAZY the future left would be, as they likely did not forsee the cultural power shifting so dramatically to the left, and thus the young left is complacent, arrogant, and brainless.

    1. Exactly. I’m a centrist and while I don’t agree with Tucker on everything, I have so much more respect for him than the CNN mob.

    2. Because Fox News is easily accessible and his show is on when people get off of work. In the lawsuit filed against Fox News recently the attorney for Fox News argued that viewers did not come to Carson for facts or truth. That the American public should be smart enough to distinguish fact from fiction.

  10. Gonna’ be real interesting when BLM and Antifa show up on Fraido’s lawn in the Hamptons…

  11. Seriously, send some of those irritable rabbles of “protestors” over to Fredo’s house and he’ll change his tune VERY quickly.

  12. Fredo looked particularly stupid in this skit. “I know it was you Fredo.” Fake news at it’s finest.

  13. So yesterday Chris saids to wear a mask and keep your distance, but now he’s all for others getting close as long as they’re protesting. What????

    1. Really shows you the liberal hypocrisy that these Democrats have in the media and people such as Chris Coumo…. shutting down the country again 120 thousand plus deaths in America from COVID-19? I don’t think so those numbers are greatly exaggerated. The common flu is just as deadly and this warrants shutting down the country and making mandatory facemasks? So I say everybody in this country where your facemasks walk into your local convenience store and Rob those motherfuckers let’s see how quick the facemasks come off

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