CNN's Elle Reeve revisits Carter County, Missouri, where Covid-19 is moving through towns of unvaccinated Americans.
#CNN #News
CNN's Elle Reeve revisits Carter County, Missouri, where Covid-19 is moving through towns of unvaccinated Americans.
#CNN #News
“They shafted my president.”?

Nope. Not yet we haven’t.
Hide and watch what happens next, Bubba…lol…
@Percival Googlyeyes and called Studio 54 his personal Vietnam. Tell me that attitude didn’t fit with him called the war dead “suckers and losers”.
@Walter Grace That’s what I’m sayin’.

@kelperdude No we don’t !
@B. T. You stick with sleepy Joe….You deserve him.
You assume a lot old man.
Go feed your pigeons.
All I can say is…wow….what a departure from reality
@freedom of rights could a new strain become more deadly? The vaccine effectiveness is wearing off after 6 months & is only 60% effective. Meanwhile antibodies from covid recovery make you 90-95% immune, according to a new isreali study of 700,000 people. Are you going to keep getting shots every year, or are you going to just see what happens? I hear headaches are common amongst the vaccinated….
In America fiction is better than reality.
@freedom of rights How is that a miscalculation? I even showed my work. It’s a simple formula. Can you link us to a source for this “official rate”? Because I have never heard or read any doctor citing a 0.5% mortality rate for Covid.
@mk Haha yeah that’s pretty much exactly how we seem to have handled it.
He sounds like when I’m making fun of ignorant southerners…..
this is why I hate northerners with a passion quit talking down to southerners
@Kevin Malone When you pull up to a gas station where some idiot with a Texas Twang is lighting a cigarette AS he’s pumping gas, it makes you wonder, no?
Not saying ALL southerners are dumb as a post, but the smart ones with common sense are outnumbered by idiots or have moved away for their own sake.
@Kevin Malone Justin specifically said “ignorant” southerners, not “all”. Quit jumping on the angry bandwagon. Geez.
@Kevin Malone you guys are no match for the North. Don’t even get ideas to try for a second go round with the North. Stay down South and keep your tails between your legs and accept your mistake. By the way, y’all are hated up North as well but you guys were the enemies of America.
@Powerage Scott i’m just saying it’s really annoying hearing northerners always say they’re better than us
All they gotta do is come on down to a hospital and see the covid patients. Plenty of them.
We were at the emergency room in Richmond KY and I didnt see much of anyone. Just saying
@Shawn O’Connor emergency room isnt the covid wing responsible hospitals even have covid screenings through a separate entrance.
It’s unfortunate that they are sooo stubborn and bullheaded as the one man said….. and he said that they made it political and while that may be true, each person has the choice to continue to make it political or actually listen to science and Drs!!! Being bullheaded just may lead you to that cemetery! And that would be very sad!
@freedom of rights evidence of “severe side effects”?!?! You have no point, just made up disinformation to scare people. But freedom, or should I say freedumb
@M K its not misinformation most countries disclose theirs but the USA hide the data people are suffering severe side affects
@freedom of rights can’t reason with these haters. It’s just trump this and trump that. All I know is I saw bidenus address on Afghanistan and I saw Trump. Biden put his head down when doocy asked a question and just acted like he was sleeping. You and I know who the real big dog is
They made it political? Because it sounds like he’s making it political. Mountain Dew is a hell of a drug.
@freedom of rights right, so they guy in the video would be OK with a ‘rushed vaccine’ if Trump “had” it…but not ok with taking the same rushed vaccine now? Later? Fucking hillbilly logic.
These people really can’t blame the government for this when they don’t want to listen or be reasonable.
Personal responsibility
They only listen to Fox or Newsmax. They don’t have a chance. Brainwashed by all the Cheeto followers.
Yeah i heard him say “It’s the government’s fault people aren’t getting vaccinated.” Go figure.
@Liza Field If Fox News says Biden made the virus in his kitchen they would
believe it. How did the US survive so long with so many numskulls?
