Historian Julian Zelizer argues that even though Sarah Palin lost her congressional race, her populist appeal is still alive in the Republican party. #CNN #news
Historian: Palin lost the battle, but won the war

Historian Julian Zelizer argues that even though Sarah Palin lost her congressional race, her populist appeal is still alive in the Republican party. #CNN #news
Palin winning a War? can’t imagine that being based on her intelligence
@D3eb22 it’s fuking exhausting
We the people
Kay Armstrong
Eduardo Brazil and his ALL CAPS
Mary lamb
Mr. hall
Major Anthony Nelson
Idiotic posts
@Harry Farber because the goddam GQP voted no ..
Just like voting no for benefits of vets dealing with medical conditions from toxic pits
The CHIPS act
Price gauging
Yup, all those bills that would benefit all and not just trump ( pass through owner ) , his real donors not the idiot send 45 dollars members ,but they sure owned the libs.
@Dorian Shades of gray bullsht , that’s the equivalent of poliscience back then .
@Eduardo Rodriguez 100% agree
@Eduardo Rodriguez in 1980 the US classified communications as a practical discipline which was associated with journalism and media studies . From this day on Communications gained recognition in schools worldwide ( Palin completed her degree in 1986)
If you had any intelligence you would realise that instead of making up crap
Thank God She Lost!!

SMH wtf ? People read the back of the bottle and we don’t want the DONNIE JUICE
it causes blindness
Look he’s not saying she’s a good person or anything, he’s saying she’s kinda patient zero of Trumpism and craziness going into mainstream politics when it was kind of limited to Faux News opinion shows. In this sense she “won”. Trumpism and the GOP falling into fascism didn’t just happen overnight. In this regard he’s 100% right.
Let not forget stupidity and total buffoonery
Lol she’s the reason McCain lost the presidency! Lmao
So happy to know this woman is out of the office.
@Randy Watson your mom needs a better parental control on her laptop , you paint huffer
Out of office?? She left office 13 years ago.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr um, two completely different political perspectives. Cheney was a rino. She was more Dem than Manchin lol
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Yea, just like LUZ Cheney.
CNN is reaching to infer that Palin is some sort of historic relevance. She’s just a footnote, McCains biggest mistake.
She’s an attempt at ratings
While I get the intent of the title of this video, it is important to balance it with another perspective. “The War” referenced here is how hate and vitriol, racism and bigotry have been unleashed by republicans and that the genie is out of the bottle. This is true. But the war is far from over, and it is inappropriate to say they have won. They haven’t. I’m an optimistic with a glass that is half full. Love, acceptance, tolerance, cooperation can and will prevail. But we aren’t there yet.
And of all people she did not win it
” Love, acceptance, tolerance, cooperation can and will prevail.” What, if the Dems win?
@Kim Hansen If Mr. Zelizer was only referencing the republican party (and not politics in general, or democracy at large for example), then you are correct, I misread his intent. My read was the war on truth, civil and compassionate politics, collaboration, country first. My post was aimed at that war.
To me, “won the war” means something that is over. So sticking to the republican party only: While I do the believe the republican party as it has been known historically is over, what currently constitutes the party has a ways to go before it is dead, if it actually dies out altogether. Eventually, moderate and centrist republicans will either rebuild the wreckage left behind by trump and his ilk, or they will form a new party (unlikely).
@Elden Ringer While I suspect we are on the same side of these issues, I would not predict a civil war with the death of millions of Americans. Of the 33% (and shrinking) of republicans who say violence and civil war is inevitable, and how use violent rhetoric, only a very small contingent would actually take active steps toward planning and implementing a violent act. And I would argue they are deranged and cut off from reality. A few hundred federal agents will full tactical gear, helicopters, satellite imagery, intel from the US military would quickly send these wannabe rambos scurrying for their holes. They would have no idea what hit them.
@DG unearthed No, if extremists and bad actors lose.
She’s won no war, she didn’t even make it off the beach….
@G Vogeaz – Seems so.
@Erik Rogers ( bone spurs) is that a common thing with ppl In your country ?
She’s nothing but a troublemaker like most of the RepubliKKKan’s that get elected office. These people have no decency but they invoke religion to take advantage of the weak-minded voter that will just cast a ballot on the basis of abortion or gun rights. These people mean the country no good and the sooner people figure this out the better.
