Timothy Snyder, professor of history at Yale University and author of "On Tyranny" joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss President Trump's lies about the election contributed to the violence at the Capitol, and the damaging effect that has on democracy. Snyder says, "if we want to have a democracy into the future then we have to say we care about factuality, we care about truth we care about supporting the press, especially the local press and the courageous people who make it their calling to bring us the truth." Aired on 01/14/2021.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#TimothySnyder #Capitol #MSNBC
Historian Of Fascism Timothy Snyder Warns Of Trump's Damage To Democracy | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
republicans courted votes from white supremacists and welcomed them into the party.

And now it has taken over.
Smooth move there.
@Ro G not to mention (wait for it …) …Donald Trump is/was President!
Robert Byrd, David Duke, GEORGE Soros!?!?
@Shawn Staats George Soros!

and knowing Republicans have this history with racism/white supremacy doesn’t it make you wonder why Sen Scott, the ONLY black republican in the senate hasn’t become independent yet?
@Vanessa Ebony What are you talking about. Democrats owned the slaves. Democrats fought the civil war to keep slaves. Democrats formed the KKK. Democrats fought against the civil rights movement. Democrats have the history of being white supremacy.
*_When Trump goes, dig him up and impeach him again. Every Jan 6th._*
***Trump Finally Accepts Defeat…..https://youtu.be/s3HwvE_OO88..
Thank you Tom, my laugh for the day. Nice thought. Maybe a replica of Trump would ne netter. After all Trump is not the Chosen One. Cheers
I’d add.If he refuses to leave the White house and “Some thing “Happens, dig up his Corpse and Put him/it on trial for Sedition.
@Andra Book funny
The lie that my country fell for was ‘Deutschland über alles’. America first translates quite similar…
Don’t fall for it, my American friends. Neither we nor you were ore are the greatest country on earth.
Greetings from Germany
The Republican Party has become the party of Timothy McVeigh.
Yes. for some reason saying to much Government.
to there white racist white power hatered and take over America 
Meaning is that they can’t form the USA
Thats allot of the rhetoric you hear from them. Traitor wannabe attempted dictator trump. Is reincarnated Hitler.
good pointe.
So true
DEmocratic PArty has become the PArty of Joseph Stalin. They are tyrants. And MSNBC is not that different.Most of its reporters are communists who want a socialist police state.
@W.E. Rob Oh, brother…I pray for your mental liberation. Maybe someday you’ll see how delusional all this is. But here’s a pro tip: Democratic Party is not only not a hotbed of socialists and commies, those hate the Democratic Party and won’t have anything to do with it. But you’ll go on thinking lifetime moderate Biden is Hugo Chavez, Xi, Stalin…Mao? …and you think we’re the sheeple, when there’s not an original thought in the lot of you.
No one above the law and must abide by the law.
Should Mass Media and social media’s attack on democracy.
He was trained by the Russians. As were the 8 who went to Russia on 4th of July.
I have watched/listened to a lot of Prof. Timothy Snyder’s talks and they are chilling. He has an incredibly clear insight into what is happening in the US today.
I haven’t heard him speak before, nor read any of his work, but he is so amazingly clear and 100% correct. What an insightful and honest man. America would do well to listen carefully to what he has to say.
Trump has completely ruined it. Trump supporters don’t even care when they call us commies, it’s the SAME thing Hitler called anyone that didn’t support him!
Trump used the Facism playbook for 4 years. What Began The Rise Of Fascism In Europe? | Titans Of The 20th Century | Timeline
Putin’s apprentice has done his best to destroy the symbol of America in just four years.
His book is fantastic!!! A must read for all Americans.
It is destined to be around forever.
Very timely, I am grateful to writers and scholars. A lot of people need a better understanding of or educated if you will
“Just tell the simple truth…” LMAO, the one thing the GOP finds impossible.
“Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner. The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!”-Donald Toilet Trump
This man Timothy Snyder speaks a lot of sense. Andrea Mitchell is a good reporter. She asks intelligent questions
I’m not a historian but I saw this coming.
Duh!’ Republicans obstructed Justice. This could have been fixed years ago.
This was an act of terrorism by the Trump supporters that committed violence
Earlier big lies , Iran Contra, WMD, paved the way for Trump’s.
Exactly. This didn’t start with him, it got it’s popular start with Reagan.
DT should move to a deserted island and take his children & supporters with him