@John Godley John i so agree, & feel unhappily that because of the reason you cite, we are NOT “surviving” now. 2020 may be the last time (for decades) any semblance of a serve- the- common- good statesman became President. Half of Congress already serves ALEC, Koch, Mercers, FreedomWorks, API, Monsanto, Putin, Erdogan, Saudis etc. Big global $ is an intoxicant, plus pours out this constant propaganda, microtargeted & packaged to survivalists, faith groups (“it’s all fer Jesus!”), homeschoolers, gun freaks, gamers, racists, astrology New Agers, etc. The Ralph Reeds & Grover Norquists with Koch contracts have trained us for decades to disparage & hate our own govt, to the point that Jan 6, attacking our own nation, was a good thing to many “patriots.” I’m sad & expect more of this for years. But not giving up. Hang in there!
“Why would you trust Regeneron and not the vaccine? ” that part… Smh
Regeneron has been around for years and the vaccine is still in clinical trials, pretty simple
@J J Regeneron is a company. Its treatment, REGN-COV2, was started in 2020 as part of operation Warp Speed and was granted emergency use authorization in Nov 2020.
That was even simpler.
@hirodash2112 hey simple jack where did the idea of regeneron come from? The 1918 pandemic using monoclonal antibodies to cure people. For a hundred years we’ve been doing this
@J J . Regeneron is as new as most current vaccines. And Pfizer HAS been approved by the FDA.
How does it feel to be so wrong all the time?
@BandeNere monoclonal antibody treatment has been around for 100 years, literally, fda has approved many products that have killed people
Man, watching this reminds me why my 2 years at LSU sucked. Being around stupid makes you stupid, just glad I was able to get away. Don’t get me wrong, they are not bad folks, just not the sharpest tools in the shed.
@Mikey Vaccinated are mind children,
Mind children are easily led — and easily misled.
I love that all this idiots don’t take the shot and don’t wear masks.
It’s like a problem that you have just vanish. So beautiful.
@Jake Dank what about science do you not like?
@John Salazar totally agree.
I agree with John Salazar! I’ve been there once and I encountered as many African Americans as white people. Most of the whites were hostile for Midwest accent and confessing I was from MN.
Generally foolish reasons but at least one guy made an astute observation: “It’s kinda hard to get people to do something they don’t understand.” That’s not a good reason, but it’s easy to understand the emotion.
@T Free
Hey T! I’m an *Essential.* received my two jabs before you in early January 21. I had Covid August of 20. I can tell you that unless you’re an *Essential,* you haven’t a clue of what you’re talking about.
@newf newf
Diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of ideas.
@Harold Moore I’m not lying check cdc official website over 7000 severe reactions but its underreported I know for a fact
I even share posts about peoples experiences after getting the jab..cnn will never show is these side effects. untill its happened to your family you’ll agree to whatever they post
@freedom of rights I just checked. And you are still lying.
This doesn’t surprise me a bit. I lived in that area many years ago. The video speaks for itself. Plain stubbornness for the one guy. Ignorance. Pure ignorance.
@Ralph Sims I’m not saying it is but it’s the best we have right now, in my opinion. I’m just saying that it’s quite possible that the woman whose death was mentioned in the video would most likely still be alive right now IF she had taken the vaccination that was clearly available to her, BUT because she, and her husband chose to ignore the information that was readily available to her, she did not. She is dead now. It’s very possible her death could have been avoided if she had only taken the shot. Because she didn’t, she’s now a become a statistic. I don’t have the answers. I sure wish I did. All I do know is right now the odds are in your favor if you do take the vaccination that is free to everyone. I haven’t seen anything at all that should discourage someone from taking a shot if it means the difference between life and death.
@Susie Barnett so if you’re vaccinated and both vaccinated and unvaccinated spread it…….then why does it matter if some people choose not to vaccinate? Am I missing something?
@Ralph Sims I ask myself the same question. I explain this to people over and over, but it’s like they’re so brainwashed to be pro-vaccine and anti-choice, that they don’t even care.