@Erik Rogers She’s nothing but a troublemaker like most of the RepubliKKKan’s that get elected office. These people have no decency but they invoke religion to take advantage of the weak-minded voter that will just cast a ballot on the basis of abortion or gun rights. These people mean the country no good and the sooner people figure this out the better.
@Jay 4You She’s nothing but a troublemaker like most of the RepubliKKKan’s that get elected office. These people have no decency but they invoke religion to take advantage of the weak-minded voter that will just cast a ballot on the basis of abortion or gun rights. These people mean the country no good and the sooner people figure this out the better.
Absurd take on an absurd woman. Palin is a punchline.
Well he is saying that Sarah Palin gave us trump and that is pretty much true she is a punchline but she gained a cult following that made the republican party as it is today which is a party of lunatic cultists.
Lemme introduce you to Joseph Robinette Biden and that Fetterman dude
@Randy Watson one of them supposedly supports fracking. He supports fracking. lol
Astonishing, I forgot about her yrs. ago. She accomplished nothing I know of .
In this context, I would describe her more like “patient zero” in the epidemic of republicans that are infected with the trumpism mentality.
Good analogy. More like the catalyst upon how this form of GOP thinking exists.
I just commented the same thing before reading this. “patient zero” is a far better anaolgy.
@tfcooks Yes that’s true. But she was a catalyst that set that way of thinking into motion. I often wondered if McCain had not picked her as his running mate if things would have been status quo.
The most important thing is that the majority Republican voter base in Alaska saw her for what she truly is…a self-serving drama queen who would not even complete her time in office as governor.
@Sharon Massey put down my culture and go touch grass
@Jon Irwin which one? The Fetterman is a fucking cave man?
This lifetime Alaskan agrees.
@Andy Smitty agree completely.
And that is a flimsy argument, and I’ve been 100% against Sarah Palin from the beginning but it’s a pathetic cop out to criticize her for not finishing her term as Governor when that is just a normal part of politics, did Senator Obama finish his term before he ran for president? Did Senator John F kennedy? Did Governor Bill Clinton? This is why the left is as complicit as the right in the current state of political affairs, criticize your opponents where they deserve to be criticized but don’t make up imagined slights, so getting mad at her for not finishing a term as Governor is like getting mad at a Walmart associate for saying happy holidays instead of merry christmas, of all the things that she deserves criticism for and you’re going to criticize her for doing something normal that politicians do all the time, I don’t know if it is ignorant or hypocrisy but it is very embarrassing on your part
Palin and her style of politics destroyed the Republican party. Even though I am a conservative, after seeing her tactics and GW Bush’s in the primaries I could no longer vote Republican. Trump and the slew of sleazebags we now have controlling the party are just the natural conclusion to what she started. I can’t see the party recovering and I can only hope for a new conservative party to rise that will pickup the old values that while remaining conservative also were high in respectability, honesty, honor and doing what is best for the American people instead of doing anything and everything to win, legal and illegal, moral or immoral… That has become the way of the party these days.
I could not disagree more l. She is a footnote in the electoral game having been deemed a has been. In my mind a never was. You are correct though that this brand of lunacy has taken root in the GOP.
I remember being all set to vote for John Mc Cain years ago until he picked her as his V. P. . She changed my mind, she’s a fool.
I never understood her appeal. If John McCain had chosen someone else as VP candidate he might have won.
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I met Sarah Palin when she was running for governor of Alaska. She’s got the mentality and awareness of a small town high school prom queen. She’s clueless and absolutely sure she’s doing the right thing.
Her interview with Katie Curic was a very real representation of just how incompetent Sarah Palin is at even basic communication skills.
She gave a little speech and threw out the first ball at the start of my daughters little league season when Palin was governor. That’s exactly the kind of activity she’s qualified for. It was a nice little speech. It said nothing, but was inspirational to the girls on the softball team. She had a lot of people looking at her and some attention and everything was great. I think she would make a really good greeter at Walmart.
@Rick Edwards so far, the Documentary Who’s Nailin Palin? is about the most appropriate reflection of the use of her…”skills”.
Well those Republicans put themselves in that position now they take what they get
“Won the war” is a weird way to describe “started a political tone that is wildly hated by the majority of the population.”