1. ​@José de Jesús Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in the English language and an astute psychologist. His work will be read on space stations on Mars — if we develop the technology for it without blowing ourselves up first.

      Why, by the way, are you obsessed with “Romeo and Juliet,” when Shakespeare wrote 30+ other plays, many of them superior to “Romeo and Juliet” — which is, anyway, about much more than “teenage lust.” You also dismiss love’s importance in human affairs. Ah, I see, we should not love one another; we should exclude everything from our lives that does focus on computer algorithms and numerical patterns. Are you one of those sexually frustrated “alt-right” incels, José?

      The “younger generation” would be better off getting off TikTok — and reading Shakespeare instead.

    2. @David mitchell haha low blow. I love the YouTube comment section, especially since it was cleaned up by the YouTube sensors a few years ago.

      In order to develop my 3D math ABC•Geometry, I’ve had to live the life of a hermit for the better part of the last decade. YouTube is were I go to share my ideas; YouTube is where I go for social interaction.

      I hate Shakespeare, because I think his works have been a terrible influence on human kind.

      Don’t you think it’s pathetic that human beings idolize Romeo & Juliet? Sexual desire is a drug, and it’s not OK to idolize a story about two young drug addicts who kill themselves. (don’t you know most youth commit suicide over the depression caused by a failed sexual relationship?

      The human brain is genius, because it can understand how the Universe works.

      A sexual relationship does not complete us, learning how the Universe works WILL.

      The sooner Shakespeare is forgotten the better!

  1. If people are not paying attention you better start. Having an Autocratic leader(Hungary – Victor Orban) at your party’s convention – Americans that believe in a democracy better pay attention and know that VOTING in the elections are very crucial.

    1. But what if you vote. But your voice and choices are decided by people who have more money then a hole country?? Who by the ferry politicians you chose to do there bidding ? What then??

  2. Remove the money out of politics. Remove the corruption. Robin Williams said that politicians should wear the sponsorship like NASCAR drivers do. Then you know who you’re really voting for.

  3. The just released “They Want to Kill Americans” by Malcolm Nance is a really eye opening and insightful read to explain the current situation and what may lie ahead.

    1. Unfortunately this is not past tense. Presently, we are still coming close to losing everything we hold dear.

  4. Indictments, convictions and accountability is the last hope to right the ship.
    Cults often fall apart once the leadership is dismantled.
    We need to approach the problem from that angle.

    1. Believing that the problem isn’t government corruption but some kind of “cult” is why you’re getting people like Trump in the first place.

      Indicting people who criticize the government isn’t going to make people like the government.

  5. A simple working man for a mistake gets the book thrown at them but when a man has power and money the law don’t apply to them

  6. SO WHAT DO WE DO, WHEN CIVILIANS STOP RESPECTING THE LAW? 🤔🧐 these situations are getting ridiculous SMDH!!! 😒 🙄

    1. let me tell you what we do in Australia. We review the law & we talk as a community about if we support that law. If we agree as a community that the law is outdated or inappropriate, we remove it. If we find the law is being broken for good reason, we fix that problem eg homeless kids used to steal to survive, so we introduced welfare payments for them so they didn’t have to steal to survive.

      Once all that stuff’s discussed, if, overall the community decides the law is valid & we respect it, then we tell anyone who breaks it they’re being “unAustralian” & they need to knock it off. We TALK to those people, face to face & on whatever communication channels they choose to use & we all tell them it’s not ok & encourage them to rejoin our Australian community & when they do, we welcome them in with open arms & we also welcome changes they want to see to our community, so that they feel like it is THEIR community too, cause we cannot be Australian if some Aussies feel like they don’t belong. It’s not rocket science, if a country is reputable, people WANT to be a part of it & want to see themselves as belonging, they don’t want the whole community telling them they don’t belong ie “being UnAustralian” & so they will again respect our laws, cause they are THEIR laws too & we simply remind them of that & welcome them to be a part of the process to ensure all are included in our community, which means making & agreeing on what our laws are.

      I agree the situation in the US is ridiculous! The hate BOTH sides have for each other means you really don’t even have a country, or nationality anymore do you! You need to find a way to reunite & to figure out what it means to be American & what American values are!

    2. @Nancy Krawczyk Right… Consequences usually follows when Justice has its say! From what things are looking at the DOJ, it looks like justice will never have say.

  7. That was the best part of that interview, “he brings in smart people and tries to listen to them” The previous hired stupid people and played boss.

    1. @Nancy Krawczyk
      Some people believe what they want to believe. It’s simpler that way. Besides, it hurts to think.🐱

  8. Taking a breath, stepping back form the precipice is a noble ask; however extreme forces are in play that regard that as weakness and will push to the cliff edge.

  9. “Wise men recall history and use it’s lessons to fix current problems….old fools look to return to a time when they were younger good, bad and indifferent!” LET’S GROW!

  10. Those periods of instability boils down to one factor. Greed. Corporate interests playing both sides of the field for more wealth, and the inability of governments and legislatures to deal effectively with them. When you have a populace who can’t afford renting, can’t afford a home, can’t afford to feed their families or having to choose between burning or freezing to death and life-saving medications, there will exist instabilities that people like Trump and others will take advantage of. These destructive, divisive people will rise to positions of power that endanger democracy.

  11. “I like the idea that he brings in smart people and wants to hear their opinions”. Yes, what a refreshing contrast to Trump bringing in every nutjob that just told him whatever he wanted to hear.

    1. No matter Mihael’s opinions,,,,, His curiosity sets him into many very informative Conversations. It is a
      gift he has.

    2. @Me Here please there was still hours and hours of Jan 6 being broadcasted even though there were many polls(and really you can just tell by the comments on most of those videos)that people were more interested in inflation,immigration,and Biden

  12. “We don’t have that kind of leadership today.”

    I beg to differ. We have Jamie Raskin, Katie Porter, and AOC.

    1. First thing First…get the money out of politics; I also think you should add Bernie Sanders to that list.

  13. When “Defund the public library” trends on “Truth” Social, you know we’re failing as a country.

  14. I’ve never seen such division and willingness to become violent for a former president. It’s a sick cult

  15. *This is what actually happened. This video is not for children, it’s shocking* ALLTIME.ML
    Mr. Dunn – respect.

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