@Harold Moore are you Biden supporter aka Nazi cultists? You want to controlling us can’t or can. GFY
@Ralph Sims yep they are very stupid and uneducated Nazi cultists. They don’t understand what No mean
“I believe a bunch of nonsense, couldn’t tell you exactly why, and I’m a bullheaded sumbeach”. Welcome to Trumpland
@Jake Dank you sound like the Q is strong with you….
@Ash can’t get in hell, its full of conservatives…..
@G.B. Miller No I’m not a big star trek fan, the force is strong with me.
We both know that ain’t the Q I’m referring to captain piccard.
@Jerri Hangman – So name a lie they told.
“they gonna interview you” “OH NO THEY AINT” I know yall laughed

OMG welcome to MAGAland
FFS, do these people not think that maybe, just maybe, “the good Lord” made vaccines possible to save their lives?
@Stuckinnazicalifornia talk about close minded. Sigh.
Do the same thing I have been doing for years for flu. Take the latest shot.
Yes, we all know the vaccines lose efficacy. I have known that for years for the flu virus.
The virus keeps mutating, they keep changing up the shot. For flu and covid
I cant tell if you anti vaxxers are joking .
@Stuckinnazicalifornia oh, no. You will lose resistance to covid also . That’s why it keeps mutating. You can get reinfected.
They change up the vaccine for flu also each year. Same for covid.
All this drama over nothing.
@Stuckinnazicalifornia immunity to covid wears off whether you have natural immunity or vaccine induced immunity.
And even if you had covid, which I doubt, you might have had a light dose and weak immunity.
Get vaccinated, it only boosts your immunity each time you are exposed. That’s the way it works.
Always omitted scientist, doctors and scholars.
Elle Reeve is a great journalist. Her sincerity, compassion, and
You mean a good story teller. There’s a difference.
@Momo_9k You people are so naive.
@C0rn D0g Don’t be daft, dear.
@Real American Tell me, oh, enlightened one, what credentials, qualifications, and first hand experiences do you have to argue otherwise?
@C0rn D0g you people are so ignorant.
See, I can do it too.
Ellie & Donnie’s pieces are always my absolute favorite!! Never disappoint! Go straight to the people, making it the most interesting news you can watch IMO.
Glad Brian got the vaccine. He must really love his wife.
That’s his Doctor issue not unvaccinated people?
You idiots are insane.
Thanks Brian, for your honesty & for the support it gives the rest of the community.
Gotta be a lovely lady, a strong one too in order to get that hulk to submit.
Brian is weak .. Id just dump the wife and move on .. Im never taking that poison and no one can make me take it and im glad it pisses people off
Elle Reeve is an amazing reporter, the way she talked to these folks is something else. Didn’t change too many minds but her approach didn’t upset anyone either which is a very positive way to tell a story
maybe someone should push these idiots a little….learning through knowledge and logic ain’t working with them…
@Raymond Clouston her job isn’t to convince the people, it’s to seek to understand them and report on them. Also, I have a lot of people in my own family that are like these people. And they are LESS likely to do something if you push them. Her style might actually be more convincing than if she were pushy, believe it or not.
@snoski I think everyone has been mollycoddled enough…time for everyone to start acting like adults…
You people are so naive.
@Raymond Clouston “learning through knowledge and logic ain’t working with them…”
“We have persuaded them to accept as fact the dictates of scientific theory. It is with this object in view that we constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the masses will puff themselves up with their knowledge without any logical verification of it, put into effect all the information available from science, which our agents have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.”
-Behold a Pale Horse (by William Cooper) – Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion – Protocol #2
“People act like “covid” is a big joke…”
Hey, you’re the one who started it
Fauci started it. Duper’s delight.
@Ariel Sea Fauci is a part of ‘them’. He’s merely a puppet like they all are. The true ‘controllers’ remain hidden in the shadows.
If I was president I would say, “Everyone who is afraid of vaccine, is gay”
%99 vaccination rate I guarantee
Which is why you won’t be President.
“I ain’t takin’ no shot!” Also… “Well, I was in the hah-spittle and on everything they got!”
The irony.
Xian kills another. Thx Xi and Kung-Flu.