‘Holy cow’: See Rep. Ryan’s stunned reaction to House vote

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) gave an impassioned speech on the House floor after the vast majority of House Republicans voted against an independent commission to investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

#CNN #News

'Holy cow': See Rep. Ryan's stunned reaction to House vote


  1. “Tourists.” Yeah, those Republicans were barricading the Senate doors and cowering in fear from “tourists.”

    1. This is where we are in the US, when the GOP puts fealty of one person above country. I don’t ever want to 👂 these traitors talk about how “patriotic” they are or, they’re doing it for the “American people.“ They’re so full of 💩!

    2. @Jacqueline Grayden Be cautious with that. If we allow those steaming piles of trump to spew more falsehoods unchallenged, it may snowball into a mob movement. There is precedent for this…the nonexistent “Obamacare Death Panels” was traced back to a false rumor on a Tea Party message board.

      Just smack ’em down with objective facts and cite some vetted evidence.

    3. Wow rethuglican senators think their base is stupid. Hello! People died in that insurrection, you liars.

  2. They don’t want an investigation to uncover the roles they played, we all know they’re complicit. So, why are the criminals being allowed to even vote whether there’s an investigation? They should have NO say at all.

    1. Edwin M Less of the “you” thanks. I don’t support any of that at all and I know the “elite” far too well to think well of them or imagine they have much in the way of good will.

    2. @Eclectic Rhapsody See, this is what I was talking about earlier. All it can do is gaslight and project. It thinks it can think, and if it doesn’t get its way it defaults to a part of its NPC script where it tries to act superior and goad its superiors into a flame war that it thinks is a “debate.” Never mind the fact that up in the comment thread there’s a whole slew of facts and citations to evidence (so, you know, we don’t have to take anyone’s word for it, but make up our own minds based on reality) that proves it wrong.

    3. @Marti San Meh…it’s just experience and having some research and source citations compiled. They call mainstream media “left wing,” never mind they have to have some kind of journalistic integrity, so I go with Reuters if I must cite news. Politifact is good on fact checking (and they have source citations so you don’t have to take them at face value). And of course there’s the sources like the .gov sites. Put up a good faith argument, stick to the facts and don’t embellish…don’t name-call, but correctly identify their behaviors based on the evidence they present. 9 times out of 10 they’ll tear themselves apart.

  3. Albert Einstein-“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch and do nothing.”

    1. @666 deceiver antichrist what? How irrelevant. You make satanist look silly. Maybe you are some wanna be emo/goth reject. Satanist use logic, dummy.

    2. @Chunkboi It’s hardly erroneous to label journalists as propagandists when they spew left-wing propaganda. And once they have done that, you can’t trust anything they say.

      It doesn’t matter how concrete you believe your evidence is (and it is a very long way from that), it’s not reasonable to call an allegation a lie. If it were alleged you had shoplifted but then you were cleared by the courts would the allegation be a big lie? Only if it was being reported by a propagandist.

      You can’t be serious. I don’t think you would know an evil dictator from a ham sandwich.

      Yes I suppose technically a false allegation could be described as a lie if you really wanted to, except of course that you have not proved the allegation false. What you have done is you have attempted to debunk a few of the sub-allegations, and not very well either, but still they are only a small fraction of what is being alleged overall. If you wanted to credibly prove the election was not stolen you would need to debunk all of the allegations, not just a small part of them. It would be a fool’s errand trying to prove a negative, and it would only be a distraction from the disgusting dishonesty of framing it as the big lie.

      I agree it checks the boxes of your definition, but still not a proper insurrection compared to insurrections from history. It is only being called an insurrection to try to justify impeaching Trump and treating his supporters as domestic terrorists, and to achieve other political goals, while the real domestic terrorists of the far left are let off the hook.

      So there was one who had a gun? OK if you say so. I remember the FBI stating there were no guns. I guess the other “insurrectionists” didn’t get the memo about bringing guns.

      And now I am a liar as well apparently. Do you think everyone who has a different opinion to you is a liar? It seems to be a common leftist trait. It’s a technique leftists use to try to silence people. They are called liars, and bigots and racists etc just for having another opinion. I don’t see anyone on the right trying to force leftists to accept their truth, so why does the left feel the need to force everyone to accept leftist truth?

      As for disinformation what have I said that is provably false? It’s so cable newsish to accuse people of disinformation, I don’t think you would know disinformation from a cheese and pickle sandwich.

    3. Boondock Saints1999

      “We must always fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil that we must fear the most, and that is the indifference of good men. Connor: I do believe the monsignor’s finally got the point.”

    4. @Jacob Calham I told you to stop spreading disinformation. No matter how many times you spew the same falsehoods (a fallacy known as argumentum ad absurdum, a frequent tactic of right-wing trolls and propagandists), it will not make them any more true.

      _It’s hardly erroneous to label journalists as propagandists when they spew left-wing propaganda._ And since they aren’t spewing left-wing propaganda, it is erroneous to call them propagandists.

