Hillary Clinton: Ukraine ‘The Canary In The Coal Mine’ On Trump Schemes | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about why it's in the national interests of the United States to support Ukraine against Vladimir Putin's aggression and why Trump's Ukraine scandal is just one piece of a bigger picture of what Trump and his allies have been up to. Aired on 10/02/19.
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Hillary Clinton: Ukraine 'The Canary In The Coal Mine' On Trump Schemes | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @Zerus Duke I’m an American and agree with you and Otto 100% …America’s malignant narcissism and lazy excuses for why it everyone’s else’s fault is exactly why we have someone like Trump for our President.

    2. Someone should gather all these american excuses into a book and just feed it back to them. Can’t wait for the day when putin bombs america so i can tell them what they like to tell the world:
      “Oh but there were lots of russians that didn’t support bombing Americans,” ergo nothing is to be done about russians bombing america, because saying there was lots of people against it automatically absolves them from all responsibility.

    3. @Janet Crawford exactly! Kim should drop a few on america too. I hope americans love their excuses as much as i do cause it’ll be fun to watch someone bomb them over five decades while feeding them the same bs they’re trying to feed the world all these years.

    4. Funniest part is they think their: “it’s them, not me” blame game does anything but highlight the fact that they’re worst than Kim, Putin and Xi. I mean think about it… those 3 dictators are a single person. At least Russian and north Korean nationals can say they can’t do anything because they live in a dictatorship. What’s americans excuse? Oh thats right, in america it’s the millions of murder for profit americans that enabled this for as many decades as it did. Disgusting people.

    1. kare more, how much do you want? Clinton Foundation, pay for play. Uranium one. Benghazi, selling weapons to Syria. Private server, destroying government property. Haiti. The Steele Dossier. Bill Clinton scandals way back to the 70’s Arkansas. 2016 elections etc etc

    2. Denise Kulawik, its clear you don’t know. Let me enlighten you a bit, she refused to send more guards to ambassador Stevens, although he begged for it for months, blamed the attack on a ‘video’, although she knew it was an organised terrorist attack, just a week after the attack a ship full of weapons left Benghazi for Syria…

    3. @rob2508 — Anyone who wants to be taken seriously about anything political, wouldn’t mention any of these things, but especially not Uranium One. All it does is make you look like a crackpot. No wonder you don’t put your real name to your comments. What do you do, Rob? Spend all day in your mother’s basement reading Breitbart? Go outside, get some fresh air and exercise, and get some therapy for that malignant narcissism that plagues you and maybe, just maybe some nice girl will find you attractive. Otherwise, you’ll be lonely your whole life, you sad little incel.

    1. Trump is, as always, drunk on false ego and entitlement, consumed with conceit and greed. Those who work for him sell themselves out, along with our People, nation and the greater good of the world-which they have no right, call or reason to do.

    2. False dilemma. The latter, sure, but an entire book could, can and will be written about Trump’s psychopathology and the psychopathology of his followers. Many of them will be written. Not sure it’ll help. Trump is symptomatic of all that ails the United States. Pretty sure this’ll get worse before it gets better.

  1. She speaks in paragraphs, Average american thinks and speaks in sentences maximum. Trump cannot even create sentences. She was too smart. God, and not the Christian God, please help us.

    1. @Progressive Humanist oh wow she can remember her notes, she must be some kind of super smart mega brain. Nobody of average intelligence could do that… what?

    2. @My Name Well the stable genius can’t remember his, so i guess that does make Hillary a super smart mega brain! LOL

    3. @Coma White who mentioned trump? oh that’s right, you did. Stop with the partisan nonsense, it’s pathetic.

    1. @eurekajim #VoteBlue2020 Really, who? Which ally has stop supporting the USA? Would it be all the allies who have taken advantage of our former willingness to support policies that are detrimental to the best interest of citizens? By supporting China’s entrance into the WTO has been a US-funded economic disaster for entire economic sectors in many developed countries. I’m sure a number of foreign leaders don’t like President Trump but does that matter? Are his polices hurting our allies? If so who and how? Spouting bumper stickers isn’t very convincing. I’m sure the people in Hati, Syria, and Lebon are happy HRC wasn’t elected after the damage she caused as Secretary of State. Odd isn’t it how her personal wealth grew so much during her tenure.

