Himalayan glaciers could be almost gone in 15 years: researchers

Those glaciers provide fresh water to millions of people.

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Himalayan glaciers could be almost gone in 15 years: researchers


    1. 100% of the climate models have been wrong. There is not one model that accurately predicted the temperature change

    2. @John MacLeod It’s simple really.. You can’t measure an experiment (earth/climate change) while you’re actively a part of it. And, we can’t recreate this glorious planet in a model because we will never know how… _”TrUsT tHE ScIeNcE”_ is whack when all the scientists are fed from the same trough.

  1. Just like the one in glacier national park was supposed to have been gone 2 years ago but it’s still there. By the way, glaciers come and go, you should have seen the one over michigan during the last ice age! 🙂

  2. This makes me happy. I can’t wait to see the Tony Heller video where he makes fun of this latest nonsense from the climate alarmists.

  3. Weren’t they all supposed to gone 20 years ago? Been hearin this since I was a kid. Guess what, the world changes…. just not according to your schedule.

  4. Well, of course. The poles are shifting at rates we’ve never seen. The ice shelf is expanding in areas that barely had permafrost.

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