      _It doesn’t matter how concrete you believe your evidence is_ Because it is concrete, regardless of what you or I believe.

      _If it were alleged you had shoplifted but then you were cleared by the courts would the allegation be a big lie? Only if it was being reported by a propagandist._ And this is a false equivalence followed by an erroneous assumption.

      _You can’t be serious. I don’t think you would know an evil dictator from a ham sandwich._
      And yet, you are the ones posting false statements without any basis in reality.

      _Yes I suppose technically a false allegation could be described as a lie if you really wanted to, except of course that you have not proved the allegation false. What you have done is you have attempted to debunk a few of the sub-allegations, and not very well either, but still they are only a small fraction of what is being alleged overall. If you wanted to credibly prove the election was not stolen you would need to debunk all of the allegations, not just a small part of them. It would be a fool’s errand trying to prove a negative, and it would only be a distraction from the disgusting dishonesty of framing it as the big lie._

      See, what you’re doing is a combination of a gish gallop and moving the goalposts. You’re predicating an entire argument on a bunch of falsehoods in an effort to wear me down.

      _I agree it checks the boxes of your definition, but still not a proper insurrection compared to insurrections from history._
      And that’s another false equivalence. It’s a proper insurrection. Also, it is not MY definition, it is the LEGAL definition.

      _It is only being called an insurrection to try to justify impeaching Trump and treating his supporters as domestic terrorists, and to achieve other political goals, while the real domestic terrorists of the far left are let off the hook._

      Hooo boy, you must have gone to Prager University.

      It is being called an insurrection because it was an insurrection. A deliberate and violent attempt to disrupt and overthrow lawful government operations. As far as impeaching Trump, there’s a whole slew of crimes he committed:
      Title 52, Section 30121: Attempting to solicit aid in order to unlawfully influence a US election (2 counts)
      Title 18, Section 878: Extortion of a foreign official
      Title 18, Section 1201 and 1203: Kidnapping at the southern border (over one thousand counts)
      Title 18, Section 1503: Obstruction of justice (10 counts)
      Title 18, Section 2383: Insurrection and sedition (1 count)

      Unfortunately, he was wrongfully acquitted by fascist elements in the senate (and I use the term fascist according to the Webster’s Dictionary Definition).

      Trump, and many of his supporters, ARE domestic terrorists, because they committed acts of terrorism on their home soil.

      _So there was one who had a gun? OK if you say so. I remember the FBI stating there were no guns. I guess the other “insurrectionists” didn’t get the memo about bringing guns._ Once again, you are willfully ignorant of the facts.

      _And now I am a liar as well apparently. Do you think everyone who has a different opinion to you is a liar?_ No. You are a liar because you lied. It’s not your opinions, it’s the falsehoods you keep reiterating.

      _It seems to be a common leftist trait. It’s a technique leftists use to try to silence people._
      That’s a common right-wing tactic…the ad hominem attack.

      _They are called liars, and bigots and racists etc just for having another opinion._
      No, they’re correctly identified as liars, racists, and bigots. Stop gaslighting.

      _I don’t see anyone on the right trying to force leftists to accept their truth_ That’s because the people on the right don’t HAVE truth for anyone on the left, liberals or leftists, to accept!

      _As for disinformation what have I said that is provably false?_
      Well, let me specify…do you see the text following your username in the posts on this thread? That’s provably false.

      _It’s so cable newsish to accuse people of disinformation, I don’t think you would know disinformation from a cheese and pickle sandwich._ A cheese and pickle sandwich is a food item consisting of cheese and pickles between two slices of bread. Disinformation is deliberate falsehood, often of a political nature, spread publicly. What you are doing is spreading disinformation, not offering picnic food.

    5. @Chunkboi The trouble is that when you support propaganda you are either a dimwit for believing it, or a scoundrel for propagating it, but either way, you have to say goodbye to logic. You can’t have logical arguments with people when you are defending a propaganda position and guess what you are not doing? I wouldn’t be that surprised if you believe Trump called white supremacists fine people, and told people to drink bleach. You don’t seem to be capable of making any logical argument, you just keep making ridiculous assertions you can’t prove, or justify. You have not made any logical argument, just mindless unproven assertions.

      Spreading lies about sandwich disinformation is just sandwich disinformation spread. I had a nice sandwich yesterday with a basil vinaigrette spread. I can tell you it was epic, but I suppose that’s “disinformation” in your limited response repertoire. Everything is disinformation with you leftists and I haven’t even got a dog in the fight, I am completely neutral. I don’t know if the election was stolen or not, but apparently you want to dictate what I am allowed to believe. According to you, anything that contradicts your wacky leftist narrative is “disinformation”.

      In your mind I have to believe a) the election was not stolen even though it is unprovable, and b) an allegation is a big lie similar to Goebbels’s big lie. Absolutely insane but leftists are very strange people. Does it not occur to you that if you have to bully people into agreeing with you, that’s exactly the time you should be questioning your own leftist narrative? Here’s an idea how about you worry about your beliefs and let the grown-ups worry about theirs? I know there’s something inside you that understands the evilness of calling an allegation the big lie. At least that’s what I hope because the alternative is that you really are as vacuous as your arguments make you sound. It’s a shame, you started off sounding mildly intelligent and you have just descended into mindless smears.

    1. @Mikka Linka Thank you. It has always been a struggle against truth and dishonesty. The GOP and career politicians uses deception to remain in power. Their status quo is based on how they can keep their offices without people knowing that they have no life’s experiences. Therefore they gerrymander their districts to guarantee that they will never lose. They preach fiscal responsibility when using our money but won’t lift a finger to end poverty, racism, and economic injustice because they’re paid to lie. To give an unfair advantage to their donors and lobbyist friends. So they deny truth and reality because lying and denial is profitable and without their political offices they have no purpose in society. Many have never worked in their lives or have done any manual labor. Consultants manipulating the system to benefit their bank accounts and prestige.

    2. @John Boddie SPOT ON….again!
      GQP has ALWAYS been the party of nothing other than MONEY! Life experiences…..”Gucci shoes”, summers in Tuscany, stock portfolios, etc…..and those in office can ONLY think about how they can keep LINING Their own pockets! It’s IMPOSSIBLE for them to even think about how the working single mother (or father) will stretch two boxes of Macaroni & Cheese to feed four kids. It goes back to the principle of Reaganomics……
      “HOORAY for ME & F*CK YOU” !!!

  4. Not a cliche fan but damn that was a mic drop moment. Good volume too. Even Ted Cruz buried head deep in Cancun sand could hear that.

    1. @MKultraInstinct but iam independent.i might vote republican if they had a good leader in the future.they need all the help they can get.

    2. @MKultraInstinct …you all want Trump to get credit for the vaccine…yet you won’t take it. F’n funniest thing ever. Trump and family got vaccinated too. They won’t be here either I guess. “THANK GOD AND GOOD RIDDANCE 😂😂”

  5. Tim Ryan tried living in minimum wage back in 2014 so he could experience what people were living. Not a lot of politician would be willing to do that

    1. @J W Cory Booker was the only or one of the only democrats to block Bernie Sanders’s proposal to buy insulin from Canada so it would cost less.

    2. So did two stars of the movie Supersize Me. They literally tried to live off of minimum wage back in 2004 in Cleveland if I recall the city. Did not survive and remember the minimum wage 17 years ago was 5.15 in our state (Nebraska) and 4.85 Federal
      Now Federal is still 7.25 since 2009 and my home state is 9/Hr since 2013 in Nebraska.

      It has not changed since. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

    3. @AJ 21K do you know why the moninum.wage has not changed much since them? The same Republicans who voted against it everytime. The say it would be bad for businesses and their owners. No matter hoe many politicians try to live on minimum wage and experience the reality, once the votes require some Republicans, it will never change.

  6. Maybe the most awesome speech I’ve heard in a long time. Thanks for celebrating the truth Rep.Tim Ryan!

  7. “You can ignore reality. You can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”-Ayn Rand

    1. Bah, Ayn Rand shouldn’t have talked about what she was incapable of doing. She and reality weren’t on the same page. Ever.

    2. @Dark Starr Yeah, Ayn Rand has zero credibility, but if you take that quote out of the screwed up context she was saying it in, then yes, it is a great quote.

  8. Well! I was impressed by his statement ” We need to get broadband into rural areas so our farmers can practice precision agriculture and our kids don’t have to drive to a McDonalds to download their homework”… Way to go!!!!

    1. Yeah it’s nice to see the rural areas get some attention cuz they usually don’t get much

    2. @Calvin Kay I am arab originated stunt Jewish everyoung man.profession:slave of Satan, for now simpson prediction cartoonist from sea of Galilee want to be ruler of the world (will establish full Israel under my authority untill last soil of Egypt) through Satan help and deceiving ability, hobby:to pet goat as i am.

    3. of course I wrote my comment before reading yours. But yeah, i find that statement to be chilling in the extreme, as it speaks volumes about how immature the human species is, given our evolved cognitive abilities thus far..

  9. Like my mama always said: “She ran off and married that other guy. She has 7 children with him boy, so stop sending her rings! Son, a marriage needs 2 sane parties and she AIN’T one of ’em”

  10. Dude hit the nail on the head! It’s about time someone speaks up and says what needs to be said!

  11. Finally someone said it to their faces – Thank you Tim Ryan – for saying what we all feel!

  12. They’re afraid and they’re all hiding something!! It’s something they don’t want to get out and they’ll do anything they can to keep things quiet.. naw investigate these people right now!!

  13. For once I am proud to liken myself to Ohio after one of my state officials speaks. Also awesome name. Well done Tim!

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