    2. @D Kahn “You ramble, but just do it to satisfy yourself emotionally, without facts.” WTF!! You just did exactly that when you said this “If Clinton were Prez we would be at more war than ever right now” That’s not a fact, it’s a projected opinion!
      You Trumpists are all the same, simple, inacurate and down right hypocriticle!

  2. Funny how Donald and Republicans in both the House & Senate who assumed Hillary would win were talking about investigating and impeaching her before the election even took place, and now they think investigating and impeaching a sitting President is an act of treason.

    1. @Just a bystander if I watch too much Fox News than what am I doing under a MSNBC video comment list SMH… it means I watch all news channels..ALL

    2. Dre Day then why is it that most tv stations are saying the same thing but you keep denying there’s something is wrong? or is it that when they come to the truth you switch channels?

    3. @Just a bystander yeah and how many times does these fake news channels have to retract information that they put out… they were wrong about the jussie Smollett incident they were wrong about the Catholic kids issue they were wrong about the Russian oligarchs they were wrong about the Russian collusion they were wrong about Justice Kavanaugh…wrong wrong wrong…. it’s because they are corrupt and working with Democrats

    1. imagine if Hillary didn’t abstruct justice, by smashing her devises ,and we got to see her e mails she would be in prison

  3. Trump waited for one day after the Mueller report to do it again. This is what happens if you give crooks impunity.

    1. shankoff1 : We ALL think he colluded with Russia. Even Trump Trolls think that, even if they won’t admit it

    2. For the evangelical hypocrites who listened to the devil: As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. 😏

  4. Look at the smile on Hillary’s face, and how she laughs and seems so content and at ease.
    Then look at Trump’s reddened face, pinched with worry, panic, and rage , as his corruption and crimes begin to weigh heavy on his weakening shoulders.
    Makes you wonder just who did lose in 2016.

    1. @D Kahn — If you’re so satisfied, then I think you should be able to put your real name to your commentary. What’s your real name, D. Kahn?

  5. Can’t wait till his transcripts with Putin are revealed, just imagine the stuff he’s done that we don’t know about yet.

    1. @Tammy Williams you really think nobody was listening to his calls with Putin? Trump may not be working for America but intelligence agencies are. Just give it time.


    3. @Arthur Schnapka Sure, just give it time. Maybe in 5 more years after his second term is over you guys might finally dig up something worthy of impeachment. Lol

  6. Remember when Hillary subjected herself to 11 hours of questioning from Mike Pompeo and Congress over Bengazi. But when Congress asks Pompeo to do the same he says no and accuses them of ‘bullying’.

    1. @Candice Martin Hillary and amazing should not be in the same sentence. You’re as dumb as a trump fan

    2. @Candice Martinalso you never watch all 11 hours. Bet you didn’t watch more than a news clip. Pathetic

    3. Remember Hillary laughing about Benghazi, during that 11 hrs? Remember how corrupt, and horrible the Clinton family is?

    4. @WW You imbeciles hate truth as much as you hate punctuation, grammar and literacy. Even the citizens you try most to marginalize and denigrate can communicate more effectively than you.

  7. This phone call also lets us know that HE himself is fully aware that he can’t win it for himself & he’s desperate to win this time bc if & when he loses….dire consequences await him. He needs all the help he can get..he knows he can’t win fair & square.

    1. Listen, Exion, I’m a huge Hillary Clinton fan. I think it was a travesty that she wasn’t elected President. But to imagine that Trump “is going down” is to set yourself up for a big let down. Historically, impeachment has never resulted in a President being removed from office. I think it’s important that they conduct the impeachment inquiry. I also hope and expect that it will result in a House vote to impeach Trump. But a lot would have to come to light for Moscow Mitch and the Senate to turn its back on Trump. Hope for the best, sure. But plan for the worst. And the worst is that nothing happens. More than that, the worst is that Trump is able to use the process as proof of “exoneration” for purposes of the 2020 election. There are real risks here for the Democrats. That said, I’m proud of them for putting principle above electoral interests. This impeachment investigation HAS to be done.

  8. Nice seeing a true patriot. She wasn’t fooled and DID warn ALL of us about trump. Too many were fooled by fascist lies and rhetoric. SAD AND DISTURBING!!!

    1. no that shold have been Bernie. She’s done enough damage and should keep out of it. Trump will love her getting involved. Dems have to wise